Fixation of Pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR-15(a): Agenda Item 47th NC(JCM) Meeting
[Part of the Minutes of the 47th Meeting of National Council (JCM) held on 13th April, 2019 issued by DoPT vide OM No. 3/1/2019-JCA dated 13.06.2019]
6.4 DoPT
6.4.8 Item No. 15/19/NC-47 โ Fixation of Pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR-15(a).
Staff Side stated that DoPT, vide F No.16/6/2001-Estt.Pay- l dated, 14.02.2006, have issued instructions about the protection of pay to those employees who have been appointed/ transferred to the lower posts at their own request under FR-15(a) . However, DoPT in supersession of this clarification, have issued a revised OM F No. 13/9/2009-Estt.(Pay-1) dated 21/10/2009, which has taken away the benefit of pay protection up to the maximum of the pay scale of the lower post. This has put the employees to undue hardship. It is demanded that the pay of au employee (pay in the pay baud + GP) may be protected on reversion to a lower post so as to avoid undue financial hardship.
Staff Side pointed out that the grade pay system has not introduced any new concept in so far as the determination of the levels in which the officials were functioning. Earlier it was the time scale of pay and after 6th CPC it was grade pay. The pay protection was available earlier and it has been withdrawn without any reasons. Earlier also, the employees were seeking reversion voluntarily and they were protected of their pay. As the 7th CPC has abolished the grade pay system, the Government must revert to its earlier order and withdraw the one cited in the agenda.
Reply of the Official Side:
The proposal may not be accepted as the post is identified on the basis of grade pay attached to it and the Govermnent Servant himself opts for appointment on such a post, of his own volition.
This item may be treated as closed.
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Item No. 19/19/NC-47 โ LTC for Dependent parents to visit their son at his duty station and to go back to native place.
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