
Extension of constant attendant allowance to totally visually handicapped pensioners: Agenda Item 47th NC(JCM) Meeting

Extension of constant attendant allowance to totally visually handicapped pensioners who retired under CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972: Agenda Item 47th NC(JCM) Meeting

[Part of the Minutes of the 47th Meeting of National Council (JCM) held on 13th April, 2019 issued by DoPT vide OM No. 3/1/2019-JCA dated 13.06.2019]
6.5 D/o Pension & Pensioners Welfare & D/o Financial Services:

6.5.3 Item No. 24/19/NC-47-Extension of constant attendant allowance to totally visually handicapped pensioners who retired under CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972. 

Staff Side stated that government have extended Constant Attendant Allowance at the rate of Rs.3000 pm. to disabled pensioners in addition to disability pension, thus recognizing that such pensioners in their old age will have to engage someone as their constant attendant. Such pensioners (i.e. those who are visually impaired or with impaired legs or with children with special needs, of a pensioner entitled for family pension) may also be extended Constant Attendant Allowance with increase of 25% every time the DA goes up by 50%.

Reply of the Official Side :

The benefits of Constant Attendant Allowance to handicapped pensioners (i.e. those who were visually handicapped or with impaired legs) and mentally handicapped children of a pensioner entitled for a family pension is not agreed to. Therefore, the demand of the Staff Side has been turned down.

This item may be treated as closed.

Previous Agenda Item of 47th NC(JCM) Meeting
Item No. 21/19/NC-47 โ€“ Eligibility of Unmarried/ divorced/ widowed and dependent real sister of Govt. servant/pensioners for Family Pension.
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