Benefit of one increment under proviso to rule 10 CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 on stagnation: Agenda Item 47th NC(JCM) Meeting
[Part of the Minutes of the 47th Meeting of National Council (JCM) held on 13th April, 2019 issued by DoPT vide OM No. 3/1/2019-JCA dated 13.06.2019]
6.3 D/o Expenditure, M/o Finance
6.3.5 Item No.3/19/NC-47 โ Benefit of proviso to rule 10 CCS(RP) Rules, 2008
Staff Side stated that benefit of Proviso to Rule 10 CCS (RP) Rules, 2008, to those who complete 1 year service at maximum has been sought. It has been stated that there are cases when employees drawing maximum of their Pay Scale complete one year after 01.01.2006 are denied the benefit of next increment in the revised pay structure. The pay may be fixed in the revised pay scale with effect from 01.01.2006 and one increment may be granted on 01.01.2006, and the next increment on 01.07.2006.
Reply of the Official Side:
As per Rule 10 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008, in the 6th CPC regime, a uniform date of arnnual increment, viz 1st July of every year has been introduced, under which employees completing six months and above in the revised pay structure as on 1st July would be eligible for increment on 01.07.2006. OM dated 4.7.2014 has also stipulated that the increment on 01.01.2006 shall also be allowed to those who had reached the maximum of the applicable preยญ revised pay scale more than one year before 01.01.2006, and were in receipt of stagnation increment(s), provided the revised pay was fixed on 01.01.2006.
Therefore, the proposal/demand is not in consonance with the 1st Proviso to Rule 10 and the benefit of increment on 01.01.2006 cannot be given in these cases.
This item may be treated as closed.
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Item No. 11/19/NC-47 โ Insisting on non-availability certificate from the Estate officer.
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