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Clarification on Date of next increment in 7th CPC- Rule 10 of Army/Air Force Pay Rules, Navy Pay Regulations and Rule 9 of Non-combatant of AF Rules

Clarification on Date of next increment in 7th CPC- Rule 10 of Army/Air Force Pay Rules, Navy Pay Regulations and Rule 9 of Non-combatant of AF Rules

No.PC-1(20)/2017-D(Pay/Services) Part-II
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Sena Bhawarn, New Delhi
dated the 11th March, 2019

Subject: Date of next increment- Rule 10 of Army Officers and Air Force Officers Pay Rules, 2017; Regulation 10 of Navy Officers Pay Regulations, 2017; Rule 10 of Army, Air Force and Military Nursing Service Pay Rules, 2017; Regulation 10 of Navy Pay Regulations, 2017 and Rule 9 of the Non- Combatants (Enrolled) of Air Force Rules, 2017- regarding.

The undersigned is directed to invite attention to Rule 10 of Army Officers and Air Force Officers Pay Rules, 2017; Regulation 10 of Navy Officers Pay Regulations, 2017; Rule 10 of Army, Air Force and Military Nursing Service Pay Rules, 2017; Regulation 10 of Navy Pay Regulations, 2017 and Rule 9 of the Non-Combatants (Enrolled) of Air Force Rules, 2017 which provides, inter alia, that there shall be two dates for increment namely 1st January and 1st July of every year, instead of the provision of one date of increment on the 1st July during the 6th Pay Commission pay structure. The Rule/Regulation further provides that an employee shall be entitled to only one annual increment either on 1st January or 1st July depending on the date of appointment, promotion or grant of financial upradation. The Sub-Rule/Regulation (2) thereof provides that increment in respect of an employee appointed or promoted or granted financial upgradation including upgradation under MACP during the period between the 2nd day of January and 1st day of July (both inclusive) shall be granted on 1st day of  January and the increment in respect of an employee appointed or promoted or granted financial upgradation including upgradation under MACP during the period between 2nd day of July and 1st day of January (both inclusive) shall be granted on 1st day of July.
2. The proviso to Sub-Rule/Regulation (2) of Rule 10 of Army Officers and Air Force Officers Pay Rules, 2017; Regulation 10 of Navy Officers Pay Regulations, 2017; Rule 10 of Army, Air Force and Military Nursing Service Pay Rules, 2017; Regulation 10 of Navy Pay Regulations, 2017 and Rule 9 of the Non-Combatants (Enrolled) of Air Force Rules, 2017, provides that the next increment after drawal of increment on 1st day of July 2016 shall accrue as on 1st day of July 2017.
3. During the regime of pay structure immediately prior to 01/01/2016, when the annual increment was admissible uniformly on 1st July every year; the increment was admissible on July, provided the condition of 6 months service was fulfilled. Thereafter, the next increment used to be given after a period of 12 months.
4. Accordingly, keeping in view the principle followed during the period before 1.1.2016 immediately prior to coming into force of the Army Officers and Air Force Officers Pay Rules, 2017; Navy Officers pay Regulations, 2017; Army, Air Force and Military Nursing Service pay Rules, 2017; Navy pay Regulations, 2017 and Non-Combatants (Enrolled) of Air Force Rules, 2017, which has been modified in the revised pay structure in โ€˜terms of Rule/Regulation 10 of the Army Officers and Air Force Officers Pay Rules, 2017; Navy Officers Pay Regulations, 2017; Army, Air Force and Military Nursing Service Pay Rules, 2017; Navy Pay Regulations, 2017 and Rule 9 of the Non- Combatants (Enrolled) of Air Force Rules, 2017 by way of 2 dates of increment on 1st January and 1st July, it is clarified that in case an employee is promoted or granted financial upgradation including upgradation under the MACP scheme on January or 1st July, where the pay is fixed in the Level applicable to the post on which promotion is made in accordance with the Rule/Regulation 12 of the Army Officers and Air Force Officers pay Rules, 2017; Navy Officers pay Regulations, 2017; Army, Air Force and Military Nursing Service pay Rules, 2017; Navy pay Regulations, 2017 and Rule 11 of the Non-Combatants (Enrolled) of Air Force Rules, 2017 the first increment in the Level applicable to the post on which promotion is made shall accrue on the following 1st July Or January, as the case may be, provided a period of 6th months qualifying service is strictly fulfilled. The next increment thereafter shall, however, accrue only after completion of one year.

5. This issues with the concurrence of Defence (Finance) vide its ID No.1(3)/2018/P-III/AG-291/PA dated 28.02.2019.
(Arun Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
1. The Chief of Army Staff
2. The Chief of Naval Staff
3.The Chief of Air Staff
Source: Click here to View Order