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Department of Posts Multi Tasking Staff Recruitment Rules, 2018: Clarification

Department of Posts Multi Tasking Staff Recruitment Rules, 2018: Clarification
F.No. 02-01/2018-SPB-I
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts
February 7th 2019
1) All Chief Postmasters General/ Postmasters General
2) Chief General Manager, BD Directorate/ Parcel Directorate/ PLI Directorate
3) Director, RAKNPA / GM, CEPT / Directors of all PTCs
4) Addl. Director General, Army Postal Service, New Delhi
5) All General Managers (Finance) / Directors Postal Accounts DDAP 

Subject:- Clarification on Multi Tasking Staff, Recruitment Rules, 2018.

Madam I Sir,
I am directed to refer to Department of Posts (Multi Tasking Staff) Recruitment Rules (RRs), 2018 notified on 16.08.2018 which superseded the Recruitment Rules notified in 2015. In this regard, a few Circles have sought clarification on certain points, which are clarified as under:-
Sl. No.
Circle / Issue
1. Gujarat: The percentage of 
quota for method of  recruitment for Posts of Administrative
offices in not mentioned in the MTS RRs 2018.
When there is more than one mode of
recruitment or more than one source of feeder cadre, percentage of
vacancy to be filled by each mode / source is specified. Since, no
percentage has been fixed in the 2018 RRs of MTS of Administrative
Offices, entire vacancy will have to be filled up in the manner provided
under Column-10 of the relevant Schedule, i.e. First by appointment of
Casual Laborers the order specified therein, failing which from GDS
through Competitive Examination, failing which direct recruitment from
open market
2. Karnataka:- Whether GDS should
satisfy all the educational and other qualifications (schedule 7 RR,
2018) prescribed for Direct Recruitment .
3. Punjab:- Few units like MMS
does not have GDS cadre in their establishment and the first component
for filling up of 50% posts on the. basis of seniority-cum-fitness basis
from the GDS of recruiting unit will not be possible in these units.

Whether the posts of MTS can be filled up through LDCE component in
respect of units/divisions where GDS candidates are not available or
less in number as compared to MTS and whether GDS of other units may be
considered against these vacancies.

As per column 10 of Part II-(Posts of
Subordinate Office) of Multi Tasking Staff, Recruitment Rules, 2018, 50%
of the vacancy ls to be filled up by direct recruitment on the basis of
seniority-cum-fitness from GDS. If sufficient eligible candidates are
not available (including non-availability of candidate as mentioned by
Punjab Circle), unfilled vacancies shall be added to the number of
vacancies to be filled in by second method i.e. the number of vacancy
calculated as per the provision at (ii), viz. 25% by direct recruitment
of GDS on the basis of competitive examination m the manner provided
4. Karnataka:- Circulate revised
pattern and syllabus.
The issue is under consideration by a
Committee. Further communication will be sent to Circles in due course.
5. Telangana:- The GDS candidates
selected for APS through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination
but temporarily deployed in civil post offices whether their deployment
should be cancelled and reverted back to GDS cadre or What further
course of action to be taken in respect of these candidates?
In this context, clarification issued
vide  letter No. No. 14-07/2017-SPN-I dated 31.01.2019 may be
6. Telangana:- Whether leftover
vacancies of the year 2016-17 can be offered to GDS surplus qualified
candidates as per the provisions of new recruitment rules?
O.M No. AB.14017/13/2013
Estt.(RR)(1349) of Department of
Personnel & Training (DOPT) states as under:-

โ€œThe legal position is that the posts are to be fi lled up as per the
eligibility conditions prescribed in the Recruitment Rules in force at
the time of occurrence of vacancies unless the Recruitment Rules are
amended retrospectively. The practice has however been to give eff ect
to the Recruitment Rules prospectivelyโ€

Further, clarification has already been issued vide letter number
37-10/2002-SPB-I dt. 14.11.2002 which states as follows-
โ€œAccording to cannons of law, the recruitment rules in force at the
time of occurrence of vacancies, whatsoever be the date of notification,
should be followed.โ€

Subsequently, after notification of RRs of MTS m Subordinate Offices
on 28.06.2012, it was clarified vide letter number 45-2/2011-SPB-I dated
18.10.2012 that vacancies pertaining to the years 2009, 2010 and 2011
were to be filled up as per the pre-amended RRs. The vacancies for the
years 2012 onwards were required to be filled up as per the amended RRs.

Accordingly , vacancies upto the vacancy year 2017 (April 2017-March
2018) are required to be filled up as per the MTS, Recruitment Rules,
2015, and vacancies occurring in 2018 vacancy year (April-December 2018)
and thereafter are required to be filled up as per Recruitment Rules of
2018 notified on 16.08.2018.

7. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Haryana:-
Whether a common of examination may be conducted for filling the MTS
vacancies of both Administrative and Subordinate offices by calling
options from the candidates.

If a common examination is to be conducted to fill up the posts of
Subordinate offices and Administrative offices:

(i) Who will issue the roll number to the candidates as the candidates
will apply for vacancies in both the units

(ii) while preparing the result, whether a common merit list will be
prepared or two separate lists will be prepared for selection;

(iii) if a separate merit list has to be prepared, detailed procedure
may be intimated;

(iv) if a common merit list is prepared, who will be given the first
preference for selection as MTS m Administrative offices;

(v) whether we have to obtain preferences from the candidates at the
time of applying for the post

(vi) whether the post of administrative offices would be filled up from
surplus qualified candidates.

 A common examination may be held
across the Circle for filling up of vacancies both Administrative and
Subordinate offices.

Issue of Roll Number
a. Circle shall issue two digit numerical  code for each recruiting
division (10 for Administrative Office. For other Divisions, from 11
onwards alphabetical order)

b.Circle shall issue single digit numerical code starting from 1for each
category of vertical vacancy. Similarly single digit numerical code for
each category of horizontal vacancy shall be issued.

c. Candidates shall submit their application to appear in Examination in
their respective Unit where they are working. Roll Number to candidates
shall be issued by the Recruiting Division in the following manner:-

Recruiting Division Code; followed by
Category code for vertical vacancy; followed by
Category code for horizontal vacancy; followed by
Three digit roll number starting from 001.

Seeking Option of Candidate

a. At the time of inviting application for appearing in examination,
candidates may be asked to exercise order of preference of Recruiting
Units (All Divisions / Administrative Office).

b. There shall be two sets of preference to be exercised by a candidate.

c. In the 1st set of preference , the candidate shall indicate the order
of preference for โ€˜Parent Divisionโ€™, i.e. the recruiting unit to which a
candidate belongs, and Administrative Office in the manner the Candidate
decides. If a candidate does not want to be considered for either of
these two recruiting units or both these recruiting units, he/she shall
write โ€˜not to be consideredโ€™.

d. In the 2nd set of preference, rest of the Recruiting Divisions (other
than Parent Division and Administrative Office) shall be arranged in the
order of preference the candidate decides.

e. It should be clarified that candidates should exercise preference for
all Recruiting Units for consideration. In case preference is exercised
for a limited number of units and could not be allocated to one of those
limited units as per merit vis a vis vacancy in the category he/she
belongs to, he/she will not be considered for other recruiting units not
preferred even though a candidate lower in rank to him/her is considered
who has opted for that unit.

f. Order of Preference once exercised shall not be changed

Preparation of Merit List and allocation of Division

a. There shall be single Merit List for the entire Circle.

b. Qualified candidates shall be allocated to their respctive parent
recruiting unit or Administrative offices in the order of merit vis a
vis preference exercised in first set of preferences and category in
which selected vis a vis availability of vacancy in the respective
category (for the purpose of vertical I horizontal reservation).

c. A reserve category candidate selected against an unreserved vacancy
on own merit shall have choice to migrate to reserve category if by
doing so he/she can be allocated to a Unit, which is higher m the order
of preference exercised by him/her. Therefore, an undertaking to this
effect shall be included m the application for appearing in examination.

d. After allocation of candidates as per preference for Administrative
Office and Parent Unit (s), remaining candidates in the order of merit
shall b allocated to other recruiting division(s) where there are
unfilled vacancies in respective category. Provisions of (c) above shall
also apply in this case.

Publication of Results
Results shall be published in three Parts โ€“

(i) Part-I showing the list of candidates in order of merit who have
been allocated to Administrative Office, (ii) Part-II showing the list
of candidates, Recruiting Division wise, in order of merit who have been
allocated to Parent Division, and (iii) Part-III showing the list of
surplus qualified candidates who were not allocated to Parent Division
or Administrative Office and allocated to other Recruiting
Units/Divisions based on merit.

2. The above clarifications may be brought to the notice of all concerned and action taken to conduct DPC/Examination for promotion/appointment to the cadre of MTS at the earliest.

Yours faithfully,
(Muthuraaman C)
Assistant Director General (SPN)