Railway Recruitment: Minimum Education Qualification for Junior Engineer (Level 6) & Sr.Section Engineer (Level 7)
No. E (NG) II/2001/RR-1/6.
RBE No. 7/2019
New Delhi, Dated 10.01.2019
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
Chairmen/Railway Recruitment Boards.
Sub: Educational qualification for recruitment to Group โCโ posts in S&T Departments on the Railways.
Attention is invited to this office letter of even number dated 07/03/2016(RBE No.25/2016) prescribing minimum educational qualification for open market recruitment to the posts of Junior Engineer and. Senior Section Engineer in S&T Department on the Railways.
2. Pursuant to reference received from one of the field units, review of the same has been undertaken in consultation with Signal & Telecommunication Directorates of this Ministry and it has been decided in the Board that henceforth minimum qualification for Direct Recruitment to post of JE/SSE stand modified as under:-
Junior Engineer (Signal), Junior Engineer (Tele.), Junior Engineer, (Drawing, Design & Estimation) |
Level โ 6 | Three years Diploma in (a) Electrical/Electronics/Information Technology/ Communication Engineering/Computer Science & Engineering/Computer Science/ Computer Engineering
(b) a combination of any sub stream of basic streams of Electrical/Electronics/Information Technology/Communication Engineering/Computer Science & Engineering/Computer Science/ Computer Engineering from a recognized University/Institute. |
Sr. Section Engineer (Signal) Sr. Section Engineer (Tele) Sr. section Engineer (Drawing, Design & Estimation) |
Level -7 | Four years Bachelorโs Degree in (a) Electrical/ Electronics/ Information Technology/ Communication Engineering/ Computer Science & Engineering/ Computer Science/ Computer Engineering or M.Sc. Electronics
(b) a combination of any sub stream of,basic streams of Electrical/Electronics/ |
3. These instructions will be effective from the date of issue recruitment notification published under Centralized Employment 03/2018 issued by Railway Recruitment Boards.
4. As regards Direct Recruitment to the post read in conjunction with this office letter 25.10.2018, circulated under RBE No. 166/2018.
5. Please acknowledge receipt.
((This disposes of RRB Secunderabad letter No. RRB/SC/JE/CEN/2018/).
Jt. Dirbctor Estt [N)-II
Railway Board.
No. E(NG)II/200l/RR-1 /6
New Delhi. Dated: 10.01.2019
Source: NFIR Click Here for Signed Copy