Cost of Laptop and cost of repair/maintenance can be claimed together โ Simplification of procedure: Railway Board Order
No.2018/Transf. Cell/Mech/Misc |
Dated : 02 -01-2019 |
The General Managers
All Indian Railways, CORE & Production Units
Director General
RDSO, Lucknow, NAIR, Vadodara
Directors, All Centralized Training Institutes
Sub: Simplification of the procedure of Laptop reimbursement
Ref : Director ME(C&IS) letter no 2011/C&IS/Committee/Laptops/Pt.II
Dated 23/01/2012
It has been brought to notice by officers in field and Railway Board that
the procedure for laptop procurement, reimbursement as well as maintenance is very cumbersome
and needs to be simplified.
the procedure for laptop procurement, reimbursement as well as maintenance is very cumbersome
and needs to be simplified.
As per the existing policy, the officers in JAG and above grade are
entitled for Rs.55,000/- for Laptop and Rs.30,000/- for repair and maintenance. Other gazette
officers below JAG are entitled for Rs.25,000/- for Laptop and Rs.20,000/- for repair and
entitled for Rs.55,000/- for Laptop and Rs.30,000/- for repair and maintenance. Other gazette
officers below JAG are entitled for Rs.25,000/- for Laptop and Rs.20,000/- for repair and
Board (FC & CRB) has approved further simplification of the process of
procurement and reimbursement of laptop. As per the simplified procedure, officers who
procure laptop themselves may club the cost of Laptop and cost of repair/maintenance over
the specified life of the machine and total amount can be claimed through single invoice subject
to the terms and conditions as well as monetary limits laid down in the laptop policy letter
dated 23/01/2012.
procurement and reimbursement of laptop. As per the simplified procedure, officers who
procure laptop themselves may club the cost of Laptop and cost of repair/maintenance over
the specified life of the machine and total amount can be claimed through single invoice subject
to the terms and conditions as well as monetary limits laid down in the laptop policy letter
dated 23/01/2012.
In case both i.e. the cost of laptop and the cost of repair &
maintenance are clubbed together and there is a single invoice of the total permissible amount, the
responsibility of repair and maintenance of the laptop shall rest with the officer concerned. Other
terms and condition mentioned in the Laptop policy dated 23/01/2012 remains the same.
maintenance are clubbed together and there is a single invoice of the total permissible amount, the
responsibility of repair and maintenance of the laptop shall rest with the officer concerned. Other
terms and condition mentioned in the Laptop policy dated 23/01/2012 remains the same.
This issue with the concurrence of Associate Finance of the Transformation
Cell, Ministry of Railways.
Cell, Ministry of Railways.
Please acknowledge receipt.
(A K Chandra)