HomeRailwaysSeventh Pay Commission

7th CPC: Granting two additional increments (at the rate of 3% each) to Nursing Personnel โ€“ NFIR

7th CPC: Granting two additional increments (at the rate of 3% each) to Nursing Personnel โ€“ NFIR

No. I/11/Part I
Dated: 10/12/2018

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,

Sub: Grant of two additional increments at revised rates to Nursing Personnel pursuant of revision of pay (7th CPC)reg.

Ref: (i)NFIRโ€™s PNM Item No. 11/2008.
(ii) Railway Boardโ€™s letter No. PC-VI/2010/I/7/5/1 dated 14/03/2012.
(iii) NFIRโ€™s letter No. I.11/Part I dated 30/07/2018.
Federation vide its letter dated 30/07/2018 brought to the notice of Railway Board the case of non-payment of two additional increments to the Nursing Personnel at revised rates of pay as per 7th CPC, unfortunately no instructions have been issued so far.
Federation desires to clarify that with the implementation of 6th CPC recommendations the rates of two additional non-absorbable increments at the revised rates of pay of 6th CPC were last issued by the Railway Board vide letter No. PC-VI/2010/I/7/5/1 dated 14/03/2018 (RBE No. 33/2012), however similar instructions have not been issued by the Board, causing disappointment among the staff who are entitled for two additional increments on the 7th CPC Pay.
While enclosing copy of Federationโ€™s letter dated 30/07/2018, NFIR again urges upon the Railway Board to issue instructions to all Zonal Railways to grant two additional increments (at the rate of 3% each on 7th CPC Pay) w.e.f. 01/01/2016 to the Nursing Personnel. Action taken in the matter may kindly be conveyed to the Federation.
Yours faithfully
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
