Timeline for taking action in case of trap/arrest of an official by CBI or ACB
Employeesโ Provident Fund Organisation
Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan
Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi 110066
No. HR/AVS/lI/287/D.P. Misc/2018
Date: 23 OCT 2018
All ACC(HQ)/ACC [Zones], Director (PDNASS),
All RPFC/OlC in-charge of RO/ASD-HO
Subject: Action to be taken in case of trap/arrest of an official โ reg.
It has been observed that after trap/arrest of an official by Central Bureau of Investigation or Anti-Corruption Branch of State Police, complete and up to date information and relevant documents are not forwarded by field offices to Head Office. This results in delay in taking further necessary action regarding suspension/review, prosecution sanction, Regular Departmental Action, etc.
2. Therefore, a list of action alongwith timeline has been drawn and is circulated herewith as Annexure for strict adherence. All possible efforts have to be made by the field offices to obtain the relevant details/documents from the concerned authority i.e. CBI, ACB, Court, etc. at the earliest so that the same are sent to Head Office within the timeline prescribed in the Annexure by official email ID as well as by speed Post.
Your faithfully,
(Uma Mandal)
Addl. Central PF Commissioner (HRM)
Check List of Action to be taken in case of trap/arrest of an official
Event | Action to be taken | Timeline for taking action |
Trap/Arrest by CBI/ACB | RPFC/OIC to send following details to official email Id of CPFC, CVO and ACC (HQ) HR:- (i) Name, designation & posting of official trapped/arrested. (ii) Agency (CBI/ACB) making the arrest/trap. (iii) Date, time & place of trap/arrest. (iv) Copy of communication, if any, received from CBI/ACB w.r.t. trap/arrest. |
Same day |
Suspension | Proposal for suspension to be sent by RPFC/OIC to official email Id of CPFC and ACC(HQ)HR with following additional details:- (i) Date & time of arrest with supporting documents, if any. (ii) Certified copy of FIR along with English/Hindi translation in case of FIR in other Language. |
Immediately after completion of 48 hours of arrest/detention |
Release from detention | Following additional details/documents to be sent by RPFC/OIC to official email Id of CPFC, CVO and ACC(HQ)HR:- (i) Date & time of release from detention. (ii) Certified copy of bail order passed by Court of Iaw. (iii) Certified copy of release order/warrant issued Police Jail authorities. |
Immediately after release from detention |
Suspension Review | Following details/documents to be sent by RPFC/OIC to official email Id of CPFC, CVO and ACC(HQ)HR:- (i) Status of investigation by CBI/ACB (ii) Status of criminal charge sheet. |
15 days before meeting of Suspension Review Committee OR Immediately after receipt of any update on investigation/charge sheet. |
(i) All the aforesaid documents/details are also to be sent by Speed Post strictly in accordance with the timeline mentioned in the above table.
(ii) Whenever the information/documents to be sent to EPFO, Head Office, New Delhi is delayed beyond 48 hours, the concerned RPFC in-charge of RD and the Zonal ACC will send a separate report explaining the reasons for such delay immediately.
Source: Click Here For Signed copy