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7th CPC Pre-2016 Pension Revision Revision โ€“ Modification in PPO No.: PCDA Circular No. C-176

PCDA Circular No.C-176 โ€“ 7th CPC Pre-2016 Pension Revision Revision โ€“ Modification in PPO No. This is applicable for all type of pensioners i.e. Defence Civilian and Army/AF/Navy pensioners and their families.

O/o The Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension), Draupadighat, Allahabad โ€“ 211014

Circular No.C-176



1. The Chief Accountant, RBI Deptt. of Govt. Bank Accounts, Central office C-7,Second Floor, Bandre- Kurla Complex, P B No. 8143, Bandre East Mumbai-400051
2. The Director of Treasuries of all state โ€ฆโ€ฆ.
3. The Manger CPPC of Public Sector Banks including IDBI
4. The CDA (PD) Meerutโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.
5. The CDA-Chennaiโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.
6. The Nodal Officers (ICICI/ AXIS/HDFC Bank)โ€ฆ.
7. The Pay & Accounts Officersโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ
8. Military and Air Attache, Indian Embassy Kathmandu, Nepal.
9. The DPDOโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ
10. The Post Masterโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ..

Sub: Implementation of Govt. decision on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission-Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners etc.

Ref: This office Circular No. C-169, bearing no. G1/C/0199/Vol-I/Tech dated 11/07/2017 .


Attention is invited to para-6 of the above cited circular wherein all Pension Disbursing Authorities (PDAs) were advised to carry out immediate modification in the format of e-scroll by inserting new column 36 & 37 in order to provide 16 digit new PPO number (including suffix of 4 digits) and 15 digits Pensioners ID if available.

2. A number of queries have been received from various PDAs regarding implementation of para-6 of above mentioned circular. Therefore, following amendments are being issued for guidance of PDAs:-

a. The 16 digit new PPO number (including 4 digit PPO suffix) notified by this office in respect of new retirees i.e. in whose case PPO has been issued after October 2017 and 16 digit New PPO No. has been assigned as original PPO No. will invariably be mentioned in existing field i.e.โ€œfull PPO no.โ€ (field no. 6D) of e-scroll. Field 6A, 6B and 6C may be left blank.

b.The 16 digit new PPO number notified for revision of pension as per 7th CPC for Civil Pensioners/Family Pensioners may be provided in new field i.e. column no. 36 of e-scroll. However, if PDA is feeling any difficulty in changing e-scroll format for providing revised new PPO number in new field (field no.36) or Pensioners ID in new field (field No.37), PDAs may continue to submit e-scroll without this change for the time being.

c. The 15th & 16th digit of the PPO number in respect of new retirees as explained above indicates number of corrigendum PPOs issued in respect of any pensioner. If there is โ€œ00โ€ at 15th &16th place of new PPO number, it indicates original PPO, whereas 01 onwards indicates number of the corrigendum PPOs. All PDAs will provide original PPO no. in e-scroll but same will be updated with revised corrigendum PPOs whenever any corrigendum PPO is acted upon by the PDA in respect of any Defence Pensioner. For example, if the PPO number is โ€˜401201700012โ€™ and the PPO suffix field โ€˜0105โ€™ which has been acted upon, then in the field 6 D of e-scroll, PPO No. should be mentioned in 16 digit โ€˜4012017000120105โ€™ instead of 12 digit PPO number โ€˜401201700012โ€™.

2. All other paragraphs of the ibid circular will remain unchanged and effective as earlier. This is applicable for all type of pensioners i.e. Defence Civilian and Army/AF/Navy pensioners and their families.

(Subhash Kumar)
Dy.CDA (P)

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  • gurcharan singh Makkad 7 years ago

    The case for issuing revised ppo scrutinised at hoo then further scurtinised at Cro officers ND , got notional pay fixed At AAO LEVEL LONG BACK but action at pcgda pension is seated . My suggestion is ppo revision of supper seniors be accorded high priority in order to enable them get benifits santioned by our government . The delay at any level in finalising the issue after mishap will amount to denyal of their legally rightful benefit . Regards