
Facilities for labourers working in the goods sheds on Indian Railway

Facilities for labourers working in the goods sheds on Indian Railway

เคญเคพเคฐเคค เคธเคฐเค•เคพเคฐ (Government of India)
เคฐเฅ‡เคฒ เคฎเค‚เคคเฅเคฐเคพเคฒเคฏ (Ministry of Railways)
เคฐเฅ‡เคฒเคตเฅ‡ เคฌเฅ‹เคฐเฅเคก (Railway Board)

No.TC-I/98/304/10 Pt.VII

New Delhi, Dt. 14.09.2017

Principal Chief Commercial Manager
All Zonal Railways

Sub: Facilities for labourers working in the goods sheds on IR

Ref: Rates Circular No.18 of 2004

References are being received from various channels for provision of facilities to labourers working at goods sheds.

In this regard. Railwayโ€™s policy is unambiguous. Extant guidelines as prescribed vide Rates Circular No. 1 8 of 2004 is reproduced below:

โ€œIt has been decided by the Board that in addition to provision ofโ€ drinking water, toilets and resting facilities, which are normally provided by Railways in the goods sheds, raised taps for bathing purpose may also be considered/or provision by Zonal Railways on case to case basis depending on local requirements as a gesture of general welfare.โ€

The work of loading/unloading of wagons at goods sheds is organised by the consignor(s)/consignee(s) and not by the Railways. Ministry of Labour had examined the demands of goods shed workers and had decided that for all purposes labourers are engaged by the contractors and Railway is not accountable for their service conditions and other measures which are given as a general welfare. For the same reason. Railways are not liable for the demands of labourers regarding regularisation of their service. issue of identity card/railway pass, uniform. pension, compensation on casualties, medical facility. etc.

The aforesaid position has also been apprised to VIPs/labourer unions by Honโ€™ble MR/MOS(R) from time to time.

This is for information of Zonal Railways please.

(Shilpi Bishnoi)
Director, Traffic Commercial(Rates)
Railway Board

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