
Night Duty Allowance โ€“ Clarification regarding Fixation of Ceiling of pay for entitlement โ€“ PCDA(CC)/CGDA Order

Night Duty Allowance (NDA) โ€“ Clarification regarding Fixation of Ceiling of pay for entitlement โ€“ PCDA(CC)/CGDA Order


Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Central Command)
Cariappa Road, Cantt., Lucknow, Pin Code โ€“ 226002

No. PT/3088/View/Vol-VI

Dated 11/08/2017


All Sub-Officices
Under PCDA(CC)
Pay- I, II, III (Local)

Subject: Night Duty Allowance (NDA) โ€“ Clarification regarding Fixation of Ceiling of pay for entitlement.


A letter of Government of India, Ministry of Defence, (Department of Defence) D (Civ.II) bearing MOD ID No. 17(4)/2012/D-(Civ-II) dated 07.07.2017 received from HQrs office vide their letter No. AT/II/2366/NDA/Vol-XI dated 31.07.2017/ 02.08.2017 on the above subject, which is self-explanatory. is available on the website of PCDA CC (pcdaacc.gov.in) for your information, guidance and necessary action.

Encls: As above

Accounts Officer (PT)

CGDAโ€™s letter No. AT/II/2366/NDA/Vol-XI dated 31.07.2017/ 02.08.2017 

Controller General of Defence Accounts

File No..AT/II/2366/NDA/Vol-XI
Dated: 31 Jul 2017/02 Aug 2017

PCDA(CC), Lucknow

Subject: Night Duty Allowance (NDA) โ€“ Clarification regarding Fixation of Ceiling of pay for entitlement.

Ref : This HQrs letter No. AT/II/2366/NDA/Vol-X dated 29.05.2015.

Consequent upon issuance of GoI, Min of Def No.17(4)/2012/D(Civ-II) dated 8th May 2015 for implementation of the order dated 5 Nov 2009 passed by Central Administrative Tribunal, Jodhpur Bench in OA 34/2008, filed by Shri Ram Kumar others, reference had been received in The HQrs office from several controllers regarding ceiling of pay for entitlement of Night Duty Allowance. Accordingly, The matter was Taken up with MOD for clarifications.
2. In this context, please find enclosed a copy of Ministry of Defence, ID No. 17(4)/2012/D-(Civ-II) dated 07th July 2017 on the above subject. The Cases of NDA may be dealt with accordingly.

JT. CGDA (P&W) has seen.

(Ashish Yadav)

Enclosure- Click to view
Night Duty Allowance (NDA) โ€” Clarification regarding Fixation of ceiling of pay for entitlement by MoD dt 07.07.2017

Source: Click here to view/download the Original PDF