HomeDoPT Order

Clarification in respect of encashment of Earned Leave to reemployed pensioners

Clarification in respect of encashment of Earned Leave to reemployed pensioners

No. 14028/1/2017-Estt(L)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Old JNU Campus, New Delhi 110 067


Subject-Clarification in respect of encashment of Earned Leave to re-employed pensioners- Reg.

This Department has been receiving several references requesting for clarification relating to CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 regarding eligibility for leave encashment to Government servants who are re-employed after retirement.
2. In this regard, it is clarified that persons re-employed after retirement may be governed by rule 39(6)(a)(iii) of the said Rules and they may be granted leave encashment up to a maximum of 300 days including the period for which encashment was allowed at the time of retirement. The cases already decided otherwise in consultation with this Department need not be reopened.

3. This issues with the approval of J S(E).

(Navneet Mishra)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Source: www.dopt.gov.in [pdf]


  • TC Gupta 5 months ago

    You are entitled for 300 days leave encashment on your fresh retirement. Rule 39(6)(a)(iii), restricting the encashment is applicable in the case of termination of reemployment, only.

  • B Murugesan 3 years ago

    I am reemployed in central govt after retirement. I have availed all retirement benefits including 300 days leave encashment. Please clarify whether I am entitle for leave encashment on superannuation now?

  • Tanmay Ganguly 6 years ago

    Leave encadhment 300days for re-employed Ex-serviceman in the railways. Circular is needed.

    • S.Sivasankaran 2 years ago

      I also was discharged from Indian Air Force and Joined Ordinance factory at the age of 42 years as civilian (Not retired and re joined)I was a fresh candidate like other civilians in the ex service man category on discharge also no benefit carried forward to the new service from the old sevice it was totaly a new service joined as per rule 34 . Now I retired after 60 years on super annulation me Am I eligible for 300 days leave encashment which I saved in the ordnance factories without duducting the previous armed forces service.As per rule 39(6)(a)(iii) of CCS leave rule 1972 I was not retired and rejoined ( I was discharged from Indian Air Force and due to eligiblity to join civil and govt services at the age of 42 years joined freshly as Ex service man candidate and served and on super annuation I retired from Ordnance factories after the age of 60 years.
      Now my question is whether I am eligible for full 300 days leave encashment without duducting the previous IAF employment leave encashment which I got before 18 years.