7th CPC TA Rules: Travelling Allowance on Transfer
Annexure to Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure
In supersession of Department of Expenditureโs O.M. No. 19030/3/2008-E.IV dated 23.09.2008, in respect of Travelling Allowance the following provisions will be applicable with effect from 01.07.2017 :
3. T.A. on Transfer
TA on Transfer includes 4 components : (i) Travel entitlement for self and family (ii) Composite Transfer and packing grant (CTG) (iii) Reimbursement of charges on transportation of personal effects (iv) Reimbursement of charges on transportation of conveyance.
(i) Travel Entitlements :
a. Travel entitlements as prescribed for tour in Para 2 above, except for International Travel, will be applicable in case of journeys on transfer. The general conditions of admissibility prescribed in S.R.114 will, however, continue to be applicable.
b. The provisions relating to small family norms as contained in para 4(A) of Annexure to M/o Finance O.M. F.No. 10/2/98-IC & F.No. 19030/2/97-EIV dt. 171, April 1998 , shall continue to be applicable.
(ii)Composite Transfer and Packing Grant (CTG) :
a.The Composite Transfer Grant shall be paid at the rate of 80% of the last monthโs basic pay in case of transfer involving a change of station located at a distance of or more than 20 kms from each other. However, for transfer to and from the Island territories of Andaman, Nicobar & Lakshadweep, CTG shall be paid at the rate of 100% of last monthโs basic pay. Further, NPA and MSP shall not be included as part of basic pay while determining entitlement for CTG.
b.In cases of transfer to stations which are at a distance of less than 20 kms from the old station and of transfer within athe same city, one third of the composite transfer grant will be admissible, provided a change of residence is actually involved.
c.In cases where the transfer of husband and wife takes place within six months, but after 60 days of the transfer of the spouse, fifty percent of the transfer grant on transfer shall be allowed to the spouse transferred later. No transfer grant shall be admissible to the spouse transferred later, in case both the transfers are ordered within 60 days. The existing provisions shall continue to be applicable in case of transfers after a period of six months or more. Other rules precluding transfer grant in case of transfer at own request or transfer other than in public interest, shall continue to apply unchanged in their case.
(iii) Transportation of Personal Effects
Level | By Train/Steamer | By Road |
12 and above | 6000 Kg by goods train/4 wheeler wagon/ 1 double container | Rs.50/- per Km |
6 to 11 | 6000 Kg by goods train/4 wheeler wagon/ 1 single container | Rs.50/- per Km |
5 | 3000 kg | Rs.25/- per Km |
4 and below | 1500 kg | Rs.15/- per Km |
The rates will further rise by 25 percent whenever DA increases by 50 percent. The rates for transporting the entitled weight by Steamer will be equal to the prevailing rates prescribed by such transport in ships operated by Shipping Corporation of India. The claim for reimbursement shall be admissible subject to the production of actual receipts/ vouchers by the Govt. servant. Production of receipts/vouchers is mandatory in r/o transfer cases of North Eastern Region, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep also.
Transportation of personal effects by road is as per kilometer basis only. The classification of cities /towns for the purpose of transportation of personal effects is done away with.
(iv) Transportation of Conveyance.
Level | Reimbursement |
6 and above | 1 motor car etc. or 1 motor cycle/scooter |
5 and below | 1 motorcycle/scooter/moped/bicycle |
The general conditions of admissibility of TA on Transfer as prescribed in S.R. 116 will, however, continue to be applicable.
Sir, I am a Central Govt servant.My office shifted within 20 km in Mumbai and therefore I shifted with family to a quarter allotted nearby.Will I get Transfer grant and TA for moving personal goods
Yes, Please see para 3(ii)(b) of Annexure โb.In cases of transfer to stations which are at a distance of less than 20 kms from the old station and of transfer within athe same city, one third of the composite transfer grant will be admissible, provided a change of residence is actually involved.โ
As per SR-116 (b) (ii) no travelling allowance would be admissible if a member added to the family after issue of transfer order. My query is :-
(i) which date is taken in this case; (a) date of issue of transfer order or (b) date of move mentioned in Tfr order. since move is not implemented on due date due to administrative reasons.
(ii) Whether transfer of luggage from old duty stn to new stn can be claimed as per entitlement?
Siir, For transport of personal belongings by road our office is paying only the rate in km multiplied by the proportional(proportion of max weight allowed by steamer) weight, though the circular says by kilometer only. Is this the correct practice.
Transportation of personal effects by road is as per kilometer basis as per entitlement maximum weight only irrespective of weight of personal belongings.
Dear sir I am mahesh recently i have transferred from Hyderabad to Vijayawada, Hence what are the entitlements i will get and how much reupees i will get
I have paid for personal effewcts Rs.13700/-, Bus ticket Rs.1200/-
if any other benefits are there please inform
I am Level-3 Employee
Sir i joined a station after completing 3 years tenure on April 3rd,at that time Itook Joining time of 10 days ,on May 12 th Iwas promoted and posted to North East, I joined at present station after relieving and taking 6 days Earned leave on 31.05.2023. I want to know whether my 1st transfer and working for 2 months before relieving to north east will be considered as on tour or not
Sir, I am a defnce employee , was posted from kashmir to Rajouri , I have produced the bills for the transportation of goods to DDO , and due to some.health issues went on medical.leave after joining the station, The laugage what was booked by me was delivered to me by the transporter , now the ddo has initiated the disciplinary action against me stating that I have not shown the laugage to him . Under which rule.am I supposed to show him.the laugage please guide.
production of transportation bill is enough, need not to show the luggage being transported. if insisted approach your higher authority.
Sir my brother is transfered in bsf from ITBP can I take advance Transfer TA if yes what is rule position.
Sir, In my Office; Reimbursement of transportation of vehicle is calculated as follows:-
Distance ร Rate (15/25/50) ร Unladen weight of vehicle รท entitled weight.
Please quote the rule position/ order for the above calculation, as it is asked by PBOR through RTI.
Your early reply will be helpful a lot.
Pls clarify i have been transferred from North Andaman(Diglipur) to South Andaman(Port Blair) and what shall be my Composite Grant .Is it 80% or 100%. I work for a Govt Sector in A&N islands
I am a central government officer. my transfer order for transfer from Chennai to Delhi was issued on 08/02/2021. My relieving delayed and relieved on 05.04.2021. I performed journey on 06/04/2021. However my family moved to Delhi on 31.03.2021 because of admission entrance exam for my kids in one school in Delhi.
Now PAO in Delhi says my family is not allowed for ticket fare.
Kindly clarify.
tranafer entitlement for family is also applicable 1 month prior to Transfer orders and within 6 months of transfer orders. U can find this rule in Swamy handbook, Transfer TA section as well. PAD is wrong in ur case. quote the rule and reply.
As per rules, family can go 1 month early on new posting station, or upto 6 months later of joining
Sir I detaied tempary duty from sjm to other area (oc 2019 to june 2020) but ta da given to 6 month but recovery to 7 month tpt plus coution money how is posible sir
Sir I wanted to know that if a Cpl in IAF gets promoted on 04 Jul as Sgt and his date of posting is 28 Jul then he will get CTG and other posting entitlements as per the basic pay of Sgt or as per the basic pay of last month(that is of Cpl).
Entitlement of sgt,and basic pay of July
Sir I am serving in BSF at pay matrix 6 and I get transfer on promotion from 6 to 7 level..
Now I want to know that am I eligible to claim my car transport charges..?
I was travelled through by train with my family.
My languages transport by truck.
And my car transported by another container through transport agency..
Sir I am a central govt. employee. I took Rs 50000/- advance on transfer for composite grant and other dues. My journey date is 12.09.2020. I submitted my bill on 04.12.2020 after more than two month. My composite Grant is Rs 45000/- and train fare is Rs4000/-. My office is saying that I have to return whole Rs50000/-. I want to know whether I will get the composite grant or not?
I transferred from portblair to Chennai on public interest. What are the TTA entitlements. Pay level 12.
Sir i am central govt employee transferred on compassionate grounds. Am I eligible for TA on transfer.
Sir I m serving in bsf and posted own request on medical treatment ground in state of Punjab from Himachal. I can claim transfer ta or not
Sir, am Ravi K presently working in BSF recently am attached with staff selection commission, Bengaluru for 3 years. I have a family persmission at old locatation i.e BSF with my own car purchased with permission of BSF MY PAY LEVEL 5. kindly inform what allowance my entailed during the attachment pse
Respected Sir
Myself Jitender Sharma working in ncml Pvt ltd. As a Field Associate by third party. my joining 9 march 2017 & one year of provesion period. then i am working contineue to till date my cmpany has give the change of place order via email this is change location is 70 km from my old place. can may apply for the conyance of motorecycle or no any salary increase by employer. how can take the benefits of company.
Thanks & Regards
Jitender Sharma
Sir I m not living with my family at current place of posting and if I live with family at new place of posting with permission. Am I entitled for transportation of my personal effects and conveyance of my family from my home town to new placeโฆ what are the conditions
Since it is private transfer (individual), not allowed.
Sir, I m transferred from srinagar(j&k) to patna(bihar) availing travel time and earn leave. Am I entitled for transportation of my personal effects and conveyence from home town Delhi to patna. If so what are the conditions
If your transfer is in public transfer it will be allowed.
if i go on loan basis, will i be eligible for transfer allowance?
kindly reply
Office is not doing Finances business. They are having some heads of funds in Budget allotment in so many times if any body has to go transfer the in the month of February/March T.A. funds may not available during that period, actually they have to barrow from outside with more interest & they have to proceed that transfer, otherwise their salary may not be given. If he goes new place of transfer then only his salary & his T.A. claim may be given in the next Financial Year funds only.
Your basic pay, service was protected & you will get increment on 7/18.
I had joined cisf on aug 2017 and joined department of post through proper channel (technical resignation) on march 2018.Am I eligible for transfer T.A.
No, it is not official duty. It is your request.
Sir I posted from Srinagar kashmir to tura Meghalaya north east reason.i have move there single.i am entitled to draw some more then plain area or some for language charge without showingshowing transpo charges slip.some one told me that in NE reasio transfer tax is more than plain area.kindly tell me procedure please
It will be recovered, advance amount with penal interest in your salary.
Sir, please clarify whether GST charged by truck owners over admissibility amount while transporting house hold goods is also reimbursible over restricted amount while restricting with per KM rate.
eg A person paid Rs. 80000/- + GST 18% Rs. 14400 for transporting his house goods from A station to B station (distance 1400 KM). He is entitled for Rs.50/- per KM.
Thus his entitlement restricted to Rs.70000/- . Whether 18% GST is also reimbursable to him over 70000/- or otherwise.
Entitlement restricted to total of Rs.70,000/- only.
Sir, I am working in central govt and my transfered order came on may 2017 but I relived on 27 Sep 17 and I joined new station on 28 Sep 17 and OM regarding submission of issued on ta bill on 13.03.18 and I have submitted my ta bill on 04.04.18. Pl let me know is it in submitted in due course of time or not?
Where can I download the form for TA. I have taken VRS and am shifting to native town.
how many days a govt servent spent on training with ta da
Sir, I am working in central government department, transferred on promotion in March 2018 and accordingly I drawn TTA advance . But my transfer defer up to 31/03/2019. please let me know can I give penal interest for TTA advance if I am not refund it or not ?
Sir I am working in swr. My transfer order came on may 2017. But l relieved on 31st October 2017. I joined on new place. But I vacated my railway quarter on 30th March 2018. Due to academic year..I claimed for CTG in April lst week.. Please clarify that it applicable or not.
Sir, I am working in central government department, transferred on promotion in August 2017 and accordingly joined at new station. An OM regarding submission of TA bill issued on 13.03.2018. I have submitted my transfer TA bill on 04.04.2018. please let me know is it submitted in due course of time or not ?
Sir, I am working in Central Govt. Department. i got transfer from chennai to Delhi. my lavel is 6. whether i am eligible for flight charges or not?
Sir,i am working central govt employe and my spouse also same dept,now we going to transferred west bengal to Gujarat.so,we avail transfer ta ?
Sir I have Resigned previous Department on 18.06.2017 and joined on 19.06.2017. later on I was transferred on 20.07.2017 (400km) and from there transferred on 20.08.2017 (500km). If I am Entitled for three Composite Transfer and Packing Grant??
Sir i transfered from phaphund to jhinjhak station as a sse/sig on 31/72017 which is exactly 20 kms according to by rail. Can i get a transfer allowance and joining leave.
Sir my transfer order is 15 /4/17 but department says you claim old basic pay
Please confirm I claim old basic pay or new basic pay
Revision in Allowances is applicable from 01.07.2017, any journey date should be 01.07.2017 or future.
Same in my office ,they charge on the basis of weight not on the basis of kilometresโฆ Donโt know which rule they followโฆ But in rule it is clearly mentioned that charges is applicable on km basis only.
Donโt know about the rule..
If any body knows please reply here ASAP