No.ANN/Pension revision/Pre-2016
Sub:- Implementation of Govt’s decision on the recommendations of the 7th CPC-Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners etc. and para 19 of PCDA(P) Allahabad circular no. C-164 dated-30/05/2017.
Encls.- As above
Sub:- Implementation of Govt’s decision on the recommendations of, the 7th CPC-Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners etc.
Ref:- Para 19 of PCDA(P) Allahabad circular no. C-164 dated-30/05/2017.
01. Name of the applicant:-
(with Grade/A/c No.)
03. Mobile No.
04. PAN No.
05. email ID
06. Address
07. Name of the family pensioner in case of family pension
08. Date of retirement/death of the Govt. servant
09. Office in which the pensioner /deceased Govt. servant served last
10. Post last held
11. The scale of pay of the post at held last
12. Pay last drawn on the date of retirement /death in service
13. Original PPO No. And latest Corr. PPO.No.
14. Details of the pension disbursing authority
(A) (I) Name of the bank
(II) Name of the branch
(III)Account No.
(IV) IFSC code
(B) Name of the DPDO
16. Spouse Name
17. Spouse AADHAAR No.
18. Spouse PAN No.
Note:- Please enclose the copy of AADHAAR and PAN in r/o self and spouse and also a copy of original PPO and latest corr. PPO.