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CCS Revised Pay Rules 2008 โ€“ Department of Expenditure OM

CCS Revised Pay Rules 2008

Office Memorandum No. Subject ENGLISH PDF HINDI PDF Dated
No. 8-23/2017-E.IIIA Dated 28.09.2018 CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 โ€“ Section II of the Part โ€˜Aโ€™ of the First Schedule โ€“ entry pay to DR appointed on or after 1.1.2006 and pay fixation in the case of persons other than such direct recruits Download (1.84 MB)  Download (1.65 MB)  09/28/2018
2-1/2015-E.III(A) Cases of promotion taking place in the pre-revised pay structure between 1.1.2006 and the date of notification of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 and the subsequent merger of the pre-revised pay scales of the promotional and the feeder posts in a common Grade โ€“ Fixation of Pay Download (931.2 KB)  Download (955.74 KB)  10/16/2015
10/2/2011-E.III(A) Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 โ€“ application of the first proviso to Rule 10 in case of those who had been granted stagnation increment(s) in the pre-revised scales Download (862.26 KB)  07/04/2014
1/1/2008-IC Grant of one increment in pre-revised scale โ€“ OM dated 19.3.2012 โ€“ clarification regarding Download (854.33 KB)  05/22/2013
10/02/2011-E.III/A Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibiliteis but carrying the same grade pay Download (147.98 KB)  Download (144.89 KB)  01/07/2013
10/02/2011-E.III(A) Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 โ€“ the re-exercise of option under Rule 6 of the Central Civi Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 in case of employees covered under the OM dated 19.3.2012 Download (978.33 KB)  01/03/2013
10/02/2011-E.III(A) Central Civil Services (Reviserd Pay) Rules, 2008 โ€“ Date of next increment in the revised pay stgructure under Rule 10 of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 Download (584.25 KB)  03/19/2012
1/1/2008-IC Corrigendum โ€“ clarifications regarding pay fixation of existing Group โ€˜Dโ€™ employees in the revised pay structure Download (18.4 KB)  01/04/2011
7/19/2010-E-III(A) Clarifications regarding pay fixation of existing Group โ€˜Dโ€™ employees in the revised pay structure Download (31.83 KB)  08/02/2010
7/14/2010-E.III(A) Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 โ€“ Revision of option exercised under Rule 6 of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 Download (626.96 KB)  07/05/2010
1/1/2008-IC Grant of pay structure of grade pay of Rs.4600 in the pay band PB-2 to Assistants and Personal Assistants of Central Secretariat Service, Armed Forces Headquarter Service, Indian Foreign Service โ€˜Bโ€™ and Railway Board Secretariat Service and their counterpart Stenographer Services Download (133.33 KB)  11/16/2009
1/1/2008-IC Grant of revised pay structure of grade pay of Rs.4600 in the pay band PB-2 to posts that existed in the pre-revised scale of Rs.6500-10500 as on 1.1.2006 and which were granted the normal replacement pay structure of grad epay of Rs.4200 in the pay band PB-2 Download (884.65 KB)  11/13/2009
1/1/2008-IC Fixation of pay on promotion to the new HAG scale in cases where the officers opt to have their pay fixed under FR 22(1)(a)(1) โ€“ clarification regarding Download (35.09 KB)  09/23/2009
1/1/2008_IC Fixation of pay on deputation after the replacement of the pre-revised S-30 pay scale by the new HAG Scale โ€“ clarifications regarding Download (1.45 MB)  08/28/2009
1/1/2008-IC Implementation of Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendations โ€“ replacement of the pre-revised S-30 pay scale (Rs.22400-24500) by a new HAG Scale (Rs.67000-79000) Download (2.22 MB)  07/21/2009
1/1/2008-IC Fixation of pay on deputation after implementation of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules โ€“ clarification regarding Download (167.23 KB)  03/26/2009
1/1/2008-IC Date of next increment in cases where Government servants are not able to join posts in a particular grade pay on promotion/appointment on 1st of January of a year due to Sunday or Gazetted holiday โ€“ Clarification regarding Download (56.11 KB)  03/13/2009
1/1/2008-IC Fixation of pay of initial pay in the revised pay structure of Medical Officers in the Pay Band PB-4 Download (107.47 KB)  02/09/2009
1/1/2008-IC Fixation of pay and grant of increments in the revised pay structure โ€“ clarifications regarding Download (211.62 KB)  01/29/2009
1/1/2008-IC Clarifications regarding pay fixation of existing Group โ€˜Dโ€™ employees in the revised pay structure Download (99.79 KB)  12/24/2008
1/1/2008-IC Fixation of pay in the pay bands where posts have been upgraded as a result of recommendations of Sixth CPC โ€“ clarifications regarding Download (79.5 KB)  10/13/2008
1/1/2008-IC Clarifications on CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 Download (224.06 KB)  09/13/2008