
E-payment through Digital Signature by Cheque DDO: CGAโ€™s instructions reg pre-requisite for roll out CDDO module

E-payment through Digital Signature by Cheque DDO: CGAโ€™s instructions reg pre-requisite for roll out CDDO module

No. C-13015(380)/MF-CGA/PFMS-PMIG/2017-18/372
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Public Financial management System
3rd & 4th Floor, Shivaji Stadium
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 01st June, 2017
Office Memorandum

Subject: Pre-requisites for roll out of CDDO module in the CDDO offices.

The functionality of making e-payment through Digital signature is now being extended. to cheque drawing and Disbursing Officers. All the pay and Account Officers are requested to ensure that all the Cheque Drawing and Disbursing Officers under their payment control complete following pre-requisites before 7th June, 2017. 
1. Pay and Accounts Office will initiate opening of an e-payment Account of the CDDOs under their payment control.
2. The Account configuration of CDDOs will be done by respective PAOs.
3. Cheque Drawing and Disbursing Officers may obtain two digital signature keys of Class-II type, one for making payment of up to Rs. 10 lakhs and another for 2nd signatory in case of payment of Rs. 10 lakhs and above.
4. Keys can be purchased from any of the certifying Authorities in India. List of Certifying authorities in available on the site http://cca.gov.in/cca?q=licensed_ca.html.
5. Cheque drawing and disbursing Officers may create their User-Id and through that they may create DDO Maker and DDO Checker.
The concerned Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs (with independent charge) are requested to issue necessary directions to the PAOs/CDDOs under their control to complete this process before 7th June, 2017 so that the training programme as well as, roll out of CDDO functionality can be held simultaneously.

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

(Santosh Kumar)

Source: Click here to view/download the CGA OM & List of Cheque Drawing & Disbursing Offices