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Dereservation of vacancies for SC, ST & OBC

Dereservation of vacancies for SC, ST & OBC

S.No. O.M/Notification No. O.M/Notification Date Subject PDF File
1 No. 36020/2/2007-Estt(Res) 07/12/2009 Revision of the proforma for sending dereservation proposals.  PDF(English)


2 No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) 30/12/1993 Reservation for OBCs in services and posts under the Government of India โ€“ dereservation and carry forward of unfilled vacancies for OBC candidates.  PDF(English)
3 No. 36011/4/92-Estt.(SCT) 28/09/1992 Dereservation of vacancies for SC-ST-Proforma for sending proposals for dereservation to the Department of Personnel and Training and National Commission for SC-ST.  PDF(English)
4 No. 39011/7/90-Estt.(B) 08/02/1991 Dereservation of vacancies falling in the promotion quota-recommending general candidates against reserved vacancies in promotion cases where eligible SC-ST officers are not available in the zone of consideration including extended zone.  PDF(English)
5 No.36011/5/81-Estt-(SCT) 07/04/1981 Simplification of the procedure of dereservation of vacancies reserved for SC-ST-Delegation of powers of dereservation-classification regarding.  PDF(English)
6 No36011/20/79-Estt.(SCT) 27/03/1980 Dereservation of reserved vacancies-Revised proforma.  PDF(English)
7 No. 36011/25/79-Estt.(SCT) 16/11/1979 Simplification of the procedure of dereservatiuon of vacancies reserved for SCs-STs-Delegation of powers for dereservation to Ministries-Departments of the Government of India in certain specified cases.  PDF(English)
8 No. 36034/16/76-Estt.(SCT) 05/02/1977 Annual Statement regarding dereservation of reserved vacancies for SCs and STs included in the roster for purely temporary appointments.  PDF(English)
9 No. 36011/3/76-Estt.(SCT) 22/01/1977 Reservation for SCs and STs in services-Dereservation and carrying forward of reservation.  PDF(English)
10 No. U.15038/35/76-PLG 20/12/1976 Dereservation of reserved vacancies in posts-services under the Union Territory Administrations-Procedure for.  PDF(English)
11 No. 36022/18/76-Estt.(SCT) 25/09/1976 Dereservation of vacancies reserved for SCs and STs โ€“ Recommendation No. 18 of the Parliamentary Committee on the Welfare of SCs and STs contained in its 41st Report.  PDF(English)
12 No. 28/14/74-Estt.(SCT) 12/07/1976 Dereservation of vacancies reserved for SCs and STs Proforma for sending proposals for dereservation to the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms with copy to the Commissioner for SCs and STs.  PDF(English)
13 No.F 16/27/74-Estt(SCT) 12/11/1975 Dereservation of vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes-Concurrence of the Liaison Officer concerned before sending proposals for dereservation.  PDF(English)
14 No.16/2/74-Estt(SCT) 08/05/1974 Representation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Services-Strict observance of the relevant reservation orders before making proposals for dereservation of reserved vacancies.  PDF(English)
15 NO.16/3/74-Estt(SCT) 26/04/1974 Dereservation of vacancies reserved for Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes-Furnishing of detailed information in the references for dereservation.  PDF(English)
16 No.16/1/72-Estt(SCT) 11/08/1972 Dereservation of vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes-Furnishing of detailed Information in the references for dereservation.  PDF(English)
17 No.1/8/69-Estt(SCT) 28/01/1969 Prior approval of Ministry of Home Affairs for dereservation of reserved vacancies at the time of filing them up by general candidates.  PDF(English)
18 No. 27/5/68-Estt.(C) 13/03/1968 Dereservation of vacancies reserved for SCs and STs โ€“ Recommendation No. 14 of the Study Group set up under the Chairmanship of Shri M.R. Yardi, Additional Secretary, M.H.A. to study the progress of measures for land allotment to Scheduled Castes and their representation in services.  PDF(English)
19 No. 1/6/67-Estt.(C) 20/09/1967 Dereservation of vacancies reserved for SCs and STs-Recommendation of the Commissioner for SCs and STs regarding.  PDF(English)