Upgradation of Grade Pay of Dressers/Operation Theater Assistants in Railways โ Representation submitted by National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
New Delhi, dated: 12-04-2017
Sub: Upgradation of Grade Pay of Dressers/Operation Theater Assistants in Railways โ Representation submitted by National Federation of Indian Railwaymen.
The undersigned is directed to refer the issue of upgradation of Grade Pay of Dressers in Railways from GP Rs.1900 (Pre-revised) to GP Rs.2000 (Pre-revised) to Dressers of Ministry of Health and family Welfare (MoH&FW) from existing GP of Rs.1800 (Pre-Revised); This upgradation has been recommended alongwith enhancement in entry level qualification from Class-X to Class-XII with three years experience of dressing of wounds.
2. In Railways, the post of Dressers Gr.III/Operation Theater Assistants Gr.III in PB 1, Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs.1900 (Pre-revised) is filled 100% by promotion form amongst serving railway employees in the Hospital Attendants, Orderlies, Dispensary Peons, Strecher Bearers, Watchman, Safaiwalas, Sanitary Cleaners in PB-1, Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs.1800 (Pre-revised) with the qualification of Matriculation as per Railway Boardโs letter RBE No.100/98 dated 10.05.1998. (Copy at Annexure-I).
3. While examining the matter, it has been observed that historically, Dressers of Indian Railways have been on a higher pay scale vis-a-vis their counterparts under the MoH&FW. under the 5th CPC, Railway Dressers/OT attendants had an entry pay of 3050-4590/-, while CGHS Dressers-III were in 2650-4400/-. Under 6th CPC, Railway Dressers/OT attendants were in PB-I GP-1900 while CGHS Dressers โ III were in GP-1800. They were also acknowledged to have higher responsibilities as compared to CGHS Dressers-III, as observed from orders of Honโble Central Administrative Tribunal/Principal Bench/New Delhi in OA No.386/2012 while dealing with an issue relating to parity of pay scales of Dieticians in CGHS. Relevant portions of this judgment are reproduced below:
โ The pay scale of Dressers in the CGHS in the V Central Pay Commission was Rs.2650-4400/-. In the case of Railways, during the same Pay Commission, it was Rs.3050 โ 4590/- for Grade III (for Grade I and Grade II it is even higher). In the case of Dressers in National Institute of Ayurveda, it was Rs.3050-4590/-; whereas in the same case of CISE, this information has not been provided at the stage of the V Central Pay Commission. The Dressers in Homeopathy pharmacy in CGHS were stated to be carrying a pay scale of Rs.4500-7000/-. Similary, the ECG Technicians and Dental Technicians were also carrying a Pay scale of Rs.4000-6000/-. The information in respect of V Central Pay Commission regarding other organizations pay scale is not available. What is apparent from the above is that even under the V Pay Commission, Dressers in the CGHS enjoyed a lower scale of pay.
We shall now examine the nature of Dressers in CGHS with other posts cited by the applicants in the OA. The Comparison of Dressers/Employees in Homeopathic Pharmacy, Panchkarma Technicians, Dental Technician and National Institute of Ayurveda may not be apt because they belong to a different school of Medicine and hence the job requirement would not be identical. In the case of CGHS, for Dressers even after the enlargement of duties on commencement of CGHS (Dressers) Recruitment Rules, 1992, the duties relate to giving injections to patients, removing stitches etc. to keep the instruments sterilized, maintain the records regarding dressing room and supply of medicines etc. In the case of Railways, the first difference is that the Dressers/OT Assistants work in the Operation theaters and also since they are working in the hospitals, their responsibilities and nature of work would be higher. As far as the dressers in Safdarjung Hospital and RML Hospital are concerned, we find from Annexure A-1 and Annexure A-14 (Colly) that duties and responsibilities of Dressers working in those hospitals are slightly different. The details regarding specific nature of duties of Dressers in CISF have not been given and that for Dressers in National Institute of Ayurveda, Homeopathic Pharmacist, Panchkarma Technician, Dental Technicians, Dark Rooms and other organizations have not been provided and are only stated to be identical. Any observation, therefore, regarding similarity of the work of applicants vis-a-vis these categories is not possible. However, it is noted above that there is a difference in the duties of CGHS Dressers with those in the Railways working as Dressers/OT Assistants as also those working in Safdarjung and RML Hospitals.
We have also observed that under the V Central Pay Commission, the post of applicants was carrying lower pay scale that of the post cited by the applicants in the OAโ.
4. It is therefore clear that (Copy of judgement order annexed at Annexure-II) Dressers of Railways were carrying a higher responsibilities and accordingly were kept on a higher pedestal both in terms of pay structure as well as functional responsibility in comparison with their counterparts under the MoH&FW. However, while Dressers-III under MoH&FW have been placed in the equivalent of GP-2000 Pay matrix (higher replacement level), Dressers/OT attendants under the M/o Railways have not been similarly upgraded and continue to be placed in the GP-1900 equivalent in the 7th CPC Pay Matrix.
5. In view of the above, restoration of at least parity amongst Dressers/OTA in Railways with their counterparts in MoH&FW is necessary. Representations on this issue have also been received. Copy of NFIR Letter No.IV/NFIR/7th CPC (Imp)/2016/R.B.dated 22.09.2016 is also enclosed in this connection (Annexure-III). Ministry Of Finance is requested to convey approval for grant of GP Rs.2000 (Pre-revised) from GP Rs.1900 (Pre-revised) to the entry grade of Dressers/OTA in Railways. The higher (Promotional Grades) will continue to be Dresser/OTA in GP Rs,=.2400 (Pre-revised) and GP Rs.2800 (Pre-revised).
6. Enhanced entry level qualification of 12th standard and in absence of the same total years of experience of 5 years as recommended by 7th CPC in Para 7.6.108, will be incorporated in the Recruitment Rules appropriately, once the pay structure is approved.
7. This has the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry Of Railways.
(S.Balachandra Iyer)
Executive Director, Pay commission-II
Railway Board.
Source: NFIR PDF