HomeSeventh Pay CommissionPay Matrix

Revision of 7th CPC Pay Matrix for Director Level Posts: Revision of IOR from 2.57 to 2.67 of Pay Matrix Level 13

Revision of 7th CPC Pay Matrix for Director Level Posts: Revision of IOR from 2.57 to 2.67 of Pay Matrix Level 13
Revision of IOR from 2.57 to 2.67 of Pay Matrix Level 13
Government of India accepted the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission and resolution No.1-2/2016-IC notified in the Gazette of India, dated the 25th July 2016.  
And now, the Central Government has decided to make [changes in the Civil Pay Matrix vide Gazette Notification – Resolution dated 16.05.2017 ##eye##] . The IOR of Level-13 of Civil Pay Matrix shall also be enhanced from 2.57 to 2.67. Accordingly, the Civil Pay Matrix as contained in Annexure-1 mentioned in para 6 of the aforesaid Resolution dated the 25th July, 2016 shall be revised.
Pay Band PB-4 37400-66700
Grade Pay 8700 8700
Level 13 13
2.67 (New) 2.57 (Old)
1 123100 118500
2 126800 122100
3 130600 125800
4 134500 129600
5 138500 133500
6 142700 137500
7 147000 141600
8 151400 145800
9 155900 150200
10 160600 154700
11 165400 159300
12 170400 164100
13 175500 169000
14 180800 174100
15 186200 179300
16 191800 184700
17 197600 190200
18 203500 195900
19 209600 201800
20 215900 207900
21 214100



As per comments received on this post there is a loss seen in some stage due to promotion. Impact of enhancement of IOR in benefit or loss depends on case to case as the incumbent in Level 13 are coming from various modes through Promotion, Deputation etc.



  • Anonymous 7 years ago

    If you consider some one drawing old basic pay of Rs.46,100/- and another with one increment of Rs. 47,490/- with earlier IOR of 2.57, new pay will be fixed as Rs.1,18,500/- and Rs. 1,22,100/-, but with new IOR of 2.67, both will get fixed (bunched) at Rs. 1,23,100/-. Therefore to avoid bunching, the person with additional increment has to be fixed at next level ie. Rs. 1, 26,800/-. Similarly for all levels. Therefore the enhancement shown is correct.

  • BansiLal Kalra 8 years ago

    Def pensioners were getting less pension then their entitlement. Some errors were correct through Court Orders & others by GOI, through OROP. Therefore, while refixing the pension of pre-2016 def pensioners, the base should be taken as OROP instead of going for "Fishing expedition" from 3/4/5/6 CPC.

  • ramshyam313 8 years ago

    For def pensioners the elaborate calculation of notional pay for each stage starting from 1986 is irrelevant since OROP HAS already fixed their scale as in 2014. Cmde Ramaswamy

  • Kiran Kumari 8 years ago

    Sorry will correct the errorenous term

  • Raghu P 8 years ago

    It is unbelievable that you people can post such poor information. The ior has changed the table but is that going to result in a direct increase in salary as per your 'enhancement' ? Why do well established agencies such as yours resort to such foolish posts?

  • vinod MP 8 years ago

    enhancement shown seems to be wrong, as fixation is to be done by multiply 2.57 with 6th CPC pay and then fix on relative index of level 13 of pay matrix. for example, for 6th CPC basic of rs 53470, 2.57*53470=1,34,418. This was previously fixed at Index 6 of level 13 at 137500, Now this would be fixed at Index 5 of revised level 13 at 138500, thus enhancement of rs 1000 only.

    • Kulwant Singh Waraich 8 years ago

      In previous Matrix Rs 137500 comes against 1,34,418/-.Now correspondingly in New Matrix It is Rs 142700/-. This should be the pay fixed on 1.1.2016.Only then there will be enhancement of Rs 5200/- as shown in table of enhancements.