
BSNL Pensioners Medical Reimbursement without voucher facility – Download Option Form

BSNL Pensioners Medical Reimbursement without voucher facilty: Order dated 11.04.2017

Admn. Section 
Corporate Office 
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan ‘New Delhi 

No. BSNL/Admn.I/15-22/14 
Dated: April 11, 2017

Office Memorandum

Sub: Reconsideration of extension of without voucher facility to Retired Employees.

Ref: No. 7-8/2010/EF/Part/1 dated 5.9.2011.

Facility of extension of without voucher facility was withdrawn vide guidelines conveyed vide letter No. 7-8/2010/EF/Part/1 dated 5.9.2011, as expenditure control measure. To mitigate the hardship in submission and following up of medical claims by retired employees, the Competent Authority has approved revival the facility only to retired employees, as per the guidelines issued vide letter No. BSNL/ADMN/l dated 28.2.2003 under para 2.1.1.
The entitlement under this option will be 50% of the admissible amount (annual outdoor ceiling prescribed) and will be paid in four equal instalments at the end of each quarter. The amount payable is taxable as per the applicable Rules.

The decision will however will be reviewed after 6 months.

(Raj Kumar)
Assistant General Manager (Admn.IV)

Para 2.1.1. of letter No. BSNL/ADMN/l dated 28.2.2003

“Para 2.1.1. Outdoor/Domiciliary treatment: Entitlement without  vouchers Alternatively, 50% of the admissible amount (as mentioned in para 2.1.0 above, i.e. one month’s Basic + DA) will  be paid to the working  employees without production of any vouchers. Such payments  limited to 50% of one month’s salary will be paid in four equal installments at the end of each quarter. This amount would be taxable .Similar facility for payment without vouchers will be available to the retired employees also. “

OPTION FORM for Reimbursement without Voucher 

[the o/o PGM ATD Ahmedabad have started to collect option form from the BSNL Pensioners.]


Source: [Original Order Click here to download ##download##]


  • Anand Karadi 8 years ago

    Do you have similar form for BSNL/Admin 1/15-22/14?

    • Kiran Kumari 8 years ago

      Not enclosed with this by BSNL, Field offices are issuing their own