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Post 2016 – 7th CPC Pension Revision for Defence Civilian: Option regarding commutation of additional amount of pension

Post 2016 – 7th CPC Pension Revision for Defence Civilian: Option regarding commutation of additional amount of pension


Circular No.C- 158

No. G1/C/0199/Vol-I/Tech
Dated: – 07.12.2016.

(All Heads of Department under Min. of Defence)

Subject: – Implementation of Govt. decision on the recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission – Option regarding commutation of additional amount of pension

Reference:- In continuation of this office [circular no. C-156 dated 5th October 2016 ##eye##] Vide which Data Sheet- Appendix ‘I’ was circulated.
The Govt. of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Deptt. of Pension Pensioners’ Welfare in their O.M. No 42/ 14/2016-P&PW (G) dated, 24th October, 2016 have decided to give relaxation to many pensioners who retired after 01.01.2016 and have drawn pension/commutation value of pension based on their pre-revised pay/pension do not wish to commute the pension which has become additionally commutable on revision of pay/pension on implementation of recommendation of 7th CPC. Accordingly, it has been decided that “those pensioners who retired from 01.01.2016 till 04.08.2016 i.e. date of issue of orders for revised pay /pension based on the recommendation of the 7th CPC may be given an option, in relaxation of Rule 10 of CCS ( Commutation of Pension ) Rules, 1981, not to commute the pension which has become additionally commutable on revision of pay/pension on implementation of  recommendations of the 7the CPC. The cases where the additional pension after 7th CPC has already been commuted will not be reopened.
2 Consequent on application of Deptt. of P&PW OM dated 24th October, 2016 referred to above, an extra column/ cage “Opted for commutation on additional amount of pension” has been inserted in Data Sheet-Appendix ‘I’ which should be filled as Y or N [ Y- wish to commute addition pension/ N- do not wish to commute additional pension]. An option form is also introduced which is required to be filled by pensioner and countersigned by HOO. Other columns of Data Sheet-Appendix ‘ I’ will remain unchanged and should be filled according to details instructions for filling up of the data sheet as already circulated under this office important circular no. C-156 dated 05.10.2016. The cases where the additional pension after 7th CPC has already been commuted will not be reopened.
3. In this connection, set of amended Data Sheet – Appendix ‘I’ along with option form is forwarded herewith for transmission of the same to the lower formation/unit/HOO under your control. The unit/formation declared as H.0.0. may be instructed to use the data sheet along with supporting documents as per the revised procedure. Additional copies of data sheet and instruction, if required, may please be prepared /printed at your end for circulation. A copy of the instruction issued by you to your unit/formation/HOO may please be endorsed to this office. 
(The copy of this circular is available on the website of this office

(Dr. Upinderbir Singh)

Enclosure: – As above




(Applicable to those pensioners in whose case commutation of pension became absolute on after 01-01-2016 till 04-08-2016)
(i)  I .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..  hereby opt to commute the amount of Pension that has become additionally commutable on a/c of retrospective revision of Pay/Pension.


(ii) I .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..  hereby elect to retain the payment of commutation of pension calculated/to be calculated based on pre-revised pay/pension.


Signature ……………………


PPO No ……………………
Head of Office

(To be scored out if not applicable)

Source: [PCDA Pension Circular Click here to download ##download##]


  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    Should one commute pension now with falling interest rates?