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7th CPC Pay Fixation and Option under CCS (RP) Rules, 2016: MoD seeks clarification on proposed illustration

7th CPC Pay Fixation and Option under CCS (RP) Rules, 2016: MoD seeks clarification on proposed illustration


Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Defence
D(Civ. I)

Subject: Representation of Defence Civilian Employeesโ€™ Federations regarding misinterpretation of Revised Pay Rules 2016 leading to incorrect pay fixation of employees โ€” reg.

The Defence Civilian Employeesโ€™ Federations have reported that the Accounting Authorities in the Defence Estts. are misinterpreting the provisions of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016 leading to anomalous pay fixation of the defence employees. The Federations have demanded that clarification may be issued to the Defence Estts. to enable them to issue correct pay fixation orders of the employees, on the basis of the options exercised by them.
2. Taking into account these reports, MoD has sent a proposal to MoD(Finance) to seek clarification about the manner of fixation of pay through illustrations prepared by this office. The said proposal for seeking clarification been sent to MoD(Finance) on 5.12.2016. A copy of this proposal is enclosed for information. In view of the complaints of incorrect pay fixation in defence establishment, it is requested that the clarification on this subject from Ministry of Finance/ MoD(Finance) may please be awaited so that the pay fixation of the employees could be issued on the basis of right position. This position may please be communicated to various Accounting Authorities under the control of CGDA to avoid any inconsistencies in the matter of pay fixation.
(Pawan Kumar)
Under Secretary
Tele : 23012414
Annexure I

Illustration โ€” Exercising the option 2 permissible under Para 6 of the Ministry of Finance Notification dt 25 Jul 2016

Pay fixation from the date of next Increment in the Old Pay structure โ€” date of increment 1.7.2016
Existing Emoluments (As on 1.1 .2016)
of Draft Pay Fixation (by illustration) for approval of Ministry of Finance
Option 2 is exercised by the employee to fix the pay in New Matrix after availing increment dated 1.7.2016 in old pay structure/scale
Band Pay โ€” Rs.11920
Grade Pay โ€” Rs.2800
Basic Pay โ€” Rs. 14720
Date of next incrementโ€” 1 July 2016
Grant of Increment dt 1.7.16 in the Old pay scale
Existing Grade Pay โ€“ Rs.2800
Existing Pay in Pay Band โ€“ Rs.11920 Existing Basic Pay โ€“ Rs. 14720(11920+2800)
Increment dated 1.7.2016 @ 3% = Rs.450
Pay after adding Increment = 14720+450= Rs.15170
Pay fixation on the basis of 7th CPC Pay Matrix
Pay after multiplication factor = 15170 x 2.57 = Rs. 38986.90 or 38987
Pay fixation in Pay Matrix (Level 5) = Rs. 39200
i) Arrears of pay admissible only for the period 1.7.2016 onwards.
ii) For the period from 01.01.2016 to 30.06.2016, pay will be on the old pay structure. No arrears admissible for this period.
iii) Date of Next Increment โ€“ 01.07.2017
Annexure II

Illustration โ€“ Exercising the option 2 permissible under Para 6 of the Ministry of Finance Notification dt 25 Jul 2016

Pay fixation from the date of promotion/MACP in the Old Pay structure โ€“ Date of Promotion 01 Jan 2016
Option 2 is exercised by the employee to fix the pay in New Matrix after availing promotion/MACP upgradation
Illustration โ€“

As on 1.1.2016
Band Pay โ€“ Rs.11920
Grade Pay Rs.2800
Date of promotion / MACP is -1.1.2016
Promotion/MACP Grade Pay = Rs.4200
Existing Grade Pay โ€“ Rs.2800
Existing Pay in Pay Band โ€“ Rs.11920
Existing Basic Pay โ€“ Rs. 14720 (11920+2800)
Date of Promotion/ MACP โ€“ 1.1.2016
Pay fixation on promotion/ MACP to GP Rs.4200
Notional Increment in lower grade @ 3% of Rs. 14720 = Rs.441.60 or Rs,450
Pay after adding Notional Increment = 11920+450 = Rs.12370
New Basic Pay after Promotion/MACP
Rs.12370 + Rs/4200 (GP)= Rs. 16570
Pay fixation in 7th CPC Pay structure (Level 6)
Rs.16570 x 2.57 = Rs.42584.90 or 42585
Pay fixation in level 6 = Rs.43600
i) Arrears of pay admissible for the period from 01.01.2016 to 31.07.2016.
ii) Date of Next Increment
โ€“ 01.07.2016 (because the employee has completed six
monthsโ€™ service as on 30.6.2016 in Level 6)
Annexure III
Illustration โ€” Exercising the option 2 permissible under Para 6 of the Ministry of Finance Notification dt 25 July 2016
Pay fixation from the date of promotion/MACP in the Old Pay structureโ€” Date of Promotion 15 March 2016
Option 2 is exercised by the employee to fix the pay in New Matrix after availing promotion/MACP upgradation
Illustration โ€“
As on 1.1.2016
Band Payโ€” Rs;11920
Grade Pay โ€” Rs.2800
Date of promotion / MACP is 15.3.2018
Promotion/MACP Grade Pay = Rs.4200
Existing Grade Pay โ€“ Rs.2800
Existing Pay in Pay Band โ€“ Rs.11920
Existing Basic Pay โ€“ Rs.14720 (11920+2800)
Date of Promotion/ MACP โ€” 15.3.2016
Pay fixation on promotion/ MACP to GP Rs.4200
Notional Increment in lower grade @3% of Rs. 14720 = R5.441.60 or Rs.450
Pay after adding Notional Increment = 11920+450 = Rs.12370
New Basic Pay after Promotion/MACP Rs12370 + Rs,4200 (GP)= Rs. 16570
Pay fixation in 7th CPC Pay structure (Level 6)
Rs.16570 x 2.57 = Rs.42584 90 or 42585
Pay fixation in level 6 =
iii) Arrears of pay admissible for the period from 15.03.2016 to 31.07.2016.
iv) Date of Next Increment โ€“
01 .01.2017


  • Tarun Gupta 8 years ago

    What about option I regarding pensioners.

  • Srinivasan R 8 years ago

    I would earnestly request GOI MOD to give effect of their order dated 30th September (De-linking Q.S of 33 years) while giving effect on the OROP Fixation of basic Pension which is w.e.f.1.7.2014 is based on pro-rata reduction in pension and the order of 30.09.2016 is without any pro-rata reduction w.e.f.01.01.2006. Only after giving effect of the latest order as above the GOI MOD may be pleased to fix the 7th CPC Basic Pension. I request GOI MOD to please review the above anomaly and issue necessary orders since the OROP Order is based on Pro-rata reduction of Pension.