Brief of the meeting held on 24.10.2016 โ7th CPC Minimum Wage and Multiplying Fitment Factor.
Brief of the meeting held on 24.10.2016 with Addl. Secretary (Exp.), Deptt. of Exp., MoF(Govt. of India) to discuss the recommendations of the 7th CPC by NC, JCM
Shiva Gopal Mishra,
Secretary General
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi -110001
Dated: October 24, 2016
All Constituents of NC/JCM
Dear Comrades!
Sub: Brief of the meeting held today with Addl. Secretary (Exp.), Deptt. of Exp., MoF(Govt. of India) to discuss the recommendations of the 7th CPC
A meeting was held today between the Addl. Secretary (Exp.), Deptt. of Exp., MoF(Govt. of India) and Staff Side, National Council(JCM), to discuss the issues of Minimum Wage and Multiplying Factor.
The Staff Side explained in detail about the amendments required in Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula.
The Official Side mentioned that, they are trying to find out some solution to resolve the issues of Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula raised by the Staff Side.
Comradely yours
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Secretary(Staff Side)
the government just wanted to take time to release the benefits on account of allowances, so constituted a committee which will ultimately approve the same line which the 7th CPC has recommended. This delay will just save some government money because they are not going to pay the arrears of the allowances means every month we are loosing the financial benefits
The NJCA has betrayed the employees by calling off the strike of July 11.Now,they are keeping mum.One of the affiliates of NjCA has started agitations-another drama.The strike was withdrawn as per the call of NJCA and how could one of its affiliates only revive the strike.It is a comedy that this affiliate itself justified the stand of NJCA at the time of deferment of strike and stated that unilateral agitations will break the
unity of workers.Now,they have unilaterally announced agitational programmes!!!!!! They are not even talking about the stand of NJCA regarding the revival of strike.This is nothing but a move to cheat the employees and to save the face of the leaders of NJCA.Please remember the firebrand words of Sri Shivagopal Mishra at the time of deferment of strike regarding the revival of strike,if the assurances are not fulfilled .Now,where is he and the great NJCA?
Haha one of those memorendum which means nothing. Are these staff side member serious about us or they r just fooling around with our mind. It seems what we r going to get is copy of letters giving assurance n nothing moreโฆ
Haha one of those memorendum which means nothing. Are these staff side member serious about us or they r just fooling around with our mind. It seems what we r going to get is copy of letters giving assurance n nothing moreโฆ
Futile exercise to delay, delay and delay and to deny finally. The Modi Government, especially the Finance Minister is anti employees.The Government is testing the patience of the Central Government Employees and Pensioners.
all in dark, just a SWEET GOLI,nothing else
you are making every one budhus pl stop such nonsense u started giving vague information being leader
All knows meeting held for fitment formula and min.wages,we all want to know whether government accept our demand or not. What furse you the leaders making us budhu. No need to issue such memorandum, where no conclusions comes out.