EPFO: Introduction of Declaration Form (New Form No. 11) to replace existing Form No.-11(New)
Employees Provident Fund Organisaition
(Ministry of Lobour & Employment, Govt. of India)
Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14-Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi โ 110066
No. Manual/Amendment/2011/16854
Date 23 SEP 2016
All ACC (Zones)
All Regional P.F. Commissioners
In-charge of Regional/Sub Regional Offices.
Sub: Introduction of Declaration Form (New Form No. 11) to replace existing Form No. โ 11(New).
In exercise of power conferred on the Central Provident Fund Commissioner under para 36(7) read alongwith the provisions of para 34 & 57 of EPF Scheme 1952 and para 24 of the Employeesโ Pension Scheme. I995 hereb orders replacement of erstwhile Form No. 11(New) with the Declaration Form (New Form No. 11) placed at Annexure-I. The copy of the order issued by the Central P.F. Commissioner, in this regard, is enclosed for kind information.
2. The Declaration Form New Form No. 11 will also replace Form No. 13 in all such cases where existing member to the Provident Fund makes a request for transfer of his fund availing the facility of UAN.
3. The members who have been allotted UAN and where KYC details have been digitally verified by the previous employer are not required to fill separate Form No. 13. Rest of the employees will continue to fill Form No. 13 alongwith New Form No. 11.
4. The employees/employers can access fillable Declaration Form (New Form No. 11) on the member portal which will be pre-filled with all the relevant information already in our database.
Yours faithfully.
Encl: As above.
(M. Narayanappa)
Employees Provident Fund Organisaition
(Ministry of Lobour & Employment, Govt. of India)
Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14-Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi โ 110066
No. Manual/Amendment/2011/16854
Date: 23 Sep 2016
In the matter of Introduction of Declaration Form (New Form No.-11) to replace the existing Form No.-11 (New)
1. Employeesโ Provident F d Organisation has embarked upon its next phase of e-governance reforms with a view to make its services available to its stakeholders in an I efficient and transparent manner. EPFO has implemented the allotment of Universal Account Number (UAN) to its subscribers and to seed the UAN with Aadhar. PAN and Bank account details. The Online Transfer Claim Portal (OTCP) has also been made functional. It is now possible for subscribers. who have acivated UAN with KYC details. to submit claims directly to EPFO without the intervention of employers.
2. In exercise of powers conferred under para 36(7) of the Employeesโ Provident Funds Scheme, 1952 read with paras 34 and 57 of the Employeesโ Provident Funds Scheme, 1952 and para 24 of Employeesโ Pension Scheme, 1995, the introduction of Declaration Form [New Form No. 11] in place of the existing Form No.-11 (New) is ordered with immediate effect. This order is in supersession of order No. Manual/Amendrnent/2011/30992 dated 02.01.2015 issued in this regard.
3. The Declaration Form [New Form No.-11] will also replace Form No.-13 in all such cases where existing member of the Provident Fund makes a request for transfer of his fund availing the facility of Universal Account Number (UAN).
(Dr. V.P. Joy)
Central Provident Fund Commissioner
Encl: Delaration Form (New Form No.-11)
Source: http://www.epfindia.com/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2016-2017/Manual_DeclarationForm11_16854.pdf