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Integrated Information System for Public Recruitment Agencies: Website to publish Scores and ranking of Candidates

Integrated Information System for Public Recruitment Agencies: Website to publish Scores and ranking of Candidates

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 28 July, 2016


Subject: Making available publically scores and ranking of candidates in recruitment examinations through portal โ€” reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departmentโ€™s OM of even number dated 21.06.2016 on the subject mentioned above (copy enclosed).
2. With the approval of competent authority, the following modalities have been worked out for making available publically scores and ranking of candidates in recruitment examinations through portal:
(a) NIC will develop a website โ€œIntegrated Information System for Public Recruitment Agenciesโ€œ;
(b) Web-site will have links to various recruiting agencyโ€™s own web pages;
(c) Each recruitment agency will develop its own web page. The Home page will display the details of the recruitment examinations undertaken by them in the past one year and the date of announcement of the final results.
(d) The user can click on the appropriate examination and then a Search Page will be displayed. The Search Page will include display of details of candidate alongwith their rankings and their scores in descending order of rankings. However, search can also specify name of candidates or any specific range of rankings which will then by displayed.
3. It was indicated in the earlier said OM that the actual implementation can be done only on those examinations for which the application forms will be invited in future. Seeking option from candidates during the process of conduct of examination may neither be practical nor feasible. All the Concerned Ministries are again requested to take action accordingly.
4. Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) has been requested to develop a Integrated Information System for Public Recruitment Agencies, a Central Web Portal through NIC and in consultation with DoP&T. All concerned Central Ministries/Departments are therefore requested to make necessary arrangements so that website of Central Recruitment Agencies under their administrative purview are linked with Integrated Information System for Public Recruitment Agencies, in consultation with DeitY and NIC directly, under intimation to this Department.

(Pramod Kumar Jaiswal)
Under Secretary to the Government of India 

Source www.persmin.nic.in

Publish Scores and ranking of Candidates in Recruiting Examination through Portal: DoPT

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

North Block, New Delhi
Date: 21st June, 2016


Subject: Making available publically scores and ranking of candidates in recruitment examinations through portal โ€“ reg.

The undersigned is directed to say that the Government has approved the proposal of NITI Aayog for making available publically scores and ranking of candidates in recruitment examinations through portal for increasing access of the unemployed to job opportunities.
2. NITI Aayog is the nodal organisation for pursuing with the Ministries and organisations. The responsibility given to DoPT is to work out the modalities for disclosure of the information as well as development of a portal for uploading the information.
3. ln pursuance of above, DoPT, with the approval of competent authority has worked out the following modalities
(a) NIC will develop a website โ€œIntegrated Information System for Public Recruitment Agenciesโ€;
(b) Web-site will have links to various recruiting agencyโ€™s own web pages;
(c) Each recruiting agency will develop its own web page. The Home page will display the details of the recruitment examinations undertaken by them in the past one year and the date of announcement of the final results.
(d) The user can click on the appropriate examination and then a Search Page will be displayed. The Search Page will include display of details of candidate alongwith their rankings and their scores in descending order of rankings. However, search can also specify name of candidates or any specific range of rankings which will then by displayed.
(II) The following details of each candidate will be made available:-
(a) Name of the candidate
(b) Father/Husbandโ€™s name
(c) Date of Birth
(d) Category (Gen/SC/STIOBC/PH/Minority)
(e) Male/Female/Transgender
(f) Educational Qualifications
(g) Total Marks obtained in the qualifying examination
(h) Rankings by which the merit is decided
(i) Complete address
(j) E-mail address
(III) The few disclaimers which will have to be clearly put up on the web-portal developed by NIC as well as on the websites of recruiting agencies:-
(i) The authenticity of the data displayed by recruiting agency will be the responsibility of the concerned agency.
(ii) If any other private/public agency undertakes recruitment based on the data/ information so disclosed, the DoPT/concerned Ministry/Department or the recruiting agency will not be responsible for any legal matter emanating out of such process.
(iii) The concerned recruiting agencies are responsible for the sanctity/integrity of the process which will be followed by them.
(iv) Any queries/RTI related to the scores/rankings will be dealt by the PIO of the concerned Recruiting Agency.
(v) Any query/RTI request related to recruitment undertaken by concerned agency using this data/information will be responsibility of the concerned agency undertaking such recruitment.
(IV) As approved by the Government, the candidates will have the option to Opt out of the disclosure scheme. The option of opting out willhave to be taken at the time of filing up the application. This, thus further indicates that the actual implementation can be done only on those examinations for which the application forms will be invited in future. Seeking Option from candidates during the process of conduct of examination may neither be practical nor feasible.
4. Accordingly, D/o Electronics and Information Technology is requested to develop a Central Web Portal through NIC and in consultation with DoPT. All concerned Ministries/Departments/Recruiting Agencies are requested to make necessary arrangements and linking their websites as explained above.
(P.K. Jaiswal)
Under Secretary to the Government of India