7th Central Pay Commission Railway Board Order RBA No. 55/2016- Revision of Pension of pre-2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners & Payment of arrears
RBA No. 55/2016
No. 2016/AC-II/21/8
New Delhi dated 19th August, 2016
1. Heads of CPPCs of Railway Pension Disbursing Banks;
2. Heads of Government Business Division of Railway Pension Disbursing Banks;
Sub :- Implementation of. Governmentโs decision on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission-Revision of Pension of pre-2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners, etc.
Ministry of Railways vide letter No. 2016/F(E)III/1(1)/7 dated 1oth August, 2016 (POVII No. 4/ 2016, RBE No. 97/2016) has brought out that DOP&PWโs O.M dated 4th August, 2016 is made applicable to Railwayโs pensioner also. Copy of this letter is enclosed. Subsequently CPAOโs office vide Office memorandum N o. CPAO / IT &Tech/ Revision (7th CPC) / 19.Vol-III/ 2015-2016/ 109 dated 11th August, 2016 had directed all the Banks to start immediate action so that revised pension and arrears can be paid to the pensioners / family pensioners by 31st August, 2016.
As pension/ family pension paid under 6โh CPC will provide basis for 7th CPC revision, Banks may ensure that present pension paid under 6th CPC is as per the amount authorized by the Pension Payment Order issuing authority of Zonal Railways sent to the Banks, so that instances of underpayments/overpayments may be avoided in 7th CPC revisions.
Information relating to payment of arrears arising out of 7th CPC recommendations may be reported separately in the e-Scroll being submitted to all the Zonal Railways.
As already brought out in the CPAOโs letter dated 11th August, 2016, there are possibilities that in some cases where revisions are still pending under 6โh CPC which may be received by the banks later after effecting revisions under 7th CPC by them based upon the existing pension, they have to make provision in their software to revise these cases under 6th CPC at a later date and further required adjustments for 7th CPC revisions may be made by them accordingly.
Please ensure compliance of the instructions.
(Amitesh Kumar Sinha)
Director Finance (CCA)
Source: http://www.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/uploads/directorate/accounts/downloads/circular/2016/RBA_55_2016.pdf