HomeEX-SERVICEMANPension Revision

Revision of Casualty Pension in respect of Pre-2006 Defence Pensioners – Armed Forced Officer and JCOs/ ORs Pensioners / Family pensioners.

PCDA has released a Circular No.560 dated 08.06.2016 revising the
Casualty Pension in respect of Pre-2006 Officers & family

Office of the Principal CDA(Pensions)
Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad- 211014

Circular No. 560

Dated: 08.06.2016

Subject: Revision of Casualty Pensionary awards in respect of
r/o Pre-2006 Armed Forced Officer and JCOs/ ORs Pensioners/ Family

Reference: This office Circular No. 503 dated 17.01.2013,  
 Circular No.542 dated.27.05.2015, Circular No. 547 and 548 dated


Copy of GOI, MOD letter No. 16(01)/2014/D(Pen/Pol) dated 18th May,
2016 on the above subject is forwarded herewith for further necessary
action at your end.

2.          As per provisions contained in GOI, MOD letter No.
17(4)/2008(1)D (Pen/Policy)/Vol-V dated 15.02.2011 issued in
implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of 6th CPC,
under which minimum guaranteed rates of various casualty pensionary
awards for Pre-2006 Armed Forces Officers and JCOs/ ORs have been
provided on the basis of the minimum of the pay in the pay band plus
Grade Pay, Military Service Pay & ’X’ Group Pay where applicable.
After issue of GOI, MOD of letters No.1(11)/2012/D(Pen/Pol) dated
17.1.2013, No.1(04)/2015(I)- D(Pen/Pol) dated 03.09.2015 and
No.1(04)/2015(II)-D(Pen/Pol) dated 03.09.2015, the basis of the minimum
guaranteed pension under Modified Parity has been changed as minimum of
the fitment  table for the rank in the revised pay structure issued for
implementation of recommendation of 6th CPC instead of the minimum of
the pay band.
3.           Further, in respect of disability pensioners, the
minimum guaranteed rates of Disability Element/  Liberalized  Disability
Element/  War  Injury  Element were already  revised  w.e.f. 24.09.2012
vide GOI, MoD letter No. 16(01)/2014/D(Pen/Pol) dated 10.04.2015 at the
rates of the minimum of the fitment table for the rank in the revised
pay structure issued for implementation of recommendation  of  6th CPC
 instead  of  minimum  of  the  pay band.  Similarly,  the minimum guaranteed Special Family Pension, Dependant Pension (Special),
Liberalized Family Pension, Dependent Pension (Liberalized) &
Second Life Awards (in case of JCOs/ ORs in respect of pre-2006 family
pensioners of Commissioned Officers and JCO/ORs were also revised with
reference to minimum of the fitment table for the rank in the revised
pay band w.e.f.  24.09.2012 vide GOI, MOD letter No
1(16)/2012/D(Pen/Pol) dated 17.01.2013.
4.           Accordingly,  the  rates  of  Casualty  Pensionary
 Awards of  all  Pre-2006  Disability pensioners/ Family Pensioners
shall be revised with effect from 01.01.2006 on the basis of minimum of
fitment table for the rank in the revised Pay Band as indicated under
fitment tables annexed with SAI 1/S/2008 & SAI 4/S/2008 as amended
and equivalent instructions for Navy and Air Force.
5.           General Guidelines: Implementation regarding revision of various elements of pension may be done keeping in view the following general guidelines:
(i)           Applicability:  These  Orders  are
 applicable  to  all  Pre-2006  Armed  Forces  Officer, JCOs/ORs and
their families who were/ are in receipt of Disability Pension/
Liberalized Disability Pension/ War Injury Pension, Special Family
Pension/ Dependent Pension (Special)/ Liberalized Family Pension/
Dependent Pension (Liberalized)/ Second Life Award  of SFP/ LFP(in case
of JCOs/ ORs ) on 01.01.2006 and onwards.
(ii)          Non Applicability:
The provisions of this letter do not apply in the following cases: –
a)          UK/ HKSRA pensioners.
(b)          KCIOs who are in receipt of pension in Pound or Sterling as on 01.1.2006.
(c)          Persons in receipt of Compassionate Allowance/ Guzara/
Reservists Allowance or any other allowance on which relief is not
(iii)         Due/ Drawn Statements:
All  the  payments  already  made  shall  be  adjusted  by  preparing
 due  and  drawn statement.  A  suitable entry regarding revised
 Special  Family  Pension  /  Dependent  Pension (Special)/ Liberalized
Family  Pension/ Dependent Pension (Liberalized ) /Second Life Award (in
case of  JCOs/ ORs ) and Disability Pension/ Liberalized Disability
Pension/ War Injury Pension should be made in Check Register/ Payment
Register/ Pension Payment Scroll/ Pension Certificate etc.
(iv)         Over Payments/ Recovery of:
Any overpayment of pension coming to the notice or under process of
recovery shall be adjusted in full by the Pension Disbursing Agencies
against arrears becoming due on revision of pension on the basis of
these orders.
(v)          Life Time Arrears (LTA):
If a pensioner to whom benefit accrues under the provisions of this
letter, had already died on or after 01.01.2006, the PDAs will itself
revise the pension as per this order and LTA may be paid to the family
pensioners or his/ her heir. Payment of LTA shall, however, be regulated
as per the extant Government orders on the subject matter.
(vi)         No Revision where Pre-revised Pension is more beneficial:
In cases where pension has been finally sanctioned under the
pre-revised orders and if it happens to be more beneficial than the
pension becoming due under these orders, the pension already sanctioned
shall not be revised to the disadvantage of the pensioners.
(vii)        No additional Commutation –
No commutation will be admissible for the additional amount of
pension accruing as a result of this revision. The existing amount of
pension commuted, if any, would continue to be deducted from the
consolidated pension while making monthly disbursements.
(viii)         Elements to be revised by the Pension Disbursing Agencies:
(a)         Disability Element/ War Injury Element   (ANNEXURE- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7)
(b)         Special  Family  Pension/  Liberalized  Family  Pension/  2nd    life  Award  (JCOs/Ors)
(c)         Special    Family    Pension/    Liberalized    Family    Pension/    Dependent    Pension
(Commissioned Officers)  (ANNEXURE– D)

Note-1: The
amount of Disability Element already commuted out of pre-revised
disability element should be deducted from the revised disability
element till restoration of commuted portion of pension.

2: Tables given as Annexure 1 to 7 are
for 100% disability/War Injury Element. For disability/War Injury
Element lesser than 100%, the same shall be proportionately reduced.
3: The rounding off benefit for disability percentage, if applicable, under rules shall also be given.
(IV)        Dearness Relief:
Dearness Relief shall be admissible on the revised rates sanctioned
from time to time vide Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and
Pension (Deptt. of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare) while calculating
dearness relief on Casualty Pensionary Award.
6.           Cases to be referred to concerned Pension Sanctioning Authorities:
(a)          Disability Pension:
In cases where permanent disability is not less than 60%, the
Disability Pension (i.e. total of Service Element revised in terms of
Para-2.1 of GOI, MOD letter dated 04.05.2009 as amended from time to
time plus Disability Element) shall not be less than 60% of minimum of
the fitment   table   for   the   rank   in   the   revised  pay  
structure   issued  for   implementation   of recommendation  of 6th 
 CPC  corresponding  to  the  pre-revised  scale  held  by Armed  Forces
Personnel at the time of retirement/ discharge/ invalidment, subject to
minimum of ` 7,000/- p.m. In such cases where
aggregate of service element and disability element is less than 60% of
minimum of the fitment table, such cases are required to be stepped up
to 60% of minimum of the fitment table. As the corrigendum PPO will be
required to be issued by the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authorities
therefore, these cases shall be referred to the respective Pension
Sanctioning Authorities for revision of pensioner.
(b)          Liberalized Disability Pension:
In cases where aggregate of Service Element (i.e. total of Service
Element revised in terms of Para-2.1 of GOI, MOD letter dated 04.05.2009
as amended from time to time plus Disability Element) is less than 80%
of the minimum of the fitment table for the rank in the revised pay
structure issued for implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC,
corresponding to pre-revised scale held by Armed Forces Personnel at the
time of retirement/ discharge/ invalidment, such cases may be stepped
upto 80% of minimum of the fitment table. As the corrigendum  PPO  will
 be  required  to  be  issued  by  the  concerned  Pension  Sanctioning
Authorities,  therefore,  these  cases  shall  be  referred  to  the
 respective  PSAs  for  revision  of pension.
(c)          War Injury Pension:
All cases of War Injury
Pension, irrespective of their qualifying service shall be forwarded to
the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authorities through respective Record
Offices in 
 ANNEXURE attached to this circular as the
restriction of aggregate of War Injury Pension (Service Element plus War
Injury Element) with reference to minimum of fitment table in the
revised pay structure applicable from 01.01.2006 is applied till
30.06.2009.   However, the same is removed with effect from 01.07.2009
vide  GOI,  MOD letter No.  10(01)/D(Pen/Pol)/2009/Vol.II dated
19.01.2010.   In such cases, Pension Disbursing Agencies may not able to
revise the War Injury Element as well as Service Element under these
Government orders; therefore, such cases shall also be referred to the
concerned Pension Sanctioning Authorities for revision of War Injury
Pension through corrigendum PPOs or issue of instructions as the case
may be.

Other cases:
7.           In cases, where Pension Disbursing Agencies are in doubt
regarding the revision in individual case, the concrete cases with full
details of pensioners and PPO number may be referred to:-
(i)            Pr. CDA(P) Allahabad:
All types of cases pertaining to the Commissioned Officers(Army) and
Air Force & Navy (retired prior to 01.11.1985) to the O I/ C, G-1/
Military Section O/o the PCDA(Pensions) Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad- 211014
and O I/ C, G-3 Section for disability pension /War Injury Pension
pertaining to the JCOs/ORs (Army) & Air Force/Navy
personnel(invalided out/discharge prior to 01.11.1985). The details of
officers to whom cases will be referred are as under: –
(a)  Shri H.P.Verma,Sr.AO OI/C
G-1/ Military Section
O/o the PCDA(Pensions) Draupadi  Ghat, Allahabad- 211014
For cases pertaining to All Commissioned Officers(Army) and Air Force   &   Navy   (retired   prior   to
(b)  Shri Abhijit Kundu, Sr.AO OI/C
G-3 Section
O/o the PCDA(Pensions) Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad- 211014
For cases pertaining to All JCOs/ORs(Army) and Air Force/ Navy personnels (invalided out/discharged prior to 01.11.1985)

(ii)         PCDA (Navy), Mumbai:

Cases pertaining to the Commissioned Officers and PBORs of the Navy retired on or after 01.11.1985 may be forwarded to;
Smt. Vandana Shetty, Sr.AO
O/o the PCDA (Navy) Mumbai-400039
(iii)         CDA (AF), New Delhi:
Cases pertaining to the Commissioned Officers of the Air Force and PBOR  retired on or after 01.11.198 may be forwarded to;
Shri Ravinder Grover,Sr.AO                   
O/o the Jt.CDA (Air Force) New Delhi-110066
 For Commissioned Officers (Air Force)
Shri Amar Singh,Sr.AO        
O/o the Jt.CDA (Air Force) New Delhi-110066
 For JCOs/ORs (Air Force)

8.           Pension  Disbursing  Agencies  are  hereby
authorized to step  up  the  casualty Pensionary Award of the affected
Pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners whose existing pension is less
than the rate of pension indicated in Annexures attached to this

9.            All other terms and conditions shall remain unchanged.
10.         The provisions of this letter shall take effect from
01.01.2006 and arrears, if any, shall be allowed from 01.01.2006 up to
11.      This  circular  has  been uploaded  on this  office  website  www.pcdapension.nic.in  for dissemination to all alongwith Defence pensioners and Pension Disbursing Agencies.
No. Gts/Tech/05/LXXVI, Dated: 08.06.2016
(Nasim Ullah)
Asst. Controller (Pensions)