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DOPPW stand against implementation of 100% parity in pension recommended by 7th CPC – BPS wirtes to Cabinet Secretary

DOPPW stand against implementation of 100% parity in pension recommended  by 7th CPC – BPS wirtes to Cabinet Secretary

Bharat Pensioners Samaj

No SG/BPS/CPC/16/11

Dated 02.06.2016

Shri Pradeep Kumar Sinha,
Cabinet Secretary,
Government of India,
Rashtrapathi Bhawan Annexe,
New Delhi-110001.

Respected Sir,

Sub: VII Central Pay Commission recommendations – Submission to the empowered Committee Secretaries- reg.

1. Bharat Pensioners Samaj(BPS) Federation of pensioners’ associations, a conglomerate of over 628 pensioners’ organizations as an accredited Federation under the Government of India, had appealed to the Secretary, Ministry of personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, on 16.2.2016 during the meeting on Aadhar seeding to hold a meeting of Pensioners Associations to discuss 7th CPS pension related recommendations, though he had agreed to hold such a meeting but it did not materialize.
2. Now BPS has come to know through NJCA News letter dated 27.5.2016 issued after their meeting with you on 26.5.2016 that the Department of Pension is opposed to the first option recommended by the 7th CPC to bring about the parity with the past pensioners, as they consider it to be infeasible and impracticable (due to the non-availability of the requisite records)
3. It is hard to believe, how a department meant for the welfare of pensioners which helped pensioners to get better deal in earlier pay commissions could arrive at such a damaging and misleading decision without even consulting the stake holders.
4. Sir, Service record is a permanent one and if it to be destroyed, proper permission from the Competent Authority is to be obtained. In any case, service record of pensioners can always be reconstructed taking the details from various sources available with the department and the material collected from the Pensioner. This has been done in the past while implementing parity enunciated by fifth CPC and even while implementing modified parity of 6th CPC. It is also being done now implementing OROP. In this regard Your kind attention is also drawn to recent Bombay High court Nagpur judgement dated 09.03.2015 in case of Smt.Saija v. General Manager, Central Railway O.A.No.2131 of 2011 (Bombay Bench at Nagpur)
Undersigned in the capacity of Secy. Genl ‘Bharat Pensioners Samaj’ request you to takean independent decision in view of submission in Para 4 above to save pensioners/family pensioners from unprecedented permanent damage by a department meant for their welfare.

Thanking you in anticipation

DA/copy of JCA Letter [Click here to view]

With regards

Yours faithfully,
Secy General Bharat Pensioners Samaj




  • Raj Kumar Nanda 9 years ago

    I personally condemn the advice given by DOPPW to Cabinet Secretary. Before forwarding his letter he needs to understand that in case of non availability of record, it needs to be constructed through many sources available as well with the help of the pensioners too. Such sort of action taken hurriedly could be avoided and does not go in line with the pensioners welfare. Atleast the official forwarding letter should think twice about the department opened for the benefit of the elderly persons and not snatching their legal and valid rights.

  • Stivan J Alva 9 years ago

    Non availability of records is any way not a valid reason for revision of pension with parity.. Actually they don't want to pass the benefit to the lower sides.. For organized administrative and police service, they gets the hefty amount of pension on retirement because of the time bound schemes they enjoy.. if records are non available then there are methods to rebuild the records in proper way and first of all department of pension is responsible for the loss of such things. if a department is running for the sole purpose of pensioners welfare and it is expressing its inability to that, then in some years it may forget its very existence also…