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Cabinet gives ex-post facto approval to the cadre review of Indian Postal Service

Cabinet gives ex-post facto approval to the cadre review of Indian Postal Service: PIB News
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
25-May-2016 15:37 IST

Cabinet gives ex-post facto approval to the cadre review of Indian Postal Service (IPoS)

The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today granted ex-post facto approval to the proposal for undertaking cadre review of the Indian Postal Service.
The cadre review will enable the Department of Posts to meet the functional requirements and strengthening the cadre structure both in the headquarters and in the field on the basis of functional requirement, which will provide more avenues to earn review and respond effectively to the customer needs, reduce the existing stagnation and improve the career prospects of Indian Postal Service officers.

The proposal will be implemented through measures that include creation of a post of DG(Postal Operations) in the Apex scale, creation of post of Additional DG(Coordination) in the HAG+ scale, one post in HAG level, 5 posts in SAG level and 4 posts at the JAG level, and also increase of 84 posts at JTS level by down-grading from STS and overall decreasing STS posts by 96 for adjustment of new posts proposed to be created, without any overall change in the total number of posts in the cadre.
For undertaking the above exercise, necessary consultations on the CRC recommendations with Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions have been duly completed. The Department of Expenditure have conveyed their ‘no objection’ to the proposal.



  • Stivan J Alva 9 years ago

    Unlucky employees are from engineering side of AIR and Doordarshan. These media units are functioning for Prasar Bharati and coming under the direct control of Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. The Engineering Employees of AIR and DD never seen any Cadre Review since their inception, many decades ago.. Some of the Cadre Review Committees appeared and disappeared in the same speed they made voice and noise. The report of the committees may be lying in cold storage.. Funny is DOPT reminds periodically, as a limited duty, but unable to take any action on defaulting departments.. However, Group A Engineering Officers magically fulfilled their desire in time…