HomeSeventh Pay Commission

7th Pay Commission: Cabinet likely to approve salary hike by June-end

7th Pay Commission: Cabinet likely to approve salary hike by June-end
New Delhi: Come July and the central government employees might see a hefty rise in their salary owing to implementation of the recommendations made by 7th Pay Commission.
 As per news report Finance Ministry is all set to seek cabinet nod for implementation of the pay commissionโ€™s recommendation by June-end.
Furthermore, the secretaries group is ready with its review on 7th Pay Commission. But it will submit its report once the elections get over.

Reports say that the secretaries group has recommended between Rs 2,70,000 and Rs 21,000 hike for the higher and the lower level. This is twenty thousand more in the upper limit prescribed by the 7th CPC and three thousand more in the lower level set by the commission.

Read at: Zee News


  • Satyanarayana Chekuri 9 years ago

    The implementation of 7CPC recommendations is already delayed. As per the CPC Report regarding pensions, maximum benefit accrues to pensioners who had retired under 3cpc and 4cpc regimes,because their pay scales were very low and accordingly they are getting very small amounts as pension even after hikes in 5th and 6th cpc when compared those retired under 5th and 6th cpc regime. All these old pensioners are due to get substantial hike due to acceptance of OROP for Central Civil pensioners also. All these old pensioners are over 80 years and constitute less than 5% or 6% of Central pensioners. Their life expectancy is very short and ,as per my information, many have passed away without enjoying the promised bounty. This is very sad. At least, not to disappoint the remaining senior pensioners the PM should take personal interest to get the cpc recommendations implemented without further back and forth movement of the file. The Pensioners Associations also should take up this peculiar situation to the notice of the PM so that the matter is expedited.

  • Dayashankar Srivastava 9 years ago

    Pse do not publish on this subject unless Govt. decision is declared. We need not to be disturbed. Regards,