Kendriya Vidyalaya abolishes affidavit and attestation by Gazetted Officer โ To accept self attested copies
18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110 016
F.11029-9/2014-KVSHQ (Admn.-1)
Date: 18.02.2016
The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional offices
SUB: Abolition of affidavit and attestation by Gazetted Officer and adoption of self-certification in KVS-reg.
In pursuance of the Ministry of Personnel/ Public Grievances & Pensions D.O. letter No.K-11022/67/2012-AR dated 17.07.2014, read with Govt. of Punjab Memo No.3/7/2010-Trg.(3)/1007 dated 10.03.2010, the competent authority, KVS has decided to implement the following in KVS with immediate:-
1 . Self -attested photocopy of Date of Birth Certificate by the parents/legal guardian of the child should be accepted, at the time of grant of admission instead of attestation by a Gazetted Officer/any other Authority.
2. All self-attested photocopy of testimonials from the candidates appointed in KVS be accepted instead of attestation by a Gazetted officer/any other Authority.
3. However, the self attested photocopies of Date of Birth certificate & other testimonials must be verified from the original documents for authenticity and a certificate to this effect must be recorded by Principal/Head of Office etc on the photocopy of the document before placing it on records.
This may be circulated among all Kendriya Vidyalayas functioning under your administrative jurisdiction with the instructions that the same may be brought to the notice of all staff members under proper acknowledgement. These instructions be followed by all Regional Offices/ZIETs & KVs meticulously.
(Dr. E. Prabhakar)
Joint Commissioner (Pers.)
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