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MoM of 48th Steering Committee Meeting of III level JCM Council of CGDA

MoM of 48th Steering Committee Meeting of III level JCM Council of CGDA
Subject:- Minutes of the 48th Steering Committee Meeting of III level JCM Council of the CGDA HQrs. held on 08.01.2016 at 11:00 am in KAUTILYA, office of the CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.

Shri Sham Dev, Jt. CGDA (Admin) in Chair.
Official side:
Shri T.K. Jajoria, Sr. Dy.CGDA Admin)
Shri Mustaq Ahmad, Sr. ACGDA (Admin)
Shri A. K. Wani, Sr. ACGDA (IT)
Shri R. Renganathan, Sr. AO (Admin)
Shri S. Lakhanpal, Sr. AO (Admin)
Shri Manoj Kumar, Sr. AO (Admin)
Shri P.K. Bohra, AO (Admin)
Shri S. K. Rao, AAO (Admin)
Shri A. K. Jha, AAO (Admin)
Shri Amitabh Kumar, AAO (Admin)
Shri Shankar Prasad, AAO (Admin)
Staff side:
Shri S.N. Safai
Shri L.C.Dangi
AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata
Shri S. K. Deb Roy
Shri K.K. Choudhary
At the outset, Jt.CGDA (Admin) welcomed all members of the Associations and desired that the forum should be used to discuss various points pertaining to welfare of staff in a most honoured and constructive manner in the best interest ofโ€˜ the organization and staff. The minutes of 47 th SCM were later confirmed. Thereafter, action taken points of 47th Main Meeting were taken up for discussion.
2. Action taken of 47th MM III level of CGDA HQrs. held on 08.09.2015.
(i) Police Verification before appointment.
(Discussed and drapped)
(ii). Construction of more DAD Guest Houses at popular stations e.g. Shimla, Srinagar, Darjeeling, Mount Abu, Udaipur and Bangalore city etc. minimum 50% of rooms should be allotted to group B & C staff.  Booking of these guest houses to be made online and payment/cancellation should also be made online.
Reply: Linked with Agenda no. 4 of 48th SCM.
(iii). Financial powers to PCsDA/CsDA for civil works upto Rs.10,00,000/- in a year for getting work done from private/ MES registered contractors.

(Discussed and dropped)
(iv). Deficient stations/ DAD offices in each category โ€“ Accounts Officerโ€™s /AAOโ€™s/Non gazetted group โ€˜Bโ€™ and โ€˜Cโ€˜ staff along with information like peace / Hard/ tenure station/ period of tenure, availability of DAD accommodation to be uploaded on CGDA website.

Action Taken: Chairman directed that type wise accommodation in each station may be uploaded centrally on website.
(Action: AN-XII Section)
(v). Re-categorization of DEOโ€™s in Auditor grade.

(Discussed and dropped)
(vi). Graduate MTS to be allowed to appear Departmental Examination for grade of Auditor after completion of 2 years of service and they also should be allowed to appear SAS examination.

(Discussed and Dropped)
(vii). Non Graduate MTS having minimum qualification of 12th standard should be allowed to Departmental clerk examination after completion of two years of service.

Reply: Amendment proposed to Recruitment Rules in clerk was forwarded to MoD(Fin) and the same has been returned by the MOD for want of some clarification /documents and the same has been examined and will be submitted to MOD(Fin) shortly.
(Action: AN-VIII Section)
(viii). One increment may be allowed to Auditors-who have passed SAS Part-I Examination.

Reply: The Chairman informed that the proposal being forwarded to the Ministry.
(Action: AN-XIV Section)
(ix). Agenda No. 7: Calling volunteers for various stations every six months:
Six monthly volunteers should be called in the month of Dec and June every year instead of April and October.
(x). Agenda No. 8: Issue of Transfer Order by the CGDA office:
Transfer of staff on station seniority basis should be effected by end of February each year and staff should be relieved by April every year.
(Discussed and dropped)
(xi). Agenda No. 14:(a) One more workshop on JCM matter to be conducted by CGDA office shortly.
(b) Based on the JCM workshop conducted by the CGDA office, all Regional Training Centres of our Department should be directed to hold JCM workshop at the earliest.

Reply: The date of conducting the workshop on JCM Will be fixed after consultation with both the Associations.
CENTRAD is being directed to all RTCs to hold JCM workshop at the earliest.
(Action: CENTRAD / AN -VI Section)
(xii). Agenda No.28: ROC members are transferred out is violating of JCM norms. ROC members are not to be transferred so long they hold the post to maintain continuity of any forum, which badly affects staff side performance. It is urged upon to stop such transfer as per JCM norms and reconsider the cases of transfers.

(Discussed and dropped)

(xiii).Centralized welfare fund for the urgent need of staff.

(Discussed and dropped)
(xiv) Issue of Brief case to Non- Gazetted staff drawing grade pay of Rs. 4600/-.

(Discussed and dropped)
xv) Permanent Identity Card for DAD Employees.
Reply: As per the advice of Dir. Org(P&F) Air HQ(VB) the matter was taken up with the MOD (Fin) to resolve the issue of long outstanding case of issue of permanent passes to CGO & Non CGO staff of our Defence Accounts Department.
MoD(F) has intimated that any matter that requires intervention of the services HQrs. or any other authority in the services may be taken up directly with them.
In View of the above the matter has been taken up with the Integrated Headquarters of MOD(Army).
(Action: AN-III Section)

(xvi) Violation of transfer policy.
Transfer policy clause 8.4 wherein ROC members are exempted from outstation transfers is violated by certain PCDA/ CsDA in recent past e.g. CDA Guwahati, PCDA(CC) Lucknow, CDA (Fund) Meerut. Our Association demands that this transfer orders/ relieving of ROC Members to be cancelled immediately.
(Discussed and dropped)
Agenda No.5: MTS having minimum qualification of 12th Std. should be allowed to appear for part-I examination:
(Discussed and dropped)

3. Agenda points discussed in 48th SCM:
Agenda No. 1 : Membership strength of AIDAA(CB) Pune NIL against CDA(Funds) Meerut.
Reply: The Chairman directed that the matter may be pursued with CDA(Funds) Meerut.
(Action: AN-VI Section)
Agenda No. 2 : Additional funds to all PCsDA/CsDA regarding the Briefcases to the non-gazetted staff having grade pay of Rs. 4600 onwards.
Reply: The Chairman informed thatwfunds-will be allotted as and when projected by the controllers. 
(Discussed and dropped)

Agenda No. 3 : 7th CPC have now recommended Rs. 5400/- Grade pay to all AAO after completion of four years of service.
Reply: The matter is under sub-judice.

(Discussed and dropped)

Agenda No. 4: Booking of all the DAD Guest Houses should be made online immediately.
Reply: The Chairman directed that necessary action may be taken on online booking at the earliest latest by six months.
(Action: AN-XII/ IT & System)

Agenda No. 5 : Our Department should approach the appropriate authority for the medical treatment in MH to our DAD staff.

Reply: The Chairman directed to explore the possibilities.

(Action: AN -XIV Section)

Agenda No. 6 : Separate review meeting on the transfer policy should be summoned at the earliest.
Reply: Existing Transfer policy was enacted on 28.03.2014 after due consultation with Associations and taking into account of views of the Controllers. As per transfer policy para 1.2 review of the same will be after every five years.
(Point selected for Main Meeting)

(Action: AN-IX/ X Section)
Agenda No. 7 : SAS part I and part II examination to be held on at par with the SAS examination conducted in IA 85 AD.
Reply: The Chairman directed to examine the issue in consultation with C&AG (IA&AD)

(Action: SAS Section)
Agenda No. 8 : Cadre Review of Group โ€œCโ€ 8:, โ€œBโ€ staff e.g. MT S, Clerk, Auditor, Sr. Auditor, AAO in our Department is not done years together. It should be done immediately.
Reply:-The Chairman assured that the: issue oszCadre Review will be looked into.
(Action: AN -XI Section)

Agenda No. 9 : No. of alert notices to be restricted only of those staff who will be required for transfer out on seniority basis.
Reply: The Chairman directed that the number of alert notices may be restricted to double the number of vacancies.
(Action: AN-IX/ X Section)
Agenda No. 10 : Proper in house training to the newly recruited staff.
Reply: The Chairman has directed to instruct all the Controllers to conduct in house training for all new recruits before allotment of any task.
(Action: CENTRAD)
Agenda No. 11 : Exemption from transfer posting to the high altitude like Leh, Ladhakh etc. to be brought down to 50 years from 54 years.
Reply: It is already contained in transfer policy for hard / tenure stations under Northern region, an individual is not transferred/ posted to Leh once he gets past 50 years of age unless he volunteers himself.
(Discussed and dropped)

AIDAEA(HQ) Kolkata
Agenda No. 12 : Clear directive to all PCsDA/CsDA to publish their respective Transfer policy being strictly followed as per HQrs. Norms.
Reply: As per para 13.4 of transfer policy, transfer from and to all other stations / offices shall be effected by PCA(Fys)/PCsDA/CSDA within their jurisdiction in accordance with the guidelines of this policy and as per their administrative requirement. However, if there is any specific case, the same may please be brought to the notice of the HQrs. office.
Further, if any Controller has framed/ devised its own transfer policy as per guidelines issued by HQrs. office under transfer policy, the same can be uploaded on its official website.
(Point selected for Main Meeting) 
AN-IX/X Section

Agenda No. 13 : MTS who have completed 12/24i upto 31.08.2008 may be granted ACP benefits as per extant orders.
Reply: Similar point was also raised in 43ml SCM and was dropped in light of clarification issued vide Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure, Implementation Cell OM No. 1/ 1/ 2008-IC dated 24.12.2008.
However, the Chairman has advised the staff side that forward the individual cases if any.
(Point Dropped)
Agenda No. 14 : As per Arbitrary Awards Sr. Auditors may be granted equivalent grade pay 4600(instead of 4200) at par with CSS Assistants. Accordingly RR for SAs not yet prepared as a whole.
Reply: The 7th Pay Commission recommends parity in pay between the field staff and headquarter staff up to the rank of Assistants on two grounds- firstly the field staff are recruited through the same examination and they follow the same rigour as the Assistants of CSS and secondly there is no difference in the nature of functions discharged by both. Therefore to bring in parity as envisaged by the VI CPC, the 7th Pay Commission recommends bringing the level of Assistants of CSS at par with those in the field offices who are presently drawing GP 4200.
Accordingly, in the new pay matrix the Assistants of both Headquarters as well as field will come to lie in Level 6 in the pay matrix corresponding to pre revised GP 4200 and pay fixed accordingly.
(Discussed and drapped)
Agenda No. 15 : Combined seniority list of Auditors / SAs not yet prepared as a whole
Reply: The seniority list of Auditor has already been published on CGDA website on 22.05.2015. However, it is intimated that on receipt of number of representations for antedation of promotion based on SSC rank, a fresh circular on 06.10.2015 was issued to PCSDA/CSDA to report all such cases by Dec, 2015 so that all antedation cases may be finalized. On finalization of antedation cases, the final seniority list of Sr. Auditor will be published.
(Action: AN-XI Section)
Agenda No. 16 : HQrs. Directives for regulars convening of ROC at JCM level-IV in PCDA/CDA as per D(JCM) norms.
Reply: The Chairman directed to call for the information of details of ROC meeting conducted last two years.
(Action: AN-VI Section)
Agenda No. 17 : Repairing and renovation work of DAD residential accommodation in Panchwati Complex New Delhi.
Reply: Repairing and renovation work is being carried out in the DAD Residential Complex at panchwati. During the current financial year a sum of Rs. 90 lakhs have been released to PCDA(WC) Chandigarh for the same.
(Discussed and dropped)
(Mustfq Ahmad)
All Members
Uo No. AN/VI/17022/48th SCM dated: 15.01.2016
Source: CGDA

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