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Empowered Committee for Survey of India – Cadre Restructuring

Empowered Committee for Survey of India – Cadre Restructuring

NEW DELHI – 110006

No. SM/31/02/2015

Dated: the 12th January 2016


Subject : Constitution of Empowered Committee for Survey of India

With a view to strengthen the functioning of  Survey of India in Scientific Technologic and Human Resource domain, Department of Science & Technology has constituted an Empowered Committee for SoI with the following composition and terms of reference:

A. Composition

1. Dr. Sailesh Nayak, Former Secretary, MoES, New Delhi  – Chairman
2. Dr. Prithvish Nag (Ex.Surveyor General), Vice Chancellor. M.G. Kashi Vithyapeeth Varanasi – Member
3. Maj. Gen. M. Gopal Rao Ex. Surveyor General. Hyderabad, Member
4. Dr.R. Siva Kumar.  Former CEO, NSDI, New Delhi – Member
3. Mr. B.P. Awasthi,  Chief Engineer, CTMS, Indian Railways, Baroda House. New Delhi – Member
6. Mr. Satyam Kushwaha, Defence Scientist. NSC. New Delhi – Member
7. Dr. M. Chandrasekar. ASCI. Hyderabad – Member
8. Head (NRDMS & NSDI). DST. New Delhi – Member-Secretary
Surveyor Generalโ€™s Office (SGO) will extend secretarial support to the Committee.

B. Terms of Reference

a. The Committee will study all aspects of Sol including technology inclusion. adaption of new technologies, human resources and capacity building.
b. The Committee will recommend the structure. organization and cadre management for Sol and time limit for their implementation.
c. The Committee will recommend measures for meeting the growing needs of geospatial information for Government and public including new projects envisaged such as NGIS. NeGP, AMRUT. Smart Cities. etc.
d. The Committee will recommend the Policy/Rules/Act/Law to safeguard the vital information/points related with the security of the Nation.
e. The Committee will recommend a Task Force to draw an implementation plan after re-structuring the Sol.
f. The Committee will examine and recommend whether the reinvigorated Survey of India with its reinvented mandate will be under Department of Science & Technology or it can function more efficiently under Ministry of Earth Sciences.
g. The Committee will recommend whether the stock of idle assets ol’ Survey of India can be used for promotion of Science and for larger public good.
h. The Committee is empowered to take decision Tor immediate time hound actions.
i. The Committee can co-opt other members as needed.

C. Tenure:

The Committee will submit its report in 6 months time from the date of its constitution.

D. TA/DA and Honorarium

The non-officials will be paid TA as per actual or as per SERB norms. which is less and honorarium of Rs. 5000/- per day for attending the meeting.
2. This issues with the approval 01โ€˜ the Secretary. DST vide Dy. NO. 9713 dated 13.11.2015.

(S.K. Sinha)
Director (SM)

Source: http://dst.gov.in/sites/default/files/SOI-Committee-0116.pdf

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