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Justification for higher Grade Pay to Pharmacist and Anomaly in Radiographer โ€“ Annexure of Views / Comments of BPMS on the recommendations of 7th CPC

Justification for higher Grade Pay to Pharmacist and Anomaly in Radiographer โ€“  Annexure of Views / Comments of BPMS on the recommendations of 7th CPC


REF: BPMS / OFB / 7th CPC / 251 (8/2/M)

Dated: 05.12.2015

The DGOF & Chairman,
Ordnance Factory Board,
10 A, S K Bose Road,
Kolkata โ€“ 700001

Kind Attention: Shri S K Sinha, DDG/IR

Subject:  Annexure of Views / Comments of BPMS on the recommendations of 7th CPC.

Reference:  This federationโ€™s letter of even no. dated 01.12.2015

Respected Sir,

With due regards, your attention is invited to the letter cited under reference which has been sent in response to OFB letter No. 11/7th CPC/2015, Dated 27.11.2015 wherein it is mentioned that detailed justification for upgradation of Grade Pay of โ€˜Pharmacistโ€™ from Rs. 2800 to Rs. 4200 for direct entry. Hence, following justification is submitted for kind consideration:-
1. It must be kept in the mind some of the factors while determining the pay scale of a particular cadre are like the source and mode of recruitment/appointment, the qualifications, the nature of work, the value judgment, responsibilities, reliability, experience, confidentiality and functional requirement etc.
2. In OFB organizational as well as other Ministries/Departments, Pharmacists are directly recruited through open competition.
3. The educational qualification of Pharmacists in OFB is Class XII in Science + two years Diploma in Pharmacy + three months training + Certificate of Registration with Pharmacy Council.
4. The educational qualification of Pharmacist is not inferior to Chargeman (Tech) or Junior Engineer whose education qualification is Class X with Science + three years Diploma in Engineering Branches. Chargeman (Tech) / Junior Engineers are recruited in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-.
5. Duties of Registered Pharmacists to their Patients : Patient Counseling; Upon receipt of a prescription (prescription drug order) and following a review of the patientโ€™s record, a Registered Pharmacist shall personally initiate discussion of matters that will enhance or optimize drug therapy with each patient or care given of such patient. Such discussion shall be in person, whenever practicable or by telephone and shall include appropriate elements of patient counseling. Such elements may include the (1) Name and description of the drugs, (2) The dosage form, dose, route of administration, and duration of drug therapy, (3) Intended use of the drug and expected action, (4) Special directions and precautions for the drug, (5) Common severe side effects or adverse effects or interactions and therapeutic contra indications that may be encountered, including their avoidance, and the action required if they occur, (6) Techniques for self monitoring drug therapy, (7) Proper storage of drugs, (8) Prescription refill information, (9) Action to be taken in the event of a missed dose, (10) To ensure rational use of drugs. The Pharmacist shall maintain the records pertaining to drugs administered to the patients (drug card) that may be utilized for the evaluation of the drug therapy. The Pharmacist is authorized (as a Health care professional) to undertake process and outcome research, health promotion and education and provide health information and also to undertake the Pharmacoepidemiological studies.
A registered pharmacist shall undertake a pharmaceutical assessment of every prescription presented for dispensing. Assessment of the prescription should include but not be limited to assessment of whether; (i) The prescription is legally valid, (ii) The prescription includes an appropriate dosage form and appropriate route of administration, (iii) Prescription is appropriate to the patientโ€™s condition, (iv) Duration of treatment is correct, (v) Prescription is appropriate according to patientโ€™s Para-meters (age, weight etc.) and previous medication, (vi) Prescription is compatible with other medications, (vii) Prescription is consistent with formulary and guidelines, if nay Confidence/Secrecy; Confidences concerning individual or domestic life entrusted by patients to a registered Pharmacist and defects in the disposition or character of patients observed during medical attendance shall never be revealed unless their revelation is required by the laws of State. Prognosis: The registered pharmacist shall neither exaggerate nor minimize the gravity of a patientโ€™s condition. He shall ensure himself that the patient, his relatives or his responsible friends have such knowledge of the patientโ€™s condition as will serve the best interest of the patient and the family. Obligations to Sick; Though a registered Pharmacist is not bound to attend each and every person asking his service, he shall not only be ever ready to respond to the calls of the sick and the injured, but shall be mindful of the high character of his mission and the responsibility he discharges in the course of his professional duties.
Public and Community Health; Pharmacist, especially those engaged in public health work, shall enlighten the public concerning quarantine regulations and measures for the prevention of epidemic and communicable diseases. At all times the registered Pharmacist shall notify the constituted public health authorities of every case of communicable disease under his care, in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of the health authorities. When an epidemic occurs a registered s registered Pharmacist shall not abandon his duty for fear of contracting the disease himself.
6. Other Responsibilities: Pharmacist is the person, responsible for procurement of medicines as per requirement of hospital / patient from different sources of sully. He, apart from huge stick of medicines, holds charge of all medical equipments distributed in different departments of hospitals. He is responsible for proper servicing and repair of delicate and very costly equipments.
It is worth to be noted that 80% โ€“ 90% patients who are visiting Out Patient Department of the hospital do come into the contact of the Pharmacist to obtain the various services mentioned hereinabove.
From above, it is crystal clear that Pharmacists deserve for grant of higher entry grade pay of Rs. 4200/- instead of Rs. 2800/-. Hence, now the time has come to consider the above averments in correct perspective to upgrade the entry pay of Pharmacist by the Department / Ministry / Government of India because the scope of interference through judicial review is extremely limited because the Court does not normally substitute its own views for those of expert bodies like the Pay Commission unless glaring infirmities are established. Radiographers: I would like to invite your attention to the Para 7.7.49 of the recommendations of 07th CPC wherein it is mentioned that Radiographers of Defence Establishments, the entry level qualification is class XII with Science + three years Diploma in Radiography in the Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/-.
Contrary to above, Radiographers working in Ordnance Factory Organization are continuing drawing pay in the pay scale of Rs. (5000 โ€“ 8000) (Pre-revised) or Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- as per MOD ID No. PC-II-7(3)/2001/1/D(FY-I), dated 26.10.2010 and the revision of Recruitment Rules (SRO 88, Dated 03.08.2005) to incorporate the same is under process. Hence, entry pay of Radiographers in OFB will be revised to the corresponding replacement Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- subsequent to the implementation of 07th CPC.

Thanking you.

Sincerely yours
General Secretary

Source: BPMS

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