HomeSeventh Pay Commission

7th Pay Panel Proposals A Gimmick: Narayanasamy

7th Pay Panel Proposals A Gimmick: Narayanasamy
PUDUCHERRY: Terming the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission for Central government employees as a “gimmick”, AICC general secretary and former union minister V Narayanasamy said the employees will get no benefits if the recommendations were implemented.
In a statement here on Thursday, Narayanasamy said the recommendations has projected a hike of 23.55 per cent.
He said the 6th Pay Commission recommendations in 2006, implemented by the previous Congress regime led by Manmohan Singh, had suggested 30 per cent increase, while the current panel recommended 6.5 per cent less for the employees.
The dearness allowance, which was fixed half yearly, has been made annual; house rent allowance was reduced by two per cent for B-class cities and interest for vehicle as well as housing loans has been made equal to bank interest, he said.

Grade pay has been abolished and risk allowance has been withdrawn, he said, and added that the dearness allowance will be merged and will go back to the base point.
He said if the recommendations were accepted, they would serve as an act of punishment of the Central government and Puducherry government employees.
The former Union Minister urged the Puducherry administration to write to the Centre and register its opposition in removing all the benefits of concessions to the employees in the Pay Commission recommendation and ensure that it should be beneficial to the Puducherry government employees.
Narayanasamy claimed that hundreds of low level government employees met him and expressed concern that if the recommendations were implemented in Puducherry, the state government employees will be affected.
Despite the demand from the employees to announce Rs 26,000 as minimum salary, reducing it to Rs 18,000 could not be accepted, he said.
Narayanasamy said the employees will have no benefits if the panel recommendations were implemented.

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  • 7th pay commision sorry 7th pay calculation commission nothing doing only they did calculation ( 3% increase) in the name of pay matrix( why they take for more than 18 months for these calculation?

  • The statement of former Minister Sri. Narayana Swamy that the 7CPC has made the Dearness Allowance to be an yearly affair from the present six monthly one appears to be confusing as it is clear from the 7CPC report page 244 that the Derness Allowance continues as existing without change.

  • Dear all, Let us forget about the pay panel recommendations whether beneficial or not. If one goes through the data regarding 1) the total sanctioned strength in a cadre in each ministry 2) no. of personnel working and 3) posts kept vacant or shortage of man power. You will notice that in Railways and Postal particularly, the vacancies go upto to 15/20% of the sanctioned strength. This means the pay commission only recommended overtime for the employees who work to compensate the shortage of staff. Ha Ha who is clever and who is a fool

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    Dear all: increasing the amount by number is a danger economy- increase the value of money and reduce the amount in number, or reduce the inflation. The government needs a commission to block inflation. In developed countries interest rate is much lower even in the USA is less than 1% while in India more than 10%. Like wise salary increase too. In 1964 when I joined the Army monthly salary was Rs65 now it is about 20,000. In 1980 the pension was Rs180 now Rs20,000. One meal in a hotel cost Rs1 now the same standard meal Rs70. Giving out too much money is not safe economy. One UK pound was 13 Rupees now nearly Rs100. We as a major world nation and regional power should control regional Pakistan Ceylon Bangladesh Nepal Bhutan Burma Singapore China economy likewise American Dollar is the global currency. If the BJP government can reduce the inflation rate will be better than increasing the salary rates.

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    The 7th CPC wants to bring in promotions based on performance. But at the same time the CPC has recommended to abolish Over Time allowance or any other financial incentives that may be a morale booster to employees to work more ardently. It means that even if you work hard for any number of hours you will not get any benefit unless and otherwise you please your boss since from now on your boss will be the determining factor of your performance and if you are not the pet of your boss (for which you will be forced to do many other things other than your duties in the office) you will not get your due promotion. Hence neither you will get your promotions nor you will get any financial incentives even if you work over time. Then where is the motive for working more. This will only strengthen the "Boss Raj" which is already a major factor in granting career advancement in the central sector and ultimately will create a negative impact since no pay commission or government can change the basic attitude of 'ego' in each and every person. If you boss is too egoistic you are bound to face a hell in the office. if your boss is a man who does not care for flattery and corrupt then also your fate will be the same. Only in handpicked offices the virtuous ones have good bosses who are neutral and in many offices (almost 70-80%) the subordinates are afraid of making comments since they fear retaliatory action sabotaging their career and life itself from corrupt, selfish and egoistic bosses.

    Hence before strengthening the hands of such persons by way law and rules the government should try to study the ground realities existing in the central government sector and make appropriate changes in the recommendations so that the government employees can have some respite and justice.

    Regarding the recommendations of pay hike it can simply be shown as a gimmic from the following example:

    1. Basic Pay of an officer in 15600-39100 Pay band with GP of Rs. 5400/- with 15 years of service
    Rs. 19850 + Rs. 5400 – 25250/-
    2. DA as on 01.01.2016 as per CPC calculation 125% – 30688
    3. If he is granted quarters then no HRA is admissible
    4. TA will be 1600 + 125% = 2000/-
    5. Total salary as on 01.01.2016 will be Rs. 59538/-
    6. He is presently granted FPA of Rs. 550/-
    7. Then grand total is Rs. 60088/-

    As per the recommendation of new scales these figures will be as follows:

    1. New Basic pay in the pay Matrix – Rs. 25250 x 2.57 = Rs. 64893 – Next higher stage – Rs. 65000/-
    2. DA – 0%
    3. HRA – 0
    4. TA – 1800
    5. DA on TA – 0
    6. FPA – abolished
    7. Total – 65000 + 1800 = 66800

    Difference between old Gross Pay and new Gross Pay = 66800 – 60088 = 6713/-

    In the old scale If the Govt announces 12% DA within one year then the employee will get the benefit of
    Rs. 3222/- within one year. Then the actual salary increase on the recommendations of the CPC will be a mere – Rs.3491/- which the employee may get within the next one year with the announcement of 2 DAs in July and December. Hence for giving a meagre actual hike of Rs. 3500/- there is no need of any Pay Commission or its recommendations. No financial boom will be created in the market with the granting of these recommendations since the CPC has not proposed any arrears and has kept the DA level at 0% and to get another DA hike the employees have to wait for one year.

    Hence actually speaking these recommendations are only an eye wash which is not at all beneficial to any central government employees and the government may think of revising the recommendations in a more beneficial manner to boost the economy since whatever amounts given to the employees will ultimately reach the market and boost the economy with more purchasing power in the hands of employees.