
Writing and Maintenance of APAR: PCDA(CC) Instructions

Writing and Maintenance of APAR: PCDA(CC) Instructions

Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Central Command) Cariappa Road, 
Cantt., Lucknow, Pin Code -22600

No.AN/1A/1 054/ APAR/ 201445

Date: 09.10.2015 


All sub- offices under PCDA (CC) Lucknow
All sections in Main Office

Sub: Writing and Maintenance of APAR. 

Consequent upon introduction of numerical grading, the revised guidelines on writing and maintenance of confidential reports circulated vide 1-1Qrs office letter No. AN/X111/13128/ APAR/2010-11 dated 26.05.2014. 

2. However, it is noticed that the guidelines/instructions are not being followed by Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting officers resulting in finalization of APARs in a flawed manner adversely affecting the promotional and other aspects of the concerned officers. Since it concerns the career development and advancement of our personnel, it is incumbent upon all the officers to bestow their personal care and attention in each and every report that comes under their consideration/responsibility so that the staff/officers reported upon do not feel disappointed and let down.
3. Accordingly it is enjoined upon all the concerned, that the guidelines/instructions issued on the subject may be strictly adhered to, in letter and spirit. A copy of guidelines and instructions is enclosed. 


xii The Government servant (officer reported upon) shall be given the opportunity to make any representation against the entries and final grading in APAR, within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the entries in the APAR.
xiii. While communicating the entries APAR, it shall be made clear that in case no representation is received within the fifteen days, it shall be deemed that he/she has no representation to make and the APAR will be treated as final.
xiv. lf an employee is to be considered for promotion in a future DPC and his ACRs prior to the period 2008-09, which would be reckonable for assessment of his fitness in such future DPCs contain final grading which are below benchmark for his next promotion, before such ACRs are placed before the UPC, the concerned employee will be given a copy of the relevant ACR for his representation, if any and such representation will be considered by the competent authority, and pass
order on said representation.
iv. The representation against entries and final grading in APAR would lie to the next superior officer above the accepting officer.
xvi. The AN sections of Main Office shall continue to be responsible for obtaining remarks of the Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting officers on the representations preferred against the entries and final grading in APAR and process them for consideration by the designated officer as per the statement enclosed.
xvii. The decision on representation may be taken objectively in a quasi-judicial manner on the basis of material placed before it, after taking into account the views of the concerned Reporting! reviewing Officers, if they are stiil in service. The competent authority after due consideration may reject the representation or may accept and modify the APAR accordingly. In case of up-gradation of the final grading given in the APAR, specific reasons therefor may also be given in the order of the competent authority.
xviii. lt is reiterated that proper disposal of representation in a quasi-judicial manner as outlined in this Departmentโ€˜s OM dated 13.04.2010 is mandatory before the under consideration ACR/APAR may be placed/considered before/by the DPC.
xix. In case the representation against entries/grading in APAR is to be considered in this Hqus office, it may be ensured that all relevant documents (eg. copies of APAR, comments of Reporting/ Reviewing/ Accepting officer etc.) may invariably be enclosed with the representation.
xx. A second representation is not provided after the first representation against the entries in APAR has already been disposed of by the competent authority. However, this does not affect the memorial to the President that may be made as per existing instructions if any adverse remarks are subsisting after the decision of the competent authority.


xxi. The column provided for irregularity/ punctuality in attendance in the APAR may be filled as per assessment by reporting and reviewing officers and as per the existing provisions the Accepting Officer may exercise its discretion and award overall grading accordingly in terms of Para 215, OM Part-l and Hqus pofice No. AN/Xlll/13128(652)/Vol.Xl/Amend OM-l dated 10.01.2006.

xxii. The remarks against the integrity column shall be made by the reporting officer as per the instruction issued under GI MHA OM No. 51/4/64-Estt (A) dated 21.06.1965 and DOPT O.M. No.. 51/5/72-Estt.โ€˜Aโ€™ dated 20.05.1972. Generally, the integrity column may be remarked as one of the three options mentioned below

Beyond doubt
Since the integrity of the officer is
doubtful. a secret note is attached 
Not watched the officerโ€™s work for
sufficient time to form a definite judgement but nothing adverse has been
reported to me about the officer.

xxiii. All the Govt. orders/instructions on preparation, maintenance and completion of APAR issued from time to time shall continue to be followed.


  • GOI, Dept of Per. & Trg OM No. 21011/8/85-Estt.(A), dated 23-9-1985
  • Para 215, 217 of Office Manual Part โ€“ l
  • Hqus office letter No. AN/Xlll/13128/3/Vol-Xl dated 14.12.90
  • Hqus office letter No AN/Xlll/13128(652)Vol.Xl/Amend OM-l dated 10.01.2008
  • Hqus letter No. AN/Vlll/0698/SAS Apprentice dated 09 05.2011
  • GOI. Dept of Per & Trg. OM No. 51/3/74-Estt.(A), dated 22.05.1975
  • DOP&T OM No.21011/1/2006-Estt. (A) dated 16.1.2006
  • O.M No. 51/5/72-Estt. โ€˜Aโ€˜ dated the 20 .05 1972
  • DOP&T OM. No. 12/2/84-PP dated the 17.12. 1986
  • DOPT OM No. 21011/1/2010-Estt.A (Pt-ll) dated 14.05.2009
  • DOPT OM No. 21011/1/2010-Estt.A dated 13-04.2010
  • DOPT OM No, 21011/1/2010-Estt.A (Pt-ll) dated 23.07.2009
  • OOPT OM No. 21011/1/2005-Estt.A {Pt-III) dated 31.01.2014
No. AN/Xlll/13128/APAR/2010-1l     Dated 26.05.2014


Guidelines regarding filling of APAR with numerical grading
The following guidelines shall be kept in mind while awarding numerical gradings:
i. The columns in the APAR should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time.
ii. Numerical grading are to be awarded by reporting and reviewing authorities for the quality of work output, personal attributes and functional competence of the officer reported upon. These should be on a scale of 1-10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. The accepting authority will also give overall grade on a score of 1-10.
iii. The overall grade on a score of 1-10 will be based on 40% weightage on assessment of work output, and 30% each for assessment of personal attributes and functional competency. The overall grading will be based on addition of the mean value of each group of indicators in proportion to weightage assigned.
[i.e. Weightage Average/Overall grade 2 (40% of mean value of assessment of work output + 30% of mean value of assessment of personal attributes + 30% of mean value of assessment of functional competency)
iv. It is expected that any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes of overall grade) would be adequately justified in the pen-picture by way of specific failures and similarly, any grade of 9 or- 10 would be justified with respect to specific accomplishments. ln awarding a numerical grade, the reporting and reviewing authorities should rate the officer against a large population of his/her
peers that may be currently working under them.
v. APARs graded between 8 and 10 will be rated as โ€˜outstandingโ€™ and will be given a score of โ€˜ 9 for the purpose of calculating average scores for empanelment/promotion. 
vi. APARs graded between 6 and short-of 8 will be rated as โ€˜very goodโ€˜ and will be given a score of 7.
vii. APARs graded between 4 and short of 6 will be rated as โ€˜goodโ€™ and given a score of 5.
viii. APARs graded below 4 will be given a score of zero.
Authority: oopr OM No. 2101111/2010-Estt.A (Pt-II) dated 23.07.2009
No- AN/XlIl/13128/APAR/2010-11   Dated 24.05.2014


Time schedule for preparation/completion of APAR:
(Reporting year- Financial year)

The time schedule as mentioned below may strictly be adhered to:
Sl. Activity Date by which to be completed
Distribution of blank APAR forms to all concerned (i.e.,to officer to be reported upon where self-appraisal has to be given and to reporting officers where self-appraisal is not to be given
31st March.
(This may be completed
even a week earlier).
Submission of self-appraisal to reporting officer by
officer to be reported upon (where applicable).
15th April
Submission of report by reporting to reviewing officer
30th June
Report to be completed by Reviewing Officer and to be sent to Administration or CR Section/Cell or accepting authority , wherever provided
31st July
Appraisal by accepting authority, wherever provided
31st August
(a) Disclosure to the officer reported upon where there is no accepting authority
01st September
(b) Disclosure to the officer reported upon where there is accepting authority

15th September
Receipt of communication
15 days from the date of receipt of communication
Forwarding of representations to the competent
(a) where there is no accepting authority for APAR
21st September
(b) where there is accepting authority for APAR

06th October
Disposal of representation by the competent authority the date of receipt of
Within one month from the date of receipt of
Communication of the decision of the competent authority on the
representation by the APAR Cell
15th November
End of entire APAR process, after which the APAR will be
finally taken on record
30th November
Authority: DOPT OM No. 21011/1/2010-Estt.A(Pt-ll) dated 23.07.2009


Source: http://pcdacc.gov.in/download/circularsnew/dad_residential_accomodation_sma0001.pdf

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