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CSD Canteen Facilities to retired DAD Employees: Clarification by CGDA

CSD Canteen Facilities to retired Defence Civilians – Clarification
No. AN/VII/7063/CSD/Misc
Dated: 20.10.2015
All PCsDA/PCA(Fys) Kolkata, CsDA
(Through CGDA website)

Subject: Extension of CSD Canteen Facilities to retired Defence Civilians

Reference : This office letter of even No. dated 21.08.2015.
In continuation of the above, the following clarification on some of the common points raised in various representations received in this office is as under:
Sl. No.
Common Points raised in the representations
Whether the retired employees of the Defence Accounts Department are eligible for the C.S.D Canteen facility as the orders from the DDGCS
does not explicitly say so.
Yes. The retried employees of the Defence Accounts Department are eligible for C.S.D Canteen Facility.
Whether the DAD Pensioners can get the application forms authenticated only from the office from which they have retired.
The authentication of the application forms may be carried out by the nearest Controller, under the jurisdiction, the pensioner is
currently residing or the application is made. Also, the nominated Officers are directed to authenticate/countersign the application forms
of any DAD pensioner, if the application is submitted to him/her. The authentication is to be carried out, based on submission of the
documents as required by the Canteen authorities.
What is termed as ‘Govt Order for Retirement?
The Part II. Officer Order issued by the Controllers in respect of the retiring employee will suffice the requirement.
The said order does not speak about the eligibility of the Family Pensioners.
Whether the same are eligible for the C.S.D Canteen Facilities?
The extension of CSD Canteen Facilities to the Family Pensioners is implied as the QMG branch letter dated 12.08.2015 does not make any
distinction between the Retired Defence Civilian Employees and Family Pensioners. The term DAD Pensioners includes also, as they are
drawing pension authorized by PCDA(P) Allahabad.

(Mustaq Ahmad)
Source: http://cgda.nic.in/adm/circular/ext_csd_rdc_201015.pdf

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  • Pranjal Borah 9 years ago

    The application for for applying a CSD canteen card by the family pensioners of MES employees is not yet made availabe either in the URCs or in the web after alomost more than one month of issue of calrification for MOD

  • Unknown 9 years ago

    The application forms for csd canteen card for family pensioners of MES employees is not yet available and so we are unable to apply for the card. Its more than one month since the order has been released but the application form is not yet made available to the URCs

  • though the CGDA,NewDelhi clarified that the family pensioners of the Defence Accts.Deptt. are also eligible to draw the CSD Canteen stores, The Military Headquarters have not yet given the green signal when the matter was referred to them for certain information /clarifications . Already above one month is over, it seems the matter has not seen the light of the day as yet..Will the Military authorities expedite thier reply as instantlt as possible?