There is a good news for retired Railway Employees who want to work after retirement or working in railway after retirement. In continuation of Railway Board Order RBE No.112/2014 dated 17-10-2014 the Railway Board has extended the scheme to re-engage retired staff on daily remuneration basis in exigencies of services upto 14.09.2016.
RBE No .97/2015
No. E(NG)II/2010/RC-4/6
New Delhi, dated.31.8.2015
The General Manager (P)
All Indian Railways/PUs
Sub: Re-engagement of retired staff on daily remuneration basis in exigencies of services.
Attention is invited to this Ministryโs letter of even number dated 17.10.2014 (RBE No.112/2014) on the above subject. Keeping in view the acute shortage of staff in various categories of posts and consequent hampering of the Railwayโs services, Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have decided to extend the said scheme, in exigencies of services, for a further period of one year, i.e.,up to 14.09.2016, in the same terms & conditions as mentioned in the Boardโs letter of even number dated 27.09.2012. While implementing the scheme, General Managers may keep in view the fresh recruitment made in the vacant posts.
This issue with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways (Railway Board).
(Neeraj Kumar)
Director Estt. (N)II
Railway Board
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Kind Attention : Shri Neeraj Kumar , Director Estt (N)/ II/ Railway Board.
Sub: Rate of daily payment of Re-engagement of Retired staff.
Respected Sir, With due respect I beg to lay down few lines for your kind consideration and helpful action in case of railway retired staff.
1) During 7th Pay commission rate of payment revised by 2.57 for all working employees. The rate of pension also revised with the same process. But re-engaged employee are still receiving same remunneration. It is admissible for those who are working with their best knowledge and activities.
2) Please revised the rate of remunnation of daily wages of all re-engaged railway employee.
Thanking you sir for your kind consideration and helpful action which is related to economicaly progress of employee who has render their service.
Engagement Period of two years , please be counted w.e.f. date of re-engagement not from the date of retirement.
2) Leave en-cash regarding balance medical leave few fixed amount please be given to retired employee.
3) Re-engagement period please be extended from 2 years of period to 3 years of period in favour of Railway as well as retied employee. There is no doubt from any part of knowledge which is helpful to Railway by adopting or engagement of retired staff particularly Ministerial staff.
Thanking you Sir, (Retired 30.06.2015)
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Kind Attention : Shri Neeraj Kumar , Director Estt (N)/ II/ Railway Board.
Sub: Pray and request of Re-engagement of Retired staff.
Respected Sir, With due respect I beg to lay down few lines for your kind consideration and helpful action in case of railway retired staff.
1) Engagement Period of two years , please be counted w.e.f. date of re-engagement not from the date of retirement.
2) Leave en-cash regarding balance medical leave few fixed amount please be given to retired employee.
3) Re-engagement period please be extended from 2 years of period to 3 years of period in favour of Railway as well as retied employee. There is no doubt from any part of knowledge which is helpful to Railway by adopting or engagement of retired staff particularly Ministerial staff.
Thanking you Sir, (Retired 30.06.2015)
Kind attention : Shri Neeraj Kumar, Director Estt (N) II/ Railway Board
Sub: Re-engagement of Retired Staff.
Sir, with due respect I beg to inform you that 2 years of period of any retired staff is not full-fill by the working organisation, because after retirement organisation issue PPO. After receiving of PPO only retired staff eligible for re-engagement. Then organisation issue advertisement for post. Later on few period are given to give application. Again, later on selected staff Medical fitness is essential. And after medical fitness certificate then process of re-engagement start, it also take time. In this connection I request your honour that period of 2 years count from the date of engagement not from the date of retirement. Further extension period must be granted at a time for 2 years not the practice which adopted by Board that one year from 14.09.2015 to 14.09.2016. It is not good for retired staff and not for the organisation also. My request please be accepted in favour of both for staff and organization.
Sir, I pray for those employee who are retired on 30.6.of any year. Railway Board authority may please considered them to give one increment benefit, which help them economically in course of receiving pension.
[2] D/ ramesh rai โ it is for your kind information that old is always gold. You including those employee who are with you, I am requesting them to see the working capacity of re-engagement employee. I am along with all re-engagement employee only working to help our physical body, mind and always doing good and try our best to do further good in both case i.e. for administration and for self fitness. Thanks for your reply.
Capacity of a re-engaged retired railway employee also needs to be clarified whether they'd be treated as regular employee and discharge their duties as per norms of regular employee of that capacity or daily waged workers who are paid only for working days dispensing Saturday and Sunday as well as holidays despite of theirs services being contributed as per the schedule of office hours. It's a great disgracing to listen. I hope , this should be restored or lifted. Still in my opinion re-engagement of retired staff should not be promoted. Thanks so much for listening all this. Best of regards.
It is not good for those employee who retired on 30.06.of any Years. Railway Board is requested that a employee when retired on 30.6.2015, his pension calculation time one increment please provided to them. Which is much help full to the retired employee, + his family. This is my pray for all employee who retired on 30.6.2015 of any year. Please do some financial help for them after retirement.
Thanking you all Sir for this act of kindness.
It is good that retired staff are being utilised. As such, they will be able to impart their past experiences alongwith additional output for progress of the railway as well as country. But when I gone through the deeper course of the fact then I found a great discrimination with the retired person. In my opinion retired staff should be paid full dignity and respect.. Cares need to be taken if they are financially being deprived.Their present pay and wages + Pension amount should be at par with the last pay drawn in the present scenario. They must be treated equally in respect of facilities as per regular employee for instance TA, DA, Leave,Transport Allowance, HRA, PLB etc. Since there is no scope for getting continuity of service , increment and promotion they please be given a lumpsum amount for the services being rendered by them so that contribution of the retired employee is not denied. Above all I would ever be emphasizing upon discouraging the Re-engagement of Retired Employee. It should be made only to fulfill the minimum requirement and impart their past experience. Retired employees are re-engaged after going through full medical checkup as per regular employee but for salary they are being badly deprived. They are being booked on duty with Railway duty pass but they are not given Traveling Allowance. So this is a gross injustice, irregularities and infringement and needs immediate reform.