ECHS: Fresh empanelment of 89 new private hospitals and labs vide order dated 21-09-2015

The Screening Committee for empanelment of Medical facilities with ECHS has decided in its meeting held on 06 Aug 2015 under the chairmanship of MD ECHS to empanel 89 Private Hospitals/Nursing Homes and Diagnostic Laboratories for different specialities.  Now Regional Centres will initiate action to complete the formalities required for empanelling hospitals approved for empanelment 
Letter of DESW:-
No. 228(01 )/2015-VVL/D(Hes)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Dept of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi the 21st September 2015



The Managing Director
Central Organisation, ECHS
Maude Line, Delhi Cantt


1. I am directed to state that in terms of the provisions of Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 228(04)/2010/US(WE)D(Res) dated 18 Feb 2011 and 228(02)/2013/US(WE)D(Res) dated 18 Oct 2013, it has now been decided by the 6th Screening Committee for empanelment of Medical facilities with ECHS in its meeting held on 06 Aug 2015 under the chairmanship of MD ECHS to empanel 89 Private Hospitals/Nursing Homes and Diagnostic Laboratories for different specialities and procedures as per the list attached in the Annexure

Ser City Name of Hospitals Annexure
1. Amritsar EMC Superspecialitv Hospital Private Limited 1
2. Ahmedabad Apex Heart Institute (A Unit of TCVS Pvt. Ltd) 2
3. Ajmer Mittal Hospital & Research Centre (A Unit of Mittal Hospital Limited) 3
4. Allahabad Eye Clinic 4
5. Allahabad Kriti Scanning Centre (P) Ltd 4
6. Bangalore Narayana Nethralaya 5
7. Bhopal Chiravu Medical College & Hospital 6
8. Bulandshahr Laakshmi Lifeline Hospital 7
9. Calicut PVS Hospital Pvt. Ltd., 8
10. Chennai MIOT Hospital 9
11. Chennai Christian Medical College Hospital, Vellore 10
12 Chennai Noble Hospital 11
13. Coimbatore K. Govindaswamy Naidu Medical Trust (KGHospital) 12
14. Dehradun Shri Mahant lndiresh Hospital (A Unit of Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health
15 Durgapur The Mission Hospital (A Unit of Durgapur Medical Centre Pvt Ltd) 14
16. Ghaziabad Family Health Care Hospital 15
17. Greater Noida Navin Hospital 16
18. Gurgaon Alchemist Hospital (A Unit of Alchemist Hospitals
19. Gurgaon Viaan Eye & Retina Centre 18
20 Gurgaon Mayom Hospital (A Unit of Unitech South City Medical Charitable Trust . 19
21. Gurgaon Modern Diagnostic & Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. 20
22 Guwahati Down Town Hospital Ltd. 21
23. Guwahat1 Narayana Hrudayalaya Pvt. Ltd 22
24 Haldwani Brij Lal Hospital & Research Centre 23
25 Haldwani Bombay Hospital and Research Centre 24
26 Hyderabad Care Hospital (A Unit of Quality Care India Limited) 25
27. Hyderabad New Delhi Centre for Sight Pvt Ltd. 26
28. Indore Bombay Hospital 27
29. Jabalpur Chhavi Eye Hospital 28
30. Jaipur Ganadhipati Purushottam Shekhawati HospitaL and Research Centre 29
31. Jaipur SR Kalla Memorial Gastro and General Hospital 30
32. Jalandhar Cosmos Hospital 31
33. Jalandhar SGL Super Spec iality Charitable Hospital (A Unit  of Baba Kashmira Singh Jan Sewa Trust) 32
34 . Jalandhar Ghai Hospital 33
35 Jalandhar Tagore Hospial & Heart Care Centre Pvt Ltd 34
36 Jalandhar B B.C Heart Care Pruthi Hospital Ltd 35
37 Jalandhar Johal Multispeciality Hospital 36
38 Jalandhar Thind Eye Hospital Ltd 37
39 Kanpur Sanjeevni Hospital (A Unit of Sukhmani Nursing Home Pvt Ltd) 38
40 Kota Sudha Hospital & Medical Research Centre 39
41 Kozhencherry Muthoot Health Care Private Limited 40
42 Lucknow Raj Scanning Ltd 41
43 Lucknow Promila Diagnostic Centre 42
44 Lucknow Javitri Hospital (Unit of Javitri Test-Tube Baby Centre Pvt. Ltd 43
45 Lucknow TC Eye Centre 44
46 Madurai Vadamalayan Hospitals Pvt Ltd. 45
47 Mangalore A.J. Hospital & Research Centre 46
48 Meerut Meerut Kidney Hospital Pvt. Ltd. 47
49 Meerut Prakash Eve Hospital 53and Laser Centre 48
50 Mohali Max Superspeciality Hospital (A Unit of Ho
Estate Pvt. Ltd),
51 Mohali IVY Hospital 50
52 Mohali Fortis Hospital (A Unit of Fortis Healthcare Ltd) 51
53 Mumbai Sevenhills Healthcare Pvt Ltd 52
54 Mumbai Riddhi Vinayak Critical Care and Cardiac Centre 53
55 Mumbai Prachin Healthcare Multispeciality Hospital (Unit of Dake Hospitals Pvt. Ltd) 54
56 Mumbai Mumbai Eye Care Cornea &Lasik Centre 55
57 Mumbai Apex Hospital (A Unit of Noble Medical Centre) 56
58 Mumbai Apex Hospital (Unit of Noble Medical Centre) 57
59 Naqpur Anantwar Eve Hospital 58
60 Nepal BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences 59
61 Nepal Manipal Teaching Hospital 60
62 New Delhi Dharamshila Hospital and Research Centre 61
63 New Delhi Jain Hospital (A Unit of Jain Neuro & IVF Hospitals Pvt ltd) 62
64 New Delhi Action Cancer Hospital 63
65 New Delhi Deepak Memorial Hospital 64
66 New Delhi Maharaia Aorasen Hospital 65
67 New Delhi Primus Super Speciality Hospital 66
68 New Delhi Delhi Heart & Lung Institute (A Unit of Apex Heart
Care Pvt. Ltd.)
69 New Delhi Escorts Heart Institute & Research Centre Limited 68
70 New Delhi Mahajan Eve Centre 69
71 New Delhi Focus Imaging & Research Centre Pvt Ltd., New Delhi 70
72 New Delhi New Delhi Centre for Sioht Pvt Ltd 71
73 New Delhi Delhi Eye Centre 72
74 New Delhi Saket City Hospital 73
75 New Delhi Metro Hospital and Cancer Institute 74
76 Neida Metro Hospital & Heart Institute (A Unit of  Metro Institutes of Medical Sciences Pvt. Ltd.) 75
77 Noida Kailash Hospital Ltd, 76
78 Noida Sharda Hospital (Unit of sharda Educational Trust) 77
79 Noida Surbhi Hospital 78
80 Pathankot Choudhary CT Scan, Ultrasound, X-ray Center 79
81 Patna Ruban Memorial Hospital Ratan Stone Clinic, Unit of Ruban Patliputra 80
82 Patna ASG Hospital Pvt Ltd 81
83 Perinthalmanna AL Shifa Hospital Pvt Ltd 82
84 Pune Jehangir Hospital 83
85 Pune Aditva Birla Memorial Hosoital 84
86 Pune Kohakade Hospital 85
87 Rajpura Gian Sagar Medical College and Hospital, (Unit of Gian Sagar Educational and ,Charitable Trust) 86
88 Rajpura Simrita Nursing Home 87
89 Wanowane, Pune Ruby Hall Clinic 88

2. All the terms and conditions including fixation of rates payable to empanelled hospitals will be regulated under Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter No228(04)/201 O/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 18 Feb 2011 and amended from time to time.
3. The rates for ECHS Hospital/Nursing Home, Dental Centres and Diagnostic Centres as approved by the Empowered Committee will be as per CGHS rates and will be notified by the Director, Regional Centre ECHS to all concerned including Polyclinics, SEMOs, CDA/PCDA and Central Organisation ECHS.
4. Empanelment of CGHS empanelled hospitals is subject to the hospital providing proof of its being a CGHS empanelled facility as on the date of signing MoA with ECHS.
5. CGHS empanelled medical facilities will be empanelled with ECHS for the period for which the facilities hold valid MoA with CGHS. The MoA will be extendable once CGHS renew the MoA with the medical facilities.
6. NABH accredited medical facilities will be empanelled with ECHS for the period of validity of NABH certificate and the MoA will be renewed once the medical facility is issued revalidation/renewed NABH certificate.
7. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance) vide their U.O. No.34(05)/201O/FPVol. II dated 16/09/2015.
(HK Mallick)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India

ECHS Letter:-

Central Organisation, ECHS
Adjutant Generalโ€™s Branch
Integrated Headquarters
Ministry of Defence (Army)
Maude Lines
Delhi Cantt โ€“ 110 010


22, Sep 2015

IHQ of MoD (Navy)/Dir ECHS (N)
HQ Southern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Eastern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Western Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Central Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Northern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ South Western Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Andaman & Nicobar Command (A/ECHS)
All Regional Centre ECHS


1. Refer Govt of India, Min of Def letter No 228(01)/2015-WE/D(Res) dated 21 Sep 2015 (Copy enclosed).
2. Regional Centres will initiate action to complete the formalities required for empanelling hospitals approved for empanelment vide letter under reference.  A Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) will be signed with each of the Hospital by the Director, Regional Centre ECHS concerned. The MoA will be made on Rs 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) non judicial stamp paper and will be valid for two years from the date of signing of the agreement. The payment for the stamp paper will be made by the empanelled facility. The following documents will be attached to MoA as Annexures:-
(a) Health facilities for which recognised. (Copy of Annexure of Govt letter pertaining to hosp).
(b) Negotiated Rates (only one rate per code No. as applicable to the medical facility will be mentioned and negotiated rated would be lower than CGHS rates & indicated by asterix).

3. Rates applicable will be as per prevalent CGHS rates/negotiated rates whichever is lower.

Disposal of Application Forms and MoA

4. Application forms in respect of the Hospitals approved for empanelment by the Empowered Committee of Moo will be returned by the Central Organisation, ECHS to the Regional Centres concerned from where they originated. 
5. The application forms will be stored in safe custody of Regional Centres. The application form will NOT be destroyed for two years after termination of the period of validity of the MoA.
6. The original and duplicate copies of MoA will be retained by the Regional Centres and the empanelled facility respectively. Additional photocopies of MoA along with Annexures including rates will be forwarded/distributed as under:-

(a) Central Organisation ECHS.
(b) Concerned Areal Sub Areal Independent Sub Area.
(c) Concerned SEMOs.
(d) Concerned Polyclinics.
(e) Concerned CDAs.


7. Formal referrals to empanelled facilities as per laid down procedures can commence after signing of the MoA.

(Vijay Anand)
for MD

Download full order: http://echs.gov.in/images/pdf/Gov/Gov_61.pdf

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  • Manan 9 years ago

    Most esm are settled in small towns and most empanelled hospitals are enhanced in NEW DELHI AND MUMBAI!!!!! I can smell something fish here

  • Anil Goyal 9 years ago

    Not one of the better, multi function and multi speciality reknowned hospitals of mumbai are empanelled on ECHS. Further, giving list without address, contact details and facilities that can be availed is meaningless.