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Army Medical Officer โ€“ Revision of Pension Pre-2006 Pensioner โ€“ Inclusion of NPA โ€“ PCDA Circular No. 24 dated 11.09.2015

Revision of Pension of Pre- 2006 pensioner โ€“ inclusion of Non Practicing Allowance (NPA) for revision of pension/ ordinary family pension in respect of Medical officers of Army Medical Corps (AMC)/Army Dental Corps(ADC)/ Remount Veterinary Corps (RVC):-

Office of the Pr.C.D.A.(Pensions),
Draupadighat, Allahabad โ€“ 211014

Circular No. 24

Date : 11 September, 2015

SUBJECT:- Revision of Pension of Pre- 2006 pensioner โ€“ inclusion of Non Practicing Allowance (NPA) for revision of pension/ ordinary family pension in respect of Medical officers of Army Medical Corps (AMC)/Army Dental Corps(ADC)/ Remount Veterinary Corps (RVC).


Update: Further Clarification by PCDA Ciruclar No. 25 dated 21 Dec 2015

Reference is invited towards Govt. of India, MOD letter No. 1(1)/99/D(Pen/ Sers) dated 07.06.1999 issued in implementation of recommendation of V CPC. As per the ibid letter the pension/family pension of all Armed Force Pensioners, irrespective of their date of retirement should not be less than 50% /30% respectively of the minimum pay in the revised scale of pay introduced w.e.f. 01.01.1996 of the rank held by the pensioner. The pension of Armed Force officers including Medical officer was revised as per the ibid letter and benefit of NPA was also allowed. However, the Govt has subsequently issued letter dated 11.09.2001, according to which, NPA granted to Medical officers does not form part of the scales of Pay. It
is a separate element and it is not to be added to the minimum of the revised scale of pay as on 01.01.1996 in case where consolidated pension/ family pension is to be stepped upto 50%/30% respectively in terms of MOD letter dated 07.06.1999.

2. Similarly, Govt. of India, MoD has issued order vide letter No. 17(4)/2008/D(Pen/Policy) dated 16.03.2010 under VI CPC , which provided that NPA element shall not be added to the emoluments to determine minimum guaranteed pension in terms of para 5 of GOI, MOD letter no. 17(4)/2008(1)/D(Pen/Sers) dated 11.11.2008 (Circulated under Circular No. 397).

3. It has been decided vide no. 38/31/11-P&PW(A)(Vol.-IV) dated 14.10.2014 and even No. dated 18.02.2015 in cases of Civilian doctors by Govt., in implementation of Honโ€™ble Supreme Court order dated 27.11.2013 in Civil Appeal No. 10640-46/2013, that while determining minimum guaranteed pension of past retirees from 01.01.1996 in terms of DP&PW OM dated 17.12.1998 and with effect from 01.01.2006 in terms of DP&PW OM dated 1.09.2008 and with effect from 24.09.2012 in terms of DP&PW dated 28.01.2013, the NPA element shall be added to the minimum of revised pay scale subject to the maximum ceiling prescribed from time to time.

4. Now the Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence has also issued letter NO. 1(7)/2014-D(Pen/Pol) date 31.07.2015 according to which in case of Pre 96 retired medical officers, who were drawing NPA element at the time of their retirement, NPA@ 25% shall be added to the minimum of the scale of pay as on 01.01.1996 while determining minimum guaranteed pension/family pension in terms of MOD letter No. 1(1)/99/D(Pen/Sers) dated 07.06.1999 subject to the ceiling that pay plus rank pay plus NPA should not exceed Rs. 29500/-. It has further been clarified in the ibid letter that in case of pre 2006 retiree medical officers, NPA @ 25% shall be added to the minimum of the pay in pay band plus the grade pay and MSP (subject to Max. ceiling of Rs. 85000/-), where applicable, while determining minimum guaranteed pension /family pension from 01.01.2006 in terms of para 5 of MOD letter dated 11.11.2008. Similarly, for revision of pension/family pension w.e.f. 24.09.2012, NPA @ 25% shall also be added to the minimum of the fitment table for the rank in the revised pay band as indicated under fitment tables annexure with SAI 2/S/2008 and equivalent instructions for Navy and Air Force plus Grade Pay and Military Service Pay
where applicable. The copy of Govt. letter dated 31.07.2015 is enclosed herewith as appendix 1 to this letter.

5. Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence has further issued letter NO. 1(04)/2015(I)-D(Pen/Pol) date 03.09.2015 according to which revised tables indicating minimum guaranteed pension/ ordinary family pension for Indian Commissioned officers which is annexed with GoI, MoD letter No. 1(11)/2012-D(Pen/ Policy) dated 17.01.2013 (Circulated under Circular no. 500) shall be effective from 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012.

6. In view of the above, the pension of all pre 96 and pre 2006 retired medical officers of
Army Medical Corps (AMC)/Army Dental Corps(ADC)/ Remount Veterinary Corps (RVC), who were in receipt of NPA at the time of retirement, is required to be revised after allowing NPA as mentioned above. Therefore, the following Circulars issued earlier on the subject are superseded with this Circular.

(i) Imp. Circular No. 1 dated 20.05.2002 issued from File No. G-1/M/01/NPA
(ii) Imp. Circular No. 2 dated 20.05.2002 issued from File No. G-1/M/01/ NPA
(iii) Imp. Circular No. 3 dated 12.06.2002 issued from File No. G-1/M/01/NPA
(iv) Imp. Circular No. 4 dated 17.07.2002 issued from File No. G-1/M/01/NPA
(v) Imp. Circular No. 5 dated 29.01.2009 issued from File No. G-1/M/01/NPA
(vi) Imp. Circular No. 18 dated 14.02.2014 issued from File No. G-1/M/01/NPA

7. The Pension disbursing officers are requested to identify the affected cases of Medical officers of Armed Forces of Army Medical Corps (AMC)/Army Dental Corps(ADC)/ Remount Veterinary Corps (RVC) who were in receipt of NPA. The minimum guaranteed pension / family pension will be revised by the Pension Disbursing Agencies (PDAโ€™s) in affected cases as indicated in the corresponding tables as per their respective rank and qualifying service. The tables for minimum pension guaranteed pension of different categories of pensioners are enclosed as per the following Annexures:-

1. Annexure-A
For revised pension under VCPC w.e.f. 01.01.1996 in respect of officers of Regular Commission AMC/ADC/RVC in receipt of NPA
For revised pension under VICPC w.e.f. 01.01.2006 in respect of officers of Regular Commission of AMC/ADC/RVC in receipt of NPA
For revised pension under VICPC w.e.f. 01.01.2006 in respect of EC/SSC officers of AMC/ ADC / /RVC retired on or after 01.01.1996 but prior to 01.01.2006

8. The pension under respective Annexure has been calculated after adding weightage admissible to actual qualifying service and shown against the qualifying service. Therefore, PDAs are not to allow any additional benefit of weightage in qualifying service.
The revised pension shown in Annexure is admissible only to medical officers of AMC/ ADC/ RVC who were in receipt of NPA at the time of retirement. The non technical officers of AMC/ADC/ RVC are
not entitled to above revision. The Pension of PSU absorbeeโ€™s medical officer of AMC/ADC/ RVC will
not be revised as per these tables but cases be referred to this office for further action.

9. The normal rate of family pension will be revised by PDAs as indicated in Annexure. The enhanced rate of family pension will also be revised and the amount of enhanced rate will be the same as retiring pension corresponding to the service rendered by the officer. However, in cases of death-in-service of officer, the enhanced rate of family pension will be revised equal to the amount of retiring pension shown against the qualifying service of 30 years and above. The period of payment of enhanced rate may be verified before making any payment. The amount of enhanced rate of family pension will not be less than the amount of normal rate of ordinary family pension indicated in the table.

10. The tables of minimum guaranteed pension/family pension circulated under this office Circulars No. 397 dated 18.11.2008 as amended vide circulars No. 452 dated 21.02.2011, No. 453 dated 22.02.2011, 500 dated 17.01.2013 and 536 dated 05.02.2015 stand modified in respect of Medical officers of Army Medical Corps (AMC)/Army Dental Corps(ADC)/ Remount Veterinary Corps (RVC). For officers other than medical officer of Army Medical Corps (AMC)/Army Dental Corps (ADC)/ Remount Veterinary Corps (RVC) including non technical officer of AMC separate instructions will be issued to allow revised rate of pension as mentioned in Govt. letter dated 17.01.2013 with effect from 01.01.2006.

11. The pension will not be revised to the disadvantage of a pensioner. Such cases and other doubtful cases will be referred to this office by making a reference to the following officer with the details of PPO No., Name of officer, personal No., PDA details alongwith A/c No. and address of correspondence.
Sri R.B. Sharma, Sr. A.O.(P)
Office of the PCDA (Pension)
G-1/M/ Section, Draupadi Ghat

12. The PDAs will prepare due โ€“ drawn statement and the amount of pension already paid is to be adjusted in full before making any payment of arrear. Any overpayment coming to the notice of PDAโ€™s or under recovery may be recovered from arrear due.

13. All other subsidiary payment instructions will be the same as already circulated vide this office circulars quoted under reference.

14. It is also requested that a copy of this circular may please be circulated to all the PDAs under your jurisdiction in order to ensure prompt action for the revision of pension/family pension.

15. This circular has been uploaded on PCDA (P) website www.pcdapension.nic.in for dissemination across the Defence pensioners and PDAs.

No. G-1/M/01/ICOS/NPA/ Vol.-III
Date: 11 .09.2015

(C.B. Yadav)
Asstt. CDA (P)


Rate of revised pension under VCPC w.e.f. 01.01.1996 in respect of pre-96 retired officers of Regular Commission of Army Medical Corps (AMC)/Army Dental Corps(ADC)/ Remount Veterinary Corps (RVC) in receipt of NPA


RANK 2nd Lt./ Lt. Captain Major Lt. Col. (TS) LT.Col. Colonel Brigadier Maj. Gen. Lt. Gen. DGAFMS
10 2969 3599 4364 4364 4862 5506 5506 5506 5516 5811
10.5 3047 3694 4485 4485 5005 5668 5668 5668 5728 6035
11 3125 3788 4607 4607 5148 5830 5830 5830 5940 6258
11.5 3204 3883 4728 4728 5291 5992 5992 5992 6152 6482
12 3282 3978 4849 4849 5434 6154 6154 6154 6364 6705
12.5 3360 4072 4970 4970 5577 6316 6331 6331 6576 6929
13 3438 4167 5091 5091 5720 6478 6512 6512 6788 7152
13.5 3516 4262 5213 5213 5863 6640 6693 6693 7000 7375
14 3594 4357 5334 5334 6006 6802 6874 6874 7213 7599
14.5 3672 4451 5455 5455 6149 6964 7054 7054 7425 7822
15 3750 4546 5576 5576 6292 7125 7235 7235 7637 8046
15.5 3829 4641 5697 5708 6435 7287 7416 7416 7849 8269
16 3907 4735 5819 5847 6578 7449 7597 7597 8061 8493
16.5 3985 4830 5940 5986 6721 7611 7778 7778 8273 8716
17 4063 4925 6061 6125 6864 7773 7959 7959 8485 8940
17.5 4141 5019 6182 6265 7007 7935 8140 8140 8697 9163
18 4219 5114 6304 6404 7150 8097 8321 8321 8910 9387
18.5 4297 5209 6425 6543 7293 8259 8501 8501 9122 9610
19 4375 5304 6546 6682 7436 8421 8682 8682 9334 9834
19.5 4454 5398 6667 6822 7579 8583 8863 8863 9546 10057
20 4532 5493 6788 6961 7722 8745 9044 9044 9758 10281
20.5 4610 5588 6910 7100 7865 8907 9225 9225 9970 10504
21 4688 5682 7031 7239 8008 9069 9406 9406 10182 10728
21.5 4766 5777 7152 7378 8151 9231 9587 9587 10394 10951
22 4844 5872 7273 7518 8294 9393 9768 9768 10607 11175
22.5 4922 5966 7394 7657 8437 9554 9948 9948 10819 11398
23 5000 6061 7516 7796 8580 9716 10129 10129 11031 11622
23.5 5079 6156 7637 7935 8723 9878 10310 10310 11243 11845
24 5157 6250 7758 8074 8866 10040 10491 10491 11455 12069
24.5 5157 6250 7879 8214 9009 10202 10672 10672 11667 12292
25 5157 6250 8000 8353 9152 10364 10853 10853 11879 12516
25.5 5157 6250 8000 8492 9295 10526 11034 11034 12091 12739
26 5157 6250 8000 8631 9438 10688 11215 11215 12304 12963
26.5 5157 6250 8000 8770 9438 10688 11395 11395 12516 13186
27 5157 6250 8000 8910 9438 10688 11576 11576 12728 13410
27.5 5157 6250 8000 9049 9438 10688 11757 11757 12940 13633
28 5157 6250 8000 9188 9438 10688 11938 11938 13152 13857
28.5 5157 6250 8000 9188 9438 10688 11938 11938 13364 14080
29 5157 6250 8000 9188 9438 10688 11938 11938 13576 14304
29.5 5157 6250 8000 9188 9438 10688 11938 11938 13788 14527
& above
5157 6250 8000 9188 9438 10688 11938 11938 14000 14750


RANK 2nd Lt./ Lt. Captain Major Lt. Col. (TS) LT.Col. Colonel Brigadier Maj. Gen. Lt. Gen. DGAFMS
Q.S. 3095 3750 4800 5513 5663 6413 7163 7163 8400 8850

1.While the Qualifying Service indicated in Table-1 above is the actual
qualifying service,the amount of pension indicated against qualifying service is inclusive of the rank weightage as admissible in terms of Para 5(b)(I)of this
Minisrty letter No.1(6)/98/D(Pen/Sers) dated 03.02.1998

2.In order to remove the anomaly in pension of a senior rank with same qualifying service of a lower rank,arising as a result of the difference in weightage allowable to different ranks, the pension of senior rank has been stepped up to the level of their junior rank officer.

3.Revised minimum guaranteed pension in respect of Non Technical Officer of Army Medical Corp shall not be revised as per this Annexure.

4. Rate of pension in above Table have been shown for qualifying service of 10 years and above as Armed Forces Personnel are
entitled for invalid pension after 10 years of qualifying service. In order to cover all conceivable
situations, revised pension with as low as 10 years of qualifying service has been shown in this Table even for such senior ranks as Lt. Gen/Maj. Gen./Brig, even though such cases may not occur in reality.



Rate of revised pension under VICPC w.e.f. 01.01.2006 in respect of Pre-2006 retired officers of Regular Commission of Army Medical Corps (AMC)/Army Dental Corps(ADC)/ Remount Veterinary Corps (RVC) in receipt of NPA


RANK 2nd Lt./ Lt. Captain Major Lt. Col. (TS) LT.Col. Colonel (TS) Colonel Brigadier Maj. Gen. Lt.Gen. DGAFMS
10 10551 11296 12839 15344 17390 18424 18436 18436 18436 18436 18436
10.5 10829 11594 13196 15856 17902 18965 18979 18979 18979 18979 18979
11 11107 11891 13552 16367 18413 19507 19521 19521 19521 19521 19521
11.5 11384 12188 13909 16879 18925 20049 20063 20063 20063 20063 20063
12 11662 12485 14266 17390 19436 20591 20605 20605 20605 20605 20605
12.5 11940 12783 14622 17902 19948 21133 21148 21148 21148 21148 21148
13 12217 13080 14979 18413 20459 21675 21690 21690 21690 21690 21690
13.5 12495 13377 15336 18925 20970 22217 22232 22232 22232 22232 22232
14 12772 13674 15692 19436 21482 22758 22774 22774 22774 22774 22774
14.5 13050 13972 16049 19948 21993 23300 23317 23317 23317 23317 23317
15 13328 14269 16405 20459 22505 23842 23859 23859 23859 23859 23859
15.5 13605 14566 16762 20970 23016 24384 24401 24401 24401 24401 24401
16 13883 14863 17119 21482 23528 24926 24943 24943 24943 24943 24943
16.5 14161 15161 17475 21993 24039 25468 25486 25486 25486 25486 25486
17 14438 15458 17832 22505 24551 26010 26028 26028 26028 26028 26028
17.5 14716 15755 18189 23016 25062 26551 26570 26570 26570 26570 26570
18 14994 16052 18545 23528 25574 27093 27112 27112 27112 27112 27112
18.5 15271 16350 18902 24039 26085 27635 27654 27654 27654 27690 27690
19 15549 16647 19258 24551 26597 28177 28197 28197 28197 28334 28334
19.5 15827 16944 19615 25062 27108 28719 28739 28739 28739 28978 28978
20 16104 17241 19972 25574 27619 29261 29281 29281 29281 29622 29622
20.5 16382 17539 20328 26085 28131 29803 29823 29823 29823 30266 30266
21 16660 17836 20685 26597 28642 30344 30366 30366 30366 30910 30910
21.5 16937 18133 21042 27108 29154 30886 30908 30908 30908 31554 31554
22 17215 18430 21398 27619 29665 31428 31450 31450 31450 32197 32197
22.5 17493 18728 21755 28131 30177 31970 31992 31992 31992 32841 32841
23 17770 19025 22111 28642 30688 32512 32535 32535 32535 33485 33485
23.5 18048 19322 22468 29154 31200 33054 33077 33077 33077 34129 34129
24 18325 19619 22825 29665 31711 33596 33619 33619 33619 34773 34773
24.5 18325 19619 23181 30177 32223 34137 34161 34161 34161 35417 35417
25 18325 19619 23538 30688 32734 34679 34704 34704 34704 36061 36061
25.5 18325 19619 23538 31200 33246 35221 35246 35246 35246 36705 36705
26 18325 19619 23538 31711 33757 35763 35788 35788 35788 37349 37349
26.5 18325 19619 23538 32223 33757 35763 35788 35891 35891 37993 37993
27 18325 19619 23538 32734 33757 35763 35788 36461 36461 38637 38637
27.5 18325 19619 23538 33246 33757 35763 35788 37031 37031 39281 39281
28 18325 19619 23538 33757 33757 35763 35788 37600 37600 39925 39925
28.5 18325 19619 23538 33757 33757 35763 35788 37600 37600 40569 40569
29 18325 19619 23538 33757 33757 35763 35788 37600 37879 41213 41213
29.5 18325 19619 23538 33757 33757 35763 35788 37600 38471 41857 41857

& above
18325 19619 23538 33757 33757 35763 35788 37600 39063 42500 42500


RANK 2nd Lt./ Lt. Captain Major Lt. Col. (TS) LT.Col. Colonel (TS) Colonel Brigadier Maj. Gen. Lt.Gen. DGAFMS
AMOUNT 10995 11772 14123 20255 20255 21458 21473 22560 23438 25500 25500


1.While the Qualifying Service indicated in Table-1 above is the actual qualifying service,
the amount of pension indicated against qualifying service is inclusive of the rank weightage as admissible in terms of Para 5(b)(I)of this Minisrty letter
No.1(6)/98/D(Pen/Ser) dated 03.02.1998

2.In order to remove the anomaly in pension of a senior rank with same qualifying service of a lower rank, arising as a result of the difference in weightage allowable to different ranks, the pension of senior rank has been stepped up to the level of their junior rank

3.Revised minimum guaranteed pension in respect of Non Technical Officer of Army Medical Corp shall not be revised as per this Annexure.

4. Rate of pension in above Table have been shown for qualifying service of 10 years and above as Armed Forces Personnel are entiled for invalid pension after 10 years of qualifying service. In order to cover all conceivable situatioins, revised pension with as low as 10 years of qualifying service has been shown in this Table even for such senior ranks as Lt. Gen/Maj. Gen./Brig, even though such cases may not occur in reality
indicated is inclusive of the rank weightage


For revised pension under VICPC w.e.f. 01.01.2006 in respect of EC/SSC officers of Army Medical Corps (AMC)/Army Dental Corps(ADC)/ Remount Veterinary Corps (RVC) retired on or after 01.01.1996 but before 01.01.2006


RANK 2nd Lt./ Lt. Captain Major
10 8330 8918 10699
10.5 8608 9215 11056
11 8885 9513 11413
11.5 9163 9810 11769
12 9441 10107 12126
12.5 9718 10404 12483
13 9996 10702 12839
13.5 10274 10999 13196
14 10551 11296 13552
14.5 10829 11593 13909
15 11107 11891 14266
15.5 11384 12188 14622
16 11662 12485 14979
16.5 11940 12782 15336
17 12217 13080 15692
17.5 12495 13377 16049
18 12772 13674 16405
18.5 13050 13971 16762
19 13328 14269 17119
19.5 13605 14566 17475
20 16104 17241 19972
20.5 16382 17538 20328
21 16660 17836 20685
21.5 16937 18133 21042
22 17215 18430 21398
22.5 17493 18727 21755
23 17770 19025 22111
23.5 18048 19322 22468
24 18325 19619 22825
24.5 18325 19619 23181
25 18325 19619 23538
25.5 18325 19619 23538
26 18325 19619 23538
26.5 18325 19619 23538
27 18325 19619 23538
27.5 18325 19619 23538
28 18325 19619 23538
28.5 18325 19619 23538
29 18325 19619 23538
29.5 18325 19619 23538
30& above 18325 19619 23538



2nd Lt./ Lt. Captain Major

AMOUNT 10995 11772 14123


1.While the Qualifying Service indicated in Table-1 above is the actual qualifying service,the amount of pension indicated is inclusive of the rank weightage as admissible in terms of Para 5(b)(I)of this Minisrty letter No.1(6)/98/D(Pen/Ser) dated 03.02.1998 read with MOD letter No.PC/B/39028/AG/PS-4(A& C)/863/B/D(Pen/Sers) 28.11.2000.
2.In order to remove the anomaly in pension of a senior rank with same qualifying service of a lower rank,arises as a result of the difference in weightage allowable to different ranks,the pension of senior rank have been stepped up to the level of their junior rank offier.
Appendix : Ministry of Defence letter NO. 1(04)/2015(I)-D(Pen/Pol) date 03.09.2015
Appendix :  Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence letter NO. 1(7)/2014-D(Pen/Pol) date 31.07.2015

Source: http://pcdapension.nic.in/6cpc/Circular-24.pdf