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Corrigendum: Steps for conducting inquiry in case of allegation of Sexual Harassment

Corrigendum: Steps for conducting inquiry in case of allegation of Sexual Harassment.

F. No. 11013/2/2014-Estt.A-III
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi โ€“ 110001
Dated July 30th, 2015

Subject: Steps for conducting inquiry in case of allegation of Sexual Harassment.

The undersigned is directed to say that a step guide for conduct of inquiry in complaint cases of sexual harassment was prepared by this Department and the same was circulated vide OM. of even no. dated 16.07.2015 [Click here to view].

2. In the step guide the definition ofโ€˜workplaceโ€™ is based on section 2(o) of the Sexual Harassment of Women (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. However, in para 4 โ€˜a dwelling place or a house was inadvertantly omitted. Therefore, in the step guide under the heading โ€˜workplaceโ€™ the following may be added in para 4 after (iv):
(v) a dwelling place or a houseโ€™.

(M. P. Rama Rao)
Under Secretary to the Government oflndia

Source: www.persmin.nic.in

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