
Fixation of stipend for Apprentice JEs selected through LDCE during their training period

 Fixation of stipend for Apprentice JEs selected through LDCE during their training period: –

Temporary railway servants on appointment as apprentices in any category may be granted pay equivalent to the rate of stipend drawn by the Apprentices in their category

Railway Board

S.No.PC-VI/ 351

RBE No.73/2015

N o.PC-V/2008/PS/1(Stipend)

New Delhi, dated 30.06.2015

The General Managers
All Zonal Railways & PUs(As per mailing list)

Sub: – Fixation of stipend for Apprentice JEs selected through LDCE during their training period.

Ref: PNM/AIRF item No.11/ 2013.
All Indian Railwaymen’s Federation have raised the issue regarding fixation of stipend for Apprentice JEs selected through LDCE during their training period. The issue was discussed in PNM meeting and it has been decided to-reiterate the existing relevant provisions of IREM. In this context, attention is invited to para-1905 (2) of IREM Vol.H (Revised Edition-1990) which stipulates as under:-
“………..Permanent Railway servants on appointment as apprentices in any category may begranted pay equivalent to the rate of stipend laid down for that particular category of Apprentices or their substantive pay as admissible to them from time to time whichever is higher. Temporary railway servants on appointment as apprentices in any category may be granted pay equivalent to the rate of stipend drawn by the Apprentices in their category”.
2. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
3. Hindi version is enclosed.

Dy.Director, Pay Commission-V
Railway Board

Source: AIRF

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