All India General Strike on 02.09.2015
ESTD 1959 (Recognised by Govt. of India)
Date: 01.06.2015
All Affiliated Unions of INDWF
Dear Colleagues,
We are herewith enclosing the copy of the Joint declaration of the Central Trade Unions (CTUS) which met on 26.05.2015 at Delhi. In the Joint Declaration, the Central Trade Unions in the National Convention of workers expressed deep concerns over anti-worker, anti-people and pro-corporate actions of the present Government at the centre in pursuance of the policy of globalisation.
Governments aim in aggressively pushing through sweeping changes in Labour-laws is nothing but to push out overwhelming majority workers out of the coverage of all Labour laws and to drastically curb the trade union rights.
Various state Governments with the support of the present Government at centre have brought about drastic anti-workers changes in basic labour laws viz Industrial Dispute Act, Contract Labour (Regulation &Abolition) Act, Factories Act and Apprenticeship Act, Trade Union etc. Introducing โHire & Fireโ throwing more than 71% of Factories out of coverage of Factories Act and making all contractors employing upto 50 workers free from any obligation towards workers.
Further, the Government aggressively pushing through almost unlimited FDI in strategic sectors like Railways, Defence and financial sector. Also through sweeping changes in the existing land acquisition Act, farmersโ right to land and agri workers, Right to livelihood are been sought to be drastically curbed and curtailed.
The convention calls upon all the Trade Unions, Federations across the sectors to widen and consolidate the unity at the grass root level and prepare for country wide united movement to halt and resist the brazen anti-worker and anti-people policies of the Government and in preparation to the same undertakes unanimously the following programme:
1) Joint Convention and campaigns during June-July in state district and industry level wherever possible and taking initiative to involve common people in support of workers struggle.
2) All India General Strike on 2nd September, 2015.
As per the National Convention resolution and Joint declaration, our affiliated unions by joining with other unions including AIDEF & BPMS and local Unions, Associations, conduct the programme successfully including Strike,
The Joint declaration of the Central Trade Unions (including INTUC) is enclosed (English & Hindi) for your information.
Yours Sincerely,
General Secretary
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