
Salient features of the 10th Bipartite Settlement: Bank Wage Revision



Salient features of the 10th Bipartite Settlement

Pay Scales (Merger at 4440 Points)
Clerks 11765 โ€“ 655/3 โ€“ 13730 โ€“ 815/3 โ€“ 16175 โ€“ 980/4 โ€“ 20095 โ€“ 1145/7 โ€“ 28110 โ€“ 2120/1 โ€“ 30230 โ€“ 1310/1 โ€“ 31540
Sub-staff 9560 โ€“ 325/4 โ€“ 10860 โ€“ 410/5 โ€“ 12910 โ€“ 490/4 โ€“ 14870 โ€“ 570/3 โ€“ 16580 โ€“ 655/3 โ€“ 18545

Stagnation Increments โ€“ Eight

Clk : 5 โ€“ once in 3 yrs. โ€“ 3 once in 2 yrs.
SS : 8 โ€“ once in 2 yrs.


Special Pay โ€“ Clerks
Single Window Operator 820
Head Cashier II 1280
Special Assistant 1930
Special Pay โ€“ Substaff
Bill Collector/Armed Guard 390
Daftary 560
Head Peon 740
Electrician/AC Plant Helper 2040
Driver 2370
No change in Duties

D.A. Rates (%) per slab

0.10% per slab over 4440 points


Quarterly D.A. slabs and % from 1.11.2012 to 31.7.2015
Quarter Avg. Index Slabs D.A. %
9th BP 10th BP 9th BP 10th BP
Nov-12 4876 510 109 76.50% 10.90%
Feb-13 4976 535 134 80.25% 13.40%
May-13 5080 561 160 84.15% 16.00%
Aug-13 5208 593 192 88.95% 19.20%
Nov-13 5400 641 240 96.15% 24.00%
Feb-14 5500 666 265 99.90% 26.50%
May-14 5436 650 249 97.50% 24.90%
Aug-14 5568 683 282 102.45% 28.20%
Nov-14 5764 732 331 109.80% 33.10%
Feb-15 5772 734 333 110.10% 33.30%
May-15 5788 738 337 110.70% 33.70%

House Rent Allowance

45 lacs
& Abv.
Below 12 lacs
4th Area
% % %
Clerks 10.00 9.00 7.50
Sub-staff 10.00 9.00 7.50
Recovery for quarters โ€“ 0.30% of the first stage of the Pay Scale

Fixed Personal Pay

Area Clerical Sub-staff









45 lakhs 1450 1585 730 790
12-45 L 1450 1570 730 790
Below 12 1450 1550 730 780
Increm. 1310 1310 655 655

Transport Allowance

For Clk and SS upto 15th Stage and PTS upto 15 year Service โ€“ Rs.425/- p.m.
For Clk and SS above 15th Stage and PTS above 15 year Service Rs.470/- p.m.

Medical Aid โ€“ Rs.2,200/- p.a.

Washing Allowance โ€“ Rs.150/- p.m.

Cycle Allowance โ€“ Rs.100/- p.m.

Split Duty Allowance โ€“ Rs.150/- p.m.  

Hill &; Fuel โ€“ 8% Max. 1500, 4% Max. 600, 3% Max. 500  

Proj Area Comp Allow. โ€“ Clk โ€“ 250, 200 โ€“ SS โ€“ 200, 175  

Halting Allow. โ€“ Clk โ€“ 700, 600, 450 โ€“ SS โ€“ 500, 400, 250  

Graduation Pay/Professional Qualification Pay

Graduation Pay/PQA-After 1 year 410
Graduation Pay/PQA-After 2 years 800
Graduation Pay/PQA-After 3 years 1210
Graduation Pay/PQA-After 4 years 1620
Graduation Pay/PQA-After 5 years 2010

Special Allowance (New Allowance)

7.75% of Basic Pay. D A is payable on this allowance.


Provident Fund NPS
10% on revised Pay 10% on revised Pay + D A

Leave Fare Concession

Distance for

4 years 2 years
Clerks 4000 Km 2000 Km.
Substaff 5000 Km 2500 Km.
Entitled Class:

Clerks โ€“ AC 2 Tier Class

Sub-staff โ€“ AC 3 Tier Class

100% LFC encashable-No need to take leave

Road Mileage charges Rs.6/- per Km.

Second and Fourth Saturdays will be Full Holidays.

LFC/Hospitalisation โ€“ Dependent income Rs.10,000/-  

Normal Delivery Charges Rs.50,000/-

Paternity Leave โ€“ 15 days twice in service.

Spl. Leave for hysterectamy โ€“ 60 days

For Part time empl Actual Service to be reckoned for Pension.

New Cashless Medical Scheme: All employees/retires will be covered by a New Scheme which provides for full reimbursement of Hospitalisation Expenses.

Source: http://www.bankunionaibea.in for further details or clarifications.

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