HomeOne Rank One Pension

One Rank One Pension: A Mail to the PM by Lt Gen. SK Bahri (Retd)

A Mail on OROP to the PM by Lt Gen. SK Bahri (Retd)

Here is an Email addressed to the Hon’ble PM from Lt Gen SK Bahri, Chairman, Alliance of Ex-Servicemen Organisations.

Dear Mr Prime Minister,

The ESM community is a very disillusioned lot. Reason being that you announced at the Rewari Rally in Sep 13 that you will meet the long outstanding demand for One Rank One Pension of soldiers soon after BJP comes to power. I WAS THERE when you said so.
It is going to be one year since you became the PM and we are only hearing about new dates every few weeks.

The expectations started from 1 Mar to 20 Mar, 1 Apr, 1 May, 26 May and now mid Jun.
Periodic assurances are being given by the RM, COAS and of course yourself.
The soldiers have now resigned to a future which is not dissimilar from what we had come to associate with your predecessors.
A sad situation when they had such high hopes from you.
We are aware that you are dealing with an intransigent bureaucracy, but with your and the RM’;s experience of dealing with it in your earlier avatars, we expected a much better handling of this animal from you both.
There are murmurings that the FM is the culprit, as he had mentioned to some of us who met him soon after your government had been formed, that politicians are in the habit of making tall promises when faced by their constituents, which they may not be able to keep later.
May I remind you Sir, that you have made a promise to a soldier and so you are duty bound to keep it ie., if you expect him to keep his promise to the nation when he takes his oath on joining service. I hope we do not have to remind you again.
Lt Gen SK Bahri PVSM (Retd)

Read at: http://indiamydreamland.blogspot.in

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  • Veteran Major P M Ravindran 10 years ago

    '…we expected a much better handling of this animal from you both'!

    Gen Bahri, please do not insult animals by referring to thugs, scoundrels and traitors as animals, even with the qualifier 'intransigent'! Here are some relevant quotes:

    Every time I deal with Indian officials I become so depressed that I almost need therapy.-India’s bureaucratic albatross Tavleen Singh, http://www.indianexpress.com/story-print/582409/ Posted online: Sunday , Feb 21, 2010

    A report by the Political and Economic Risk Consultancy based in Hong Kong blames India’s ‘suffocating bureaucracy’ for us falling behind countries like Vietnam, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Myanmar in providing our people with minimal standards of healthcare, sanitation and education.

    "They have no moral fibre; from the Chief Secretary down to the Patwari in the village, no one is impartial,"-T. N. Seshan at Institute of Management Technology (IMT) at Ghaziabad, wed 6 Mar 13

    irresponsible officials responsible for impeding progress of state- E Sreedharan- 28 jun 2014

    “When you know that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing, when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods but in favours, when you see that men get rich more easily by graft rather than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them but protect them against you, you know that your society is doomed."-Ayn Rand

    And I can continue… But let me conclude by adding my own, based on my interventions using the Right to Information Act, 'all public servants are idiots or traitors unless proved otherwise'!

  • ex sgt ss kawitkar 9850226206 10 years ago

    honorable prime minister,
    soldier believe in system not on promises.e.g when soldier is asked to jump in water by commander ,he jump.because he know that he will be saved. we believe u n your Governing system. don't betray soldier ..time may reach that u give but u loss the confidence of soldiers. hoping that good mind will prevail.