
Second Meeting for Drafting Labour Code on Wages Held

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
14-April-2015 10:18 IST

Second Meeting for Drafting Labour Code on Wages Held

The second Tripartite Consultation Meeting on the draft Labour Code on Wages was organized here today by the Ministry of Labour & Employment.Shri Bandaru Dattatreya,the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Labour & Employment presided over the Meeting. The meeting was attended by the representatives from Central Trade Unions, Employersโ€™ Associations, Labour Department of State Governments and Central Ministries/Departments. Ministry of Labour & Employment has proposed to come out with a Labour Code on Wages by amalgamating the relevant provisions of the Minimum Wages Act 1948, The Payment of Wages Act 1936, The Payment of Bonus Act 1965, and The Equal Remuneration Act 1976. The Minister briefed the participants about the proposed Labour Code on Wages and invited suggestions from participants on this important initiative of the Government. Representatives of the Central Trade Unions, Employersโ€™ Associations and State Governments provided their valuable suggestions for incorporation in the Labour Code.

At the conclusionof the Meeting the Minister thanked the participants for their valuable inputs and assured that their views will be considered while finalizing the draft Labour Code on Wages.

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