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Increasing Strength of the Armed Forces

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
28-April-2015 14:26 IST

Increasing Strength of the Armed Forces

Strength of the armed forces is decided with due regard to the threats in the regions and the prevailing technological environment and is reviewed from time to time.

Taking into account the security environment and technology, periodic reviews are carried out and the modernization of the armed forces is executed in consonance with the roadmap laid down in the Long Term Perspective Plan (LTPP) which specified the capabilities that the armed forces need to acquire over a 15 year period.
Indian Navy continuously monitors areas of national interest and undertakes regular evaluation of the maritime security environment in the Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. Various steps instituted in this regard include surveillance of our Coasts through deployment of Naval and Coast Guard assets, EEZ surveillance of the small island states of Indian Ocean Region, coordinated patrols along international maritime boundary and periodic deployment of Naval units to foreign shores.
This information was given by Defence MinisterShri Manohar Parrikar in a written reply to Dr. V Maitreyanin Rajya Sabha today.

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  • Prem Babu 10 years ago

    The way Politicians are playing with Veteran Ex-Servicemen in implementing OROP, who will join Defence Services? improve the living standard of IEM to boost the morale of commom man First improve the living standard of IEM, who will join Armed forces after seeing the sufferings of IEM, Civil services are far far better than Armed force life, untill iunless the living standard of IEM and Salaries of serving men are improved people will not think of joining Armed Forces.