Railway Board Order: Extending the validity of full/half sets of Privilege Passes, Post Retirement Complimentary Passes, Widow Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders (PTOs)
No. E(W)2007 PS 5-1/9
New Delhi, dated 31-03-2015
The General Managers (P)
All Indian Railways & Production Units
Sub: Extending the validity of full/half sets of Privilege Passes, Post Retirement Complimentary Passes, Widow Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders (PTOs).
Ref: Railway Boardโs letter of even number dated 26.03.2012.
Standing instructions were issued vide Boardโs letter cited under reference that the validity period of full/half sets of Privilege/Post Retirement/Complimentary/ Widow Passes and PTOs shall be one month more than the Advance Reservation Period (ARP), in general, from the date of issue. It further stipulated that if advance reservation period is reduced in future, the validity of Passes/PTOs will not be less than four months period. Advance Correction Slip No.73 to the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (2nd Edition, 1993) was also issued. Based on the advance reservation period of 20 days which then came into effect in terms of Boardโs Commercial Circular No.12 of 2012, the validity period of Passes/PTOs was advised to be increased to 5 months from 4 months. It was also stated therein that enhancing the validity period of passes and PTOs was to facilitate securing confirmed reservations on such Passes and PTOs.
2. While the ARP was reduced in 2013, the Railways have reduced the validity of Passes/PTOs to 4 months, in pursuance of above standing instructions. However, consequent to revision of ARP from 60 days to 120 days in terms of Boardโs Commercial Circular No.11 of 2015 dated 27.02.2015, clarifications are being sought by some Railways on the date from which the validity of Passes/PTOs are to be increased to 5 months and also regarding the period of validity of year ending Passes/PTOs of calendar year 2014.
3. It is clarified that keeping the spirit of the instructions contained in Boardโs letter cited under reference, Passes/PTOs should be issued one month before the ARP comes into effect so that confirmed reservation on such Passes/PTOs is facilitated. The Railways/PUs should, therefore, issue Passes/PTOs with revised validity period, as soon as effective date of ARP is advised by Traffic Commercial Dte. of Railway Board.
4. Regarding the validity period of year-ending Passes/PTOs, it is clarified that the same shall be as per the validity period admissible on 31st December of respective calendar year since year-ending Passes/PTOs are deemed to have been issued latest by that day. Accordingly, for the calendar year 2014, the validity period of Passes/PTOs shall be 4 months from 31.12.2014.
(Debasis Mazumdar)
Director Estt.(Welfare)
Railway Board
Source: http://www.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/uploads/directorate/establishment/validity_Privilege_Pass_PTO.pdf
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