Minutes of the 46th Steering Committee Meeting of III level JCM Council of the CGDA HQrs. held on 18.02.2015:-
Subject:- Minutes of the 46th Steering Committee Meeting of III level JCM Council of the CGDA HQrs. held on 18.02.2015 at 11:00 am in Conference Hall, office of the CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.
Shri A.N. Das, Jt. CGDA (Admin) in Chair.
Official side:
Shri Sangeet, Dy.CGDA(Admin)
Shri Ambarish Barman, Sr. ACGDA(Admin)
Shri R. Renganathan, Sr. AO (Admin)
Shri Manoj Kumar, Sr.AO (Admin)
Smt. N. Rajeswari, AO(Admin)
Shri S. J. Bajaj, AO(Admin)
Shri A.K. Jha, AAO(Admin)
Staff side:
Shri S.N. Safai
Shri L.C.Dangi
AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata
Shri S. K. Deb Roy
Shri K.K. Choudhary
Agenda Point | Subject in brief | Comments / Further direction |
1 | Construction of more DAD Guest Houses at popular stations e.g. Simla, Srinagar, Darjeeling, Mount Abu, Udaipur , Bangalore city etc. minimum 50% of rooms should be allotted to group B85 C staff. Booking of these guest houses to be made online and payment/ cancellation should also be made online. | The chairman informed the staff side that on line booking of guest house is being developed in consultation with NIC.
(Action: EDP Cell)
2 | Construction of Residential accommodation to DAD staff working in stations like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, Secunderabad, Chennai as well as in hard and tenure stations. | The chairman informed the staff side that department is having quarters at 56 stations. Based on demand additional quarters are also constructed in the places of consideration. Chairman advised to take up the matter with DGMAP for earmarking certain number of quarter for DAD.
3 | Financial power to PCsDA/CsDA for civil work upto 10,00000/- (rupees ten lakhs only) in a year for getting work done from private / MES registered contractors. | The chairman informed that proposal is being initiated for obtaining approval for execution of works by other Govt. agencies also.
(Action: AN-XII Section)
4 | Deficient stations/DAD offices in each category โ Accounts Officerโs /AAOโs/Non gazette group โBโ and โCโ staff along with information like peace /Hard / tenure station period of tenure, availability of DAD accommodation to be loaded on CGDA website. |
The chairman informed that instructions will be issued to Estate officers to upload the/ information of DAD accommodation on their website.
(Action: AN-XII Section)
5 | Staff should be invariably relieved by all PCsDA/CsDA within two months transfer order issued by CGDA. | The chairman advised that after necessary instructions may be issued to concerned Controllers.
6 | Power to be delegated to PCsDA/CsDA/S for sanction of medical claims upto Rs. 500000/- | The chairman directed that a proposal for enhancing the delegated financial powers may be initiated.
(Action: AN-XIV Section)
Auditor post should be merged in Sr. Auditor post. Senior Auditor promotional post was created in our department w.e.f. 01.04.1987 keeping in View that audit job is more Honorius job that accounting job. atio of accounts and audit work was decoded in our department- 20% accounting and 80% audit and 80% senior in Auditor grade were promoted as Sr. Auditor on 01.01.1987 and in the same manner and the same ratio, auditors are promoted to Sr.Auditor till now. At present with upgraded IT system the work of accounting is totally vanished in our department and due to same reason drastic reduction of auditor grade staff in our department took place in last several years. At present all auditor staff are deployed in audit work. As such auditor category to be merged in Sr. Auditors category. |
The chairman has directed to ascertain the recruitment policy in respect of Auditors in other Departments. It was also advised that staff side to present an approach paper in this regard.
(Action: AN-VIII Section)
8 | Re-categorization of DEOโs in Auditor grade. After introduction of IT in Defence Accounts Department need of centralized EDP Section become necessary and data entry work was treated as specialized work and DEOโs were recruited in DAD . Now after advancement in modern information technology this centralized EDP Centre become outdated and now got no relevance and computer operation knowledge and data entry in no way specialized job. So in coming days no specialized job of data entry as mentioned in R/ R 7 C 85 D category will be having any relevance. As such DEO to be re- categorized in Auditor category in DAD. At present also most of the DEOโs are deployed on the job of Sr. Auditor in DAD. |
The staff side represented that Re-categorization of DEOs in Auditor grade is being done in other Departments. The chairman has directed to ascertain the position and examine the proposal.
(Action: AN-VIII Section)
9 | Shortage of staff: Due to heavy shortage of staff in auditor category in all over India, smooth functioning of offices are badly affected. More and more dossiers either are not joining or leaving the department after joining. the situation is more worst month over month due to retirement of staff . It is reliably understood that some students appeared for staff selection commission examination of 2013 batch have filed the case in Court due to which department is not getting any dossiers since resent passed. In View of this it is demanded that local recruitment should be done in all the DAD offices in all over India after obtaining NAC from respective Zonal staff selection Commission. |
It was informed that the dossiers are likely to be received shortly.
10 | Graduate MTS to be allowed to appear Departmental examination for grade of Auditor after completion of 2 years of service and they also should be allowed to appear SAS examination. |
The chairman advised to examine the matter as per provisions in CAG & CGA organization.
(Action: AN-XI Section)
11 | Non Graduate MTS having minimum qualification of 12th standard should be allowed to Departmental clerk examination after completion of two years of service. |
The chairman asked to examine the proposal with other organization like CAG & CGA.
(Action: AN-XI Section)
12 | Clerks who have passed departmental examination and promoted as auditor, the relevant seniority for next promotion should be taken from the date of passing the examination and not for the actual date of promotion. |
The chairman directed to provide the latest order on Seniority dated 04.03.2014.
13 | Workshop on JCM- All regional training Centre should be directed to hold workshop on JCM / Association matters inviting association office bearer and administrative staff officers dealing with JCM. |
The chairman directed to examine the feasibility of conducting a JCM workshop at CENTRAD. The workshop will have the guest faculty dealing with JCM matters at JCM I & II level.
(Action: AN-VI Section)
14(b) | Individual staff members should be allowed to send advanced copy of their application to the CGDA by post / email. |
It was informed that the individual staff member can send advance copy of representation. However, if the original copy of representation along with CDAโs comments is not received within the stipulated time, further action will be initiated on the individualโs representation. (Dropped) |
15 | Combined Seniority list in a particular grade in respect of Group โCโ & โBโ official-publishing of. |
The chairman advised to take up the matter with Controllers and furnish seniority list of Auditor.
(Action: AN-XI Section)
16 | Re-consideration of exemption from transfer on emergent medical grounds/ROG members etc. |
Existing Transfer Policy was notified on 28th Marchโ 2014 after due deliberation with Associations on the issue.
17 | Repatriation of staff to home station who have disabled child. |
Provision for consideration of transfer in such case has been made in para 12.2 of Transfer Policy.
18 | Repatriation on completion of tenure. |
Request for transfers are processed as per the guidelines contained in Transfer Policy dated 28.03.2014.
19 | Admissibility of LTC claims to travel Andman by airlines other than Air India as one time measures. |
Discussed and dropped. |
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